Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "M31 - Marketing"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 452.


Amroush, Fadi (2009): استخدام تقنيات الذكاء الصنعي لاختيار أمثل نظام إداة علاقات مع الزبائن ملائم لاحتياجات شركة ما. Published in: Master thesis - Faculity of electrical Engineering - No. Computer enfineering DPT

Amroush, Fadi (2008): استخدام الجولات الافتراضية في التعريف عن الآثار. Published in: SCS Symposium on using Informatics in Tourism and Antiquities

Amroush, Fadi and Alkhoder, A.Baderddeen (2009): بناء نظام تقييمي للبرمجيات باستخدام تقنيات الاستدلال على الحالات السابقة CBR. Published in: Res. J. of Aleppo Univ. Engineering Science Series No. 62 (2009)

Metali, Dr (2016): اتجاهات المستهلكين الجزائريين نحو التسوق عبر الانترنت: دراسة ميدانية. Published in: Journal of Economic and Financial Studies , Vol. Vol 6, No. 2352 - 9822 (December 2016): pp. 81-104.


Bonev, Pavlin (2013): Бизнес моделиране в електронната търговия. Forthcoming in: ел. сп. Наука и Бизнес

Dimitrov, Mitko and Ileva, Radka and Stefanov, Tsanko (2017): Синергия и конкурентоспособност на българските предприятия. Published in: Списание на БАН No. 3 (2017): pp. 5-15.


Starzyczná, Halina (2009): Spotřební družstevnictví a jeho pozice ve vnitřním obchodě ČR po roce 1989.


Abdelmaged, Mohamed Adel Mahmoud (2021): Implementation of Virtual Reality in Healthcare, Entertainment, Tourism, Education, and Retail Sectors.

Abdur Raheem, Syed and Akber, Fahad and Hashmi, Umair (2013): Aspects and Importance of Digital Media in Pakistan.

Abideen, Zain Ul and Salaria, Rashid M. (2009): Effects of television advertising on children: with special reference to pakistani urban children.

Adesina, Toheeb (2025): AI Agents in the Advertising Industry. Published in: Journal of Marketing

Afzal, Sarwat (2009): Marketing Capability, Strategy and Business Performance in Emerging Markets of Pakistan. Published in: IUB Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , Vol. 7, No. 2 (November 2009): pp. 88-102.

Ahmed, Jubayer (2015): You Are What You Consume. Published in: Global Disclosure of Economics and Business , Vol. 4, No. 1 (May 2015): pp. 21-32.

Ahmed, Muhammad Bilal and Wasey, Ejaz and Jhanndir, Saif Ullah (2012): Impact Of Employee Motivation On Customer Satisfaction: Study Of Airline Industry In Pakistan. Published in: Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business , Vol. VOL 4,, No. NO 6 (1 October 2012): pp. 532-539.

Alam Kazmi, Syed Hasnain (2015): Brand the Pricing: Critical Critique. Published in: International Journal of Marketing Studies , Vol. 7, No. 3 (1 June 2015): pp. 125-128.

Alam Kazmi, Syed Hasnain (2015): Developments in Promotion Strategies Review on Psychological Streams of Consumers. Published in: International Journal of Marketing Studies , Vol. 7, No. 3 (31 May 2015): pp. 129-138.

Alam Kazmi, Syed Hasnain and Zaman, Syed Imran and Wahab, Abdul and Yan, Kou (2018): Rise of Digital Media to Triumph Brand Loyalty. Published in: International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC) , Vol. 1, No. 10 (26 August 2018): pp. 297-300.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Fattahi, Hamaid Ali and Golnam, Arash (2008): Virtual marketing in virtual enterprises. Published in: In: 2nd International Marketing Management conference, Tehran, Iran. pp. 1-12. (22 January 2008): pp. 1-12.

Ali, Mazhar and Ahmed, Masood (2018): Determinants of students’ loyalty to university: A service-based approach.

Ali, Mazhar and Amir, Dr.Huma and Shamsi, Dr.Aamir (2021): Consumer Herding Behavior in Online Buying: A Literature Review. Published in: International Review of Management and Business Research , Vol. 10, No. 1 (28 March 2021): pp. 345-360.

Ali, Syed Raza and Ali, Syed Hassan and Yasir, Muhammad and Khan, Muhammed Hamza (2022): Investigating The Effect of Brand’s Social Media Pages On Developing Economy Consumers Purchase Intention.

Almeyda-Ibáñez, Marta and George, Babu P. (2017): The evolution of destination branding: A review of branding literature in tourism. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 3, No. 1 (27 March 2017): pp. 9-17.

Amroush, Fadi and Alkhoder, A.Baderddeen and Yusef, Talal (2008): Moving to E-CRM in Arab world to increase profit, AqsaCRM a case study of Building an Arabic E-CRM. Published in: 1st International Engineering Sciences Conference IESC’08 No. 1 (2 November 2008)

Amroush, Fadi and Baderddeen, Alkhoder and Yusef, Talal (2008): Using Artificial intelligence to select the optimal E-CRM Based business needs. Published in: International Engineering Sciences Conference IESC’08 No. 1st (2 November 0002)

Anderson, Edward and Coltman, Tim and Devinney, Timothy M. and Keating, Byron W. (2010): What Drives the Choice of Third Party Logistics Provider? Published in: Journal of Supply Chain Management , Vol. 47, No. 2 (2011): pp. 97-115.

Andrei, Andreia Gabriela and Adriana, Zait (2014): Branding insights: an interdisciplinary journey from perception to action. Published in: Strategica. International Academic Conference, Management, Finance, and Ethics. 2-3 October 2014, Bucharest: Tritonic : pp. 593-604.

Andrei, Andreia Gabriela and Iosub, Daniela and Iacob, Amalasunta (2010): Motivations for Using Social Networking Sites: The Case of Romania. Published in: Revista Economică , Vol. 1, No. 5(52) (2010): pp. 17-22.

Antipov, Evgeny and Pokryshevskaya, Elena (2010): Accounting for latent classes in movie box office modeling.

Antipov, Evgeny and Pokryshevskaya, Elena (2009): Applying CHAID for logistic regression diagnostics and classification accuracy improvement.

Antoniadis, Konstantinos and Grougiou, Vasiliki and Zafiropoulos, Kostas and Vrana, Vasiliki and Theocharidis, Anastasios Ioannis (2018): The use of Facebook and Twitter by DMOs in Europe. Published in: TOURMAN 2018 Conference Proceedings, Rhodes: Greece (28 October 2018): pp. 158-166.

Anwar, Rosiwarna and Salehudin, Imam and Mukhlish, Basuki Muhammad and Ririh, Kirana Rukmayuninda (2015): Intention to Adopt and Willingness to Pay: Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) System in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. Published in: ASEAN Marketing Journal , Vol. 9, No. 2 (December 2017): pp. 90-100.

Arif, Imtiaz and Aslam, Wajeeha (2014): Students' dependence on smart phone and its effect on purchase behavior.

Armstrong, Mark and John, Vickers (2023): Multibrand price dispersion.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1970): An Application of Econometric Models to International Marketing. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research No. 7 (1970): pp. 190-198.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1990): Class of Mail Does Affect Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: Evidence from Meta-analysis. Published in: Journal of the Market Research Society No. 32 (1990): pp. 467-471.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1975): Monetary incentives in mail surveys. Published in: Public Opinion Quarterly No. 39 (1975): pp. 111-116.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Brodie, Roderick J. (1999): Forecasting for Marketing. Published in: Quantitative Methods in Marketing : pp. 92-120.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Coviello, Nicole and Safranek, Barbara (1993): Escalation bias: does it extend to marketing? Published in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science No. 21 (1993): pp. 247-253.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Lusk, Edward J. (1987): Return Postage in Mail Surveys: A Meta Analysis. Published in: Public Opinion Quarterly No. 51 (1987): pp. 233-248.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Overton, Terry S. (1977): Estimating Nonresponse Bias in Mail Surveys. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research No. 14 (1977): pp. 396-402.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Yokum, J. Thomas (1994): Effectiveness of Monetary Incentives: Mail Surveys to Members of Multinational Professional Groups. Published in: Industrial Marketing Management , Vol. 23, (1994): pp. 133-136.

Armstrong, Mark (2011): Bundling revisited: substitute products and inter-firm discounts.

Armstrong, Mark (2011): Economic models of consumer protection policies.

Armstrong, Mark (2015): Nonlinear Pricing.

Armstrong, Mark and Chen, Yongmin (2017): Discount Pricing.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2011): Paying for prominence.

Aureli, Selena and Del Baldo, Mara (2019): The changing role of convention bureaus: An analysis of business models currently adopted by privately owned CBS. Published in: Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 1, No. 14 (15 April 2019): pp. 1-24.

Aykut, Arslan (2008): Boosting Total Relationship Marketing. Published in: Electronic Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 25 (July 2008): pp. 139-156.

Azar, Ofer H. (2007): The effect of relative thinking on firm strategy and market outcomes: A location differentiation model with endogenous transportation costs. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Psychology

Azeez, Waheed (2015): Improving Customer Experience in Mental Health Service: A case Study of Ivy Willis House. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 3, No. 5 (July 2015): pp. 53-66.

BOUSSIF, Torkia and ISSAOUI, Fakhri and DALY CHAKER, Najeh (2015): The Effects of the Teenagers (as Web Experts) in the Family Decision Making in Online Purchase Process: an Application to the Booking of Tourist Nights.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Dairy value chain management in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Study on Agrarian Contracts in Bulgaria.

Bailet, Isabelle and Diotallevi, Francesco and Marchini, Andrea (2010): Determinant factors in reputation of wines:analysis of wine production in Central Italy. Published in: Proceedings of Enometrics XVII

Balakrishnan, VN and Mohamad Khan, Jamal Khan (2018): Influential Factors of Competitive Advantage Progression on SME Third-Party Logistics in Selangor Malaysia.

Balboni, Bernardo (2008): Perceived corporate credibility as the emergent property of corporate reputation’s transmission process.

Bandara, KBTUK and Jayasundara, JMSB and Naradda Gamage, Sisira Kumara and Ekanayake, EMS and Rajapackshe, PSK and Abeyrathne, GAKNJ and Prasanna, RPIR (2020): Entrepreneurial Marketing & Performance of Small & Medium Enterprises in Developed and Developing Economies: A Conceptual Exploration.

Barcs, Cristian and Pop, Izabela Luiza and Toader, Cezar and Ighian, Diana (2022): Drop-Shipping – A Business Model Without Holding Inventory: A Case Study of Online Store. Published in: Proceedings of the 39th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) , Vol. 39, (31 May 2022): pp. 2369-2379.

Benchaib, Mohamed (2022): The strategy of developing the domestic tourism sector in Algeria in light of the Corona pandemic. Published in: International journal of economic performance , Vol. 05, No. 01 (4 June 2022): pp. 369-384.

Bercea, Monica Diana (2013): Quantitative versus qualitative in neuromarketing research.

Berman, Ron and Katona, Zsolt (2010): The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search Rankings.

Besana, Angela (2009): Applied arts and design in museums: USA and Milan experience.

Bettiol, M and Di Maria, E and Finotto, Vladi (2012): Marketing in smes: the role of entrepreneurial sensemaking. Published in: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal , Vol. 8, No. 2 : pp. 223-248.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kreutler, Gerold and Friedrich, Gerhard (2004): Product Configuration Systems: State of the Art, Conceptualization and Extensions. Published in: Génie logiciel & Intelligence artificielle. Eight Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MCSEAI 2004) (2004): pp. 25-36.

Bouarar, Ahmed Chemseddine and Mouloudj, kamel (2020): Examining Awareness level of Islamic Finance among Customers of Banks in Algeria - Exploratory Study.

Cai, Jing and Song, Changcheng (2013): Do Hypothetical Experiences Affect Real Financial Decisions? Evidence from Insurance Take-up.

Cambell-Kim, Deborah (2013): Lighthouse's Strategic Dilemmas. Published in: International Journal of Business Knowledge and Innovation in Practice , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 December 2013): pp. 1-7.

Camilleri, Silvio John and Ellul, Denise (2017): Younger Customers' Outlooks when Selecting and Changing a Financial Services Provider: The Case of Maltese Students. Published in: International Journal of Financial Research

Canback, Staffan and D'Agnese, Frank (2007): Where in the world is the market? : The income distribution approach to understanding consumer demand in emerging countries. Published in: Problems and Perspectives in Management , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007): pp. 21-30.

Cannas, Rita (2012): Contributing to sustainable tourism models. The feasibility study of the Craik’s ecovillage in Scotland.

Chami, Maximilian and Kaminyoge, Gabriel (2019): Closed House of Wonders museum: Implications to the tourism of Zanzibar Stone Town, UNESCO World Heritage Site. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 5, No. 1 (15 April 2019): pp. 31-36.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula (2017): Modelling the impact of social media influencers on behavioural intentions of millennials: The case of tourism in rural areas in Greece. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 3, No. 2 (31 December 2017): pp. 25-29.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Christou, Evangelos (2016): Destination branding and visitor brand loyalty: Evidence from mature tourism destinations in Greece. Published in: Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 11, No. 5 (20 December 2016): pp. 102-123.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Christou, Evangelos (2019): Social media in tourism marketing: Travellers’ attitudes and encounters. Published in: TOURMAN 2019 Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki: Greece (27 October 2019): pp. 164-173.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Christou, Evangelos and Simeli, Ioanna (2019): Confidence and loyalty for agrotourism brands: The Lesvos paradigm. Published in: Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 14, No. 1 (15 April 2019): pp. 151-166.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Christou, Evangelos and Simeli, Ioanna (2017): Delegate satisfaction from conference service quality and its impact on future behavioural intentions. Published in: 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues ICCMI, June 21-23, 2017 Thessaloniki, Greece (21 July 2017): pp. 532-544.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Simeli, Ioanna (2017): Perception of service quality in agrotourism accommodations: Impact on guest loyalty and re-visit intentions. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 1, No. 3 (27 March 2017): pp. 33-41.

Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman and Imtiaz, Nasir and Shafiq, Yasir (2013): Empirical Study of Consumer Ethics: A Comparative Study of Two Firms of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Published in: Journal of Business and Management Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 1 (June 2013): pp. 32-35.

Chen, Chien-Hsun (2023): The Emergence of China’s Mergers and Acquisitions Market.

Chenini, Abderrahim and Touaiti, Mustapha (2017): Building Destination Loyalty Using Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Image: A Holistic Conceptual Framework. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 4, No. 2 (15 November 2018): pp. 37-43.

Cherkashin, Alexander and Sakhadzhi, Vladislav and Guliev, Ruslan and Bolshunova, Elena (2024): Practical Methods for Predicting Customer Retention.

Ching, Andrew and Erdem, Tulin and Keane, Michael (2007): The Price Consideration Model of Brand Choice. Forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Econometrics

Ching, Andrew and Hayashi, Fumiko (2008): Payment Card Rewards Programs and Consumer Payment Choice.

Ching, Andrew and Ishihara, Masakazu (2007): The Effects of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions under Quality Uncertainty.

Christou, Evangelos and Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Simeli, Ioanna (2018): Destination branding and visitor loyalty: The case of agrotourism. Published in: TOURMAN 2018 Conference Proceedings, Rhodes: Greece (28 October 2018): pp. 237-245.

Ciochina, Iuliana and Iordache, Carmen and Panoiu, Laura and Decuseara, Razvan (2008): The notion of “SERVICES” in modern economy.

Claus, Bart and Geyskens, Kelly and Millet, Kobe and Dewitte, Siegfried (2012): The referral backfire effect: The identity-threatening nature of referral failure. Published in: International Journal of Research in Marketing , Vol. 29, No. 4 (December 2012): pp. 370-379.

Clipa, Cătălin-Ioan and Danilet, Magdalena and Clipa, Anca-Maria (2017): Country of origin effect and perception of Romanian consumers. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 3, No. 1 (May 2017): pp. 19-29.

Consoli, Domenico and Musso, Fabio (2010): Marketing 2.0: A new marketing strategy. Published in: Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010): pp. 315-325.

Corniglion, Sébastien and Turnois, Nadine (2011): Simulating tourists' behaviour using multi-agent modelling. Published in: Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2011 Fifth International Conference on (19 May 2011): pp. 1-9.

Cruceru, Gheorghe and Micuda, Dan (2011): Consumer’s perceptions regarding Dacia cars prices, insights and lessons to be learned. Forthcoming in:

Cruceru, Gheorghe and Micuda, Dan (2010): Correlating car sales and credit availability on the Romanian market. Published in:

Cruceru, Gheorghe and Micuda, Dan (2011): Present challenges and future opportunities for Dacia cars on the Romanian automobile market. Forthcoming in:

Dabija, Dan-Cristian and Alt, Monika Anetta (2012): The economic crisis, an opportunity for retailers in Romania. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 337-355.

Dam, Duy Duc and Huynh, Cong Minh (2022): Factors Influencing Consumers’ Purchase Intention toward Accommodation via Lodging Websites: Evidence from Binh Duong Province of Vietnam.

Dang, Son-Hoang and Nguyen, Luan-Thanh (2023): What drives customer loyalty in social commerce sector? PLS-SEM approach. Forthcoming in: The 5th International Conference on Business (ICB) 2023 (January 2024)

Daskalopoulou, Irene F. (2019): Culture and authenticity: regulating shadow economy to foster market growth.

Davcik, Nebojsa (2008): The brand equity: evidence on marketing investment.

Del Chiappa, Giacomo and Balboni, Bernardo (2019): Travellers’ choice of information sources and information channels for domestic trips. Published in: Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 1, No. 14 (15 April 2019): pp. 37-54.

Deribe, Yared and Kassa, Etaferahu (2020): Value Creation and Sorghum-Based Products: What Synergetic Actions are Needed? Published in: Cogent Food & Agriculture , Vol. 1, No. 6 (2 February 2020): pp. 1-16.

Dimitiradis, Efstathios D. and Kamenidou, Irene and Mamalis, Spyridon and Bara, Evangelia - Zoi (2018): The mediating effect of environmental policy on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry. Published in: TOURMAN 2018 Conference Proceedings, Rhodes: Greece (28 October 2018): pp. 74-83.

Donzé, Pierre-Yves (2011): The comeback of the Swiss watch industry on the world market: a business history of the Swatch Group (1983-2010).

Doval, E and Doval, O (2010): Tools to keep brands on the market. Published in: the Proceedings of the 34th ARA Congress (American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Science, USA) , Vol. ISBN 9, No. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (15 May 2010): pp. 228-231.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Klonaris, Stathis and Papoutsi, Georgia (2016): Do good things come in small packages? Willingness to pay for pomegranate wine and bottle size effects.

Duanmu, Jing-Lin and Bu, Maoliang and Pittman, Russell (2018): Does Market Competition Dampen Environmental Performance? Evidence from China. Forthcoming in: Strategic Management Journal

Dumea, Andrei Cosmin and Mariciuc, Dragos Florentin (2010): The marketing spirit from the perspective of moral values. Published in: , Vol. Instit, (June 2010): pp. 220-226.

Dura, Codruta and Driga, Imola (2007): Coordonatele auditului in marketingul financiar-bancar - situatia din Romania.

Efrat, Alon (2022): Reviews of literature regarding interpersonal skills and the workplace over the years 2011-2021. Published in: Network Intelligence studies , Vol. X, No. 19 (2022)

Efrat, Alon (2021): The interrelationship amid characteristics of flexibility and bargaining style with the perceived value gained amongst negotiators in the Hi-Tech business sector. Published in: Review of Economic and Business Studies , Vol. XIV, No. Issue no. 1 (June 2021)

Egbert, Henrik and Greiff, Matthias and Xhangolli, Kreshnik (2014): PWYW Pricing ex post Consumption: A Sales Strategy for Experience Goods.

Elasrag, Hussein (2016): Halal Industry : Key Challenges and Opportunities.

Elrod, Terry and Keane, Michael (1995): A Factor-Analytic Probit Model for Representing the Market Structure in Panel Data. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research , Vol. 32, (February 1995): pp. 1-16.

Elshaer, Ibrahim (2012): What is the Meaning of Quality?

Epure, Manuela and Vasilescu, Ruxandra Eleonora (2009): Drivers of consumer behaviour-the economic crisis in our every day's life. Published in: Annals of Spiru Haret University , Vol. 9, No. Economy (2009)

Farid, Dania Shakaib and Ali, Mazhar (2018): Effects of Personality on Impulsive Buying Behavior: Evidence from a Developing Country. Published in: Marketing and Branding Research , Vol. 5, No. 1 (21 May 2018): pp. 31-43.

Fent, Thomas (1999): Adaptive agents in the House of Quality.

Fent, Thomas (1999): Using Genetics Based Machine Learning to find Strategies for Product Placement in a dynamic Market.

Filip, Alina (2011): New product development in business to business marketing - a relational perspective. Published in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management, Cluj-Napoca, 17th-19th of March 2011, ISBN 978-973-662-614-2. , Vol. -, No. - (17 March 2011): pp. 421-424.

Fotiadis, Anestis (2018): Modelling wedding marketing strategies: An fsQCA Analysis. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 4, No. 1 (15 May 2018): pp. 23-26.

G, Thiagarajan and Nakkeeran, Senthilkumar and Arockiasamy, Arulraj (2010): Mediating effects of broadband consumers’ behavior in India. Published in: Marketology , Vol. 5, No. 3 (September 2010): 01-16.

Gallarza, Martina G. and Sánchez-Fernández, Raquel and Arteaga-Moreno, Francisco and Del Chiappa, Giacomo (2022): Active and reactive value dimensions: a dynamic-based perspective in the hotel sector. Published in: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research , Vol. 46, No. 7 (2022): pp. 1436-1473.

Gartner, Simone and Nicholson, Alexander and Christou, Eleftherios (2020): Tourism marketing and distribution through social media: Assessing business economic performance. Published in: Journal of Tourism Development & Hospitality Management , Vol. 17, No. 2 (16 March 2020): pp. 102-111.

Gayle, Philip and Lin, Ying (2022): Using Demand Transfer Ratios to Infer Market Impacts of New Goods. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Georgieva, Daniela and Popova-Terziyska, Radostina (2023): Modern marketing communications in the forest sector as a factor to increase the added value in terms of COVID-19. Published in: Current trends and challenges for forest-based sector: carbon neutrality and bioeconomy, Proceedings of Scientific Papers, WoodEMA, i.a., Czech University of Life Sciences Prague No. 16 (2023): pp. 69-72.

Ghori, Muhammad Ashhad and Imran, Syed Monis and Pervaiz, Javeria and Aiman, Umm e Aiman (2022): How Motivational Factors Affect the Online Shopping Behavior: An Insight of Developing Economy Consumers.

Ghouri, AM and Saleem, F and Malik, A (2012): Business Owners’ Preferences in Marketing Practices and their Impact on Firm Performance. Published in: International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2012): pp. 30-35.

Giroldo, Renato and Hollenbeck, Brett (2021): Concentration, Retail Markups, and Countervailing Power: Evidence from Retail Lotteries.

Gonzalez, Jorge and Sismeiro, Catarina and Dutta, Shantanu and Stern, Philip (2006): Market Effects of Generic Entry: The Role of Physicians and of Non-Bioequivalent Competitors.

Goslar, Alex (2018): Marketing Chapter 3. Published in: BrandAge Magazine; Brand Clinic, Thaicoon BrandAge Holding, Bangkok, Thailand , Vol. 04/18, No. April 2018 (30 April 2018): pp. 101-103.

Goslar, Alex (2016): Marketing Communication. Published in: BrandAge Magazine; Brand Clinic, Thaicoon BrandAge Holding, Bangkok, Thailand , Vol. 10/16, No. October 2016 (31 October 2016): pp. 75-77.

Goslar, Alex (2016): Marketing Inspired Branding. Published in: BrandAge Magazine; Brand Clinic, Thaicoon BrandAge Holding, Bangkok, Thailand , Vol. 01/16, No. January 2016 (30 January 2016): pp. 103-107.

Grebitus, Carola and Steiner, Bodo and Veeman, Michele (2014): The roles of human values and generalized trust on stated preferences when food is labeled with environmental footprints: insights from Germany. Forthcoming in: Food Policy

Greiff, Matthias and Egbert, Henrik (2016): The Pay-What-You-Want Game and Laboratory Experiments.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2008): National policies and public marketing for cultural tourism destination. Forthcoming in: volume printed by Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka No. ISSN 1846-288X (2008)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Process of the European integration effects on the marketing activity. Published in: Volume ISBN-10 973-594-785-4; ISBN-13 978-973-594-785-9 (2006): pp. 422-430.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Public and private affairs marketing in rural tourism development. Published in: Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka, Croaţia, No. ISBN 953-6198-89-4 (May 2006): pp. 381-388.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2009): Renewal marketing management in public and business organizations. Published in: Review Of Management And Economical Engineering , Vol. VOL.9,, No. ISSN 1583-624X (2010)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2010): Romanian public marketing in terms of necessity, collaboration and mix. Published in: Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria: Știinţe Economice ISSN 1582 – 9383 , Vol. Volumu, No. issue 1 (2010): pp. 72-76.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2007): The marketing importance of European funded project. Published in: Conference Proceedings No. ISBN 978-973625-556-4 (2007)

Grigorescu, Adriana and Balalia, Alina Elena (2009): Public marketing in supporting the tourist destinations. Published in: HOTEL LINK, Journal for the Theory and Practice of Hotel Industry , Vol. volume, No. no.13-14, 2009/2010 (2010): pp. 376-382.

Grigorescu, Adriana and Bob, Constantin (2006): Marketing mix and TQM - compelmetary philosophies of companies sustainable development. Published in: Conference proceeding , Vol. paper, No. ISBN 86-83803-21-X (2006)

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Artificial Intelligence-Based Consumer Communication by Brick-and-Mortar Retailers in India Leading to Syllogistic Fallacy and Trap – Insights from an Experiment. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (15 December 2020): pp. 211-221.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Consumer Communication Deployment Tactics: An Integrated Framework for Lifestyle Brands and Retailers in India (CCF-LS). Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (30 July 2020): pp. 1-21.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Exclusive Brand Outlet Expansion Framework for Lifestyle Brands in India (EBOE-LS). Published in: International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (9 August 2020): pp. 1-17.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Retailing Performance Evaluation Scale for Indian Brick-and-Mortar Lifestyle Retailers (LSRS-b). Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 1 (30 June 2020): pp. 303-322.

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Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2011): Перспективные формы продвижения товаров в условиях мирового экономического кризиса. Published in: Организационно-управленческие аспекты экономического развития предприятий и регионов: Сборник научных трудов. No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2011. – С. 30-35. – ISBN 978-5-8149-1069-1. (2011): pp. 30-35.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2012): Концепция «4Р» и планирование маркетинга в кратком и ясном изложении.

Kharchenko, Alina (2016): Ребрендинг, как одна из стратегий маркетинга.

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Kornienko, Nikita (2014): Привлечение клиентов при помощи контекстной рекламы.

Koshcheeva, Angelina (2017): Маркетинговые преимущества продвижения товаров при помощи технологии «гивэвей».

Medvedev, Evgeny (2016): Обмен маркетологами как фактор успеха российских предприятий на мировом рынке.

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Pinachyan, Varsenik (2016): Фримиум, как один из способов продвижения товара или услуги в рыночных условиях.

Sidorchuk, Roman (2008): Особенности маркетинга малого бизнеса в мясной индустрии. Published in: Мясная индустрия. (Meat industry). , Vol. 1, No. 2009 (January 2009): pp. 12-15.

Sidorchuk, Roman (2009): Предпринимательство и маркетинг. Published in: Вестник Российской экономической академии им. Г.В. Плеханова (Journal Russian Economical Plehanov's Academy) ISSN 815-834X , Vol. 4(29), No. 2009 (7 June 2009): pp. 75-82.

Sidorchuk, Roman (2008): Некоторые проблемы малого бизнеса. Published in: ЭКО (All-Russia Economic Journal) , Vol. 1(415), No. 2009 (23 December 2008): pp. 174-187.

Sidorchuk, Roman (2008): Маркетинговый аспект формирования оптимального промышленного ассортимента товара для малого бизнеса. Published in: Маркетинг в России и за рубежом (Marketing in Russia and abroad) , Vol. 1, No. 2009 (8 January 2009): pp. 72-81.

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Pérez Mantecón, María and Barajas, Angel (2010): Coyuntura económica y variación en la valoración financiera de una marca.

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