Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "C53 - Forecasting and Prediction Methods ; Simulation Methods"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 871.


CHIKHI, Mohamed and Benguesmi, Tarek (2013): تحليل سلوك مبيعات الكهرباء الموجه للقطاع العائلي في ظل وجود التقلبات الموسمية باستخدام نماذج SARIMA.


Mehdiyev, Mehdi and Ahmadov, Vugar and Huseynov, Salman and Mammadov, Fuad (2015): Ölkə iqtisadiyyatı üzrə göstəricilərin modelləşdirilməsi və proqnozlaşdırılması: problemlər və praktiki çətinliklər.


AMMOURI, Bilel and TOUMI, Hassen and ISSAOUI, Fakhri and ZITOUNA, Habib (2015): Forecasting Inflation in Tunisia into instability: Using Dynamic Factors Model a two-step based on Kalman filtering.

Abdullah, Muhammad and Gul, Zarro and Waseem, Faiza and Islam, Tanweer (2021): The State of Pakistan’s Economy and the Ineffectiveness of Monetary Policy.

Abounoori, Abbas Ali and Naderi, Esmaeil and Gandali Alikhani, Nadiya and Amiri, Ashkan (2013): Financial Time Series Forecasting by Developing a Hybrid Intelligent System. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 98, No. 4 (4 March 2013): pp. 10-20.

Abounoori, Abbas Ali and Naderi, Esmaeil and Gandali Alikhani, Nadiya and Amiri, Ashkan (2013): Financial Time Series Forecasting by Developing a Hybrid Intelligent System. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 98, No. 4 (4 March 2013): pp. 529-541.

Adekunle, Wasiu and Bekoe, William and Badmus, Sheriff and Anagun, Michael and Alimi, Wasiu (2021): Nexus Between Fiscal Discipline And The Budget Process In Africa: Evidence From Nigeria.

Adeniyi, Isaac Adeola (2020): Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models Using Normal-Independent Distributions: Formulation and Applications. Forthcoming in: AStA-Advances in Statistical Analysis

Ahec Šonje, Amina and Katarina, Bacic (2006): A composite leading indicator for a small transition economy: the case of Croatia.

Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi, Sina (2010): The impact of the global economic crisis on non-oil operations of ports in Iran. Published in: Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (ISI Indexed) , Vol. 9, No. 5 (15 November 2011): pp. 596-601.

Ahoniemi, Katja and Lanne, Markku (2007): Joint Modeling of Call and Put Implied Volatility. Published in:

Ahumada, Hildegart and Espina, Santos and Navajas, Fernando H. (2020): COVID-19 with uncertain phases: estimation issues with an illustration for Argentina.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Gouveia, Sonia and Scotto, Manuel (2023): Random multiplication versus random sum: auto-regressive-like models with integer-valued random inputs.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos (2020): On an integer-valued stochastic intensity model for time series of counts.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Francq, Christian (2019): Two-stage weighted least squares estimator of the conditional mean of observation-driven time series models.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Apologia.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2011): The Golden Mean, the Arab Spring and a 10-step analysis of American economic history. Published in: The Middle East Studies Online Journal , Vol. 3, No. 6 (3 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2012): On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev wave.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2003): Estimating contribution of factors to long-term growth in Romania. Published in: Revue Roumaine des Sciences Economiques , Vol. 48, No. 2 : pp. 197-206.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Roudoi, Andrei (2003): Scenarios of economic development in Romania - medium to long-term forecasting models. Published in: Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting , Vol. 4, No. 5 (December 2003): pp. 64-77.

Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu (2009): Forecasting credit growth rate in Romania: from credit boom to credit crunch?

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano and Aminu, Abubakar Wambai (2018): Economic regimes and stock market performance in Nigeria: Evidence from regime switching model.

Alper, C. Emre and Fendoglu, Salih and Saltoglu, Burak (2008): Forecasting Stock Market Volatilities Using MIDAS Regressions: An Application to the Emerging Markets.

Amiri, Arshia and Bakhshoodeh, Mohamad and Najafi, Bahaeddin (2011): Forecasting seasonality in prices of potatoes and onions: challenge between geostatistical models, neuro fuzzy approach and Winter method.

Amiri, Arshia and Ventelou, Bruno (2011): Forecasting the role of public expenditure in economic growth Using DEA-neural network approach.

Anastasiou, Dimitris and Drakos, Konstantinos and Kapopoulos, Panayotis (2022): Predicting international tourist arrivals in Greece with a novel sector-specific business leading indicator.

Andres, Antonio Rodriguez and Otero, Abraham and Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2021): Evaluation of technology clubs by clustering: A cautionary note. Forthcoming in: Applied Economics (2021)

Andres, Antonio Rodriguez and Otero, Abraham and Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2021): Using Deep Learning Neural Networks to Predict the Knowledge Economy Index for Developing and Emerging Economies. Published in: Expert Systems with Applications , Vol. 184, No. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115514 (1 December 2021)

Andrianady, Josué R. (2023): Crunching the Numbers: A Comparison of Econometric Models for GDP Forecasting in Madagascar.

Andrianady, Josué R. (2023): Comparing Econometric Models for Forecasting GDP in Madagascar.

Andriantomanga, Zo (2023): The role of survey-based expectations in real-time forecasting of US inflation.

Andrle, Michal (2008): The Role of Trends and Detrending in DSGE Models.

Angelidis, Timotheos and Benos, Alexandros and Degiannakis, Stavros (2007): A Robust VaR Model under Different Time Periods and Weighting Schemes. Published in: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting , Vol. 2, No. 28 (2007): pp. 187-201.

Angelidis, Timotheos and Benos, Alexandros and Degiannakis, Stavros (2004): The Use of GARCH Models in VaR Estimation. Published in: Statistical Methodology , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2004): pp. 105-128.

Angelidis, Timotheos and Degiannakis, Stavros (2005): Modeling Risk for Long and Short Trading Positions. Published in: Journal of Risk Finance , Vol. 3, No. 6 (2005): pp. 226-238.

Angelidis, Timotheos and Degiannakis, Stavros (2008): Volatility forecasting: Intra-day versus inter-day models. Published in: Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money No. 18 (2008): pp. 449-465.

Angelidis, Timotheos and Degiannakis, Stavros (2008): Volatility forecasting: intra-day vs. inter-day models. Published in: Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money No. 18 (2008): pp. 449-465.

Ardakani, Omid and Kishor, N. Kundan (2014): Examining the Success of the Central Banks in Inflation Targeting Countries: The Dynamics of Inflation Gap and the Institutional Characteristics.

Ardia, David and Dufays, Arnaud and Ordás Criado, Carlos (2023): Linking Frequentist and Bayesian Change-Point Methods.

Ardic, Oya Pinar and Ergin, Onur and Senol, G. Bahar (2008): Exchange Rate Forecasting: Evidence from the Emerging Central and Eastern European Economies.

Ari, Ali (2008): An Early Warning Signals Approach for Currency Crises: The Turkish Case.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1978): Forecasting with Econometric Methods: Folklore Versus Fact. Published in: Journal of Business No. 51 (1978): pp. 549-564.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1988): Review of Ravi Batra, The Great Depression of 1990. Published in: International Journal of Forecasting No. 4 (1988): pp. 493-495.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1983): Strategic Planning and Forecasting Fundamentals.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Brodie, Roderick J. (1999): Forecasting for Marketing. Published in: Quantitative Methods in Marketing : pp. 92-120.

Armstrong, J. Scott and C., Michael (1972): A Comparative Study of Methods for Long-Range Market Forecasting. Published in: Management Science No. 19 (1972): pp. 211-221.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Graefe, Andreas (2009): Predicting Elections from Biographical Information about Candidates.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. and Jones, Randall J. and Wright, Malcolm (2008): Predicting elections from politicians’ faces.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. and Soon, Willie (2007): Polar Bear Population Forecasts: A Public-Policy Forecasting Audit.

Arnold, Rob (2023): Uniform Confidence/Certainty Estimation.

Arnold Cote, K. Nicole and Smith, Wm. Doyle and Fullerton, Thomas M., Jr. (2010): Municipal Non-Residential Real Property Valuation Forecast Accuracy. Published in: International Journal of Business & Economics Perspectives , Vol. 6, No. 1 (22 March 2011): pp. 56-77.

Arora, Vipin (2013): Comparisons of Chinese and Indian Energy Consumption Forecasting Models.

Asante Gyamerah, Samuel and Ngare, Philip and Ikpe, Dennis (2018): A Levy Regime-Switching Temperature Dynamics Model for Weather Derivatives. Published in: International Journal of Stochastic Analysis , Vol. 2018, No. 8534131 (10 June 2018): pp. 1-16.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): On foreign aid distortions to governance.

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph (2019): Foreign aid, instability and governance in Africa. Published in: Politics & Policy , Vol. 44, No. 4 (August 2019): pp. 807-848.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2016): Is the Threat of Foreign Aid Withdrawal an Effective Deterrent to Political Oppression? Evidence from 53 African Countries. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Issues

Asongu, Simplice A and Nwachukwu, Jacinta C. (2015): Foreign aid instability and bundled governance dynamics in Africa.

Athanasopoulos, George and Hyndman, Rob J. and Kourentzes, Nikolaos and Petropoulos, Fotios (2015): Forecasting with Temporal Hierarchies.

Ayub, Mehar (1998): A simulation model of corporate finances: A study of the companies listed on Karachi stock exchange. Published in: Conference Proceedings, International Institute of Forecasting, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (2001) , Vol. 1, No. 2001 (2001): pp. 1-55.

BLINOV, Sergey (2017): Economic Forecasting Based on the Relationship between GDP and Real Money Supply.

Bakker, Bas and Ghazanchyan, Manuk and Ho, Alex and Nanda, Vibha (2020): The Lack of Convergence of Latin-America Compared with CESEE: Is Low Investment to Blame?

Balli, Faruk and Elsamadisy, Elsayed (2010): Modelling the Currency in Circulation for the State of Qatar.

Bandyopadhyay, Arindam (2007): Credit Risk Models for Managing Bank’s Agricultural Loan Portfolio.

Bandyopadhyay, Arindam (2007): Credit Risk Models for Managing Bank’s Agricultural Loan Portfolio.

Barnett, William and Chauvet, Marcelle and Leiva-Leon, Danilo and Su, Liting (2016): Nowcasting nominal gdp with the credit-card augmented Divisia monetary aggregates.

Barnett, William and Chauvet, Marcelle and Leiva-Leon, Danilo and Su, Liting (2016): The credit-card-services augmented Divisia monetary aggregates.

Barnett, William and Ghosh, Taniya (2013): Bifurcation Analysis of an Endogenous Growth Model.

Barnett, William and Park, Sohee (2021): Forecasting Inflation and Output Growth with Credit-Card-Augmented Divisia Monetary Aggregates.

Barnett, William and Su, Liting (2016): Risk adjustment of the credit-card augmented Divisia monetary aggregates.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pennoni, Fulvia and Vittadini, Giorgio (2015): Causal latent Markov model for the comparison of multiple treatments in observational longitudinal studies.

Bastianin, Andrea and Galeotti, Marzio and Manera, Matteo (2016): Statistical and Economic Evaluation of Time Series Models for Forecasting Arrivals at Call Centers.

Bastos, João A. (2019): Forecasting the capacity of mobile networks. Forthcoming in: Telecommunication Systems

Bazhenov, Timofey and Fantazzini, Dean (2019): Forecasting Realized Volatility of Russian stocks using Google Trends and Implied Volatility. Published in: Russian Journal of Industrial Economics , Vol. 1, No. 12 (2019): pp. 79-88.

Beja Jr., Edsel (2014): Income growth and happiness: Reassessment of the Easterlin Paradox.

Beneki, Christina and Eeckels, Bruno and Leon, Costas (2009): Signal Extraction and Forecasting of the UK Tourism Income Time Series. A Singular Spectrum Analysis Approach.

Benkovskis, Konstantins (2005): Econometric analysis and forecasting of Latvia's balance of payments.

Bentour, El Mostafa (2013): Oil prices, drought periods and growth forecasts in Morocco. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Management Science , Vol. 3, No. 1 (22 February 2014): pp. 1-12.

Bentour, El Mostafa (2015): A ranking of VAR and structural models in forecasting.

Berg, Tim Oliver (2015): Multivariate Forecasting with BVARs and DSGE Models.

Bersimis, Sotirios and Degiannakis, Stavros and Georgakellos, Dimitrios (2017): Real Time Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Using Value-at-Risk Measure and Control Charting. Published in: Journal of Applied Statistics , Vol. 1, No. 44 (2017): pp. 89-118.

Berster, Peter and Gelhausen, Marc Christopher and Wilken, Dieter (2009): Business Aviation in Germany: An empirical and model-based analysis. Published in: Proceedings of the 13th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference 2009 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2009): pp. 1-19.

Bespalova, Olga (2018): Forecast Evaluation in Macroeconomics and International Finance. Ph.D. thesis, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.

Bessler, David and Kibriya, Shahriar and Chen, Junyi and Price, Ed (2014): On Forecasting Conflict in Sudan: 2009-2012.

Bessonovs, Andrejs (2011): GDP Modelling with Factor Model: an Impact of Nested Data on Forecasting Accuracy.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): “No One Saw This Coming”: Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models.

Bhadury, Soumya and Ghosh, Saurabh and Gopalakrishnan, Pawan (2021): In quest for policy 'silver bullets' towards triggering a v-shaped recovery.

Bhadury, Soumya and Ghosh, Saurabh and Kumar, Pankaj (2019): Nowcasting GDP Growth Using a Coincident Economic Indicator for India.

Bhatt, Vipul and Kishor, Kundan and Marfatia, Hardik (2017): Estimating excess sensitivity and habit persistence in consumption using Greenbook forecast as an instrument.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio (1985): Effectiveness versus reliability of policy actions under government budget constraint: the case of France.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio (1986): Forecasts and constraints on policy actions: the reliability of alternative instruments.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio (1988): A trade-off criterion for evaluating effectiveness and reliability of alternative policy actions. Published in: Atti del Dodicesimo Convegno A.M.A.S.E.S. No. Palermo, 14-16 Settembre 1988 (14 September 1988): pp. 185-217.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1987): Forecast variance in simultaneous equation models: analytic and Monte Carlo methods. Published in: INSEE, Paris, France No. Paper presented at the Seminaire d'Econometrie de Malinvaud (February 1987): pp. 1-19.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1982): Evaluating forecast uncertainty due to errors in estimated coefficients: empirical comparison of alternative methods. Published in: Evaluating the reliability of macro-economic models No. Ed. by G.C.Chow and P.Corsi, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (1982): pp. 251-277.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): Simulation of a nonlinear econometric model. Published in: Simulation of Systems '79, ed. by L. Dekker, G. Savastano, and G. C. Vansteenkiste (1980): pp. 105-113.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1983): Standard errors of forecasts in dynamic simulation of nonlinear econometric models: some empirical results. Published in: Time Series Analysis: Theory and Practice, ed. by O.D.Anderson No. Amsterdam: North Holland (1983): pp. 177-198.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Cleur, Eugene M. (1978): Spectral analysis of stochastic and analytic simulation results for a nonlinear model for the Italian economy. Published in: Compstat 1978, Proceedings in Computational Statistics No. Ed. by L. C. A. Corsten, and J. Hermans. Vienna: Physica Verlag (1978): pp. 348-354.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Cleur, Eugene M. and Gambetta, Guido and Stagni, Anna and Sterbenz, Frederic (1978): Stochastic simulation and dynamic properties of the new version of the Italian model.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1976): Monte Carlo methods in econometrics: a package for the stochastic simulation. Published in: Paper presented at the Congres Europeen des Statisticiens. Universite Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble, (September 1976): pp. 1-10.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1979): On the restricted reduced form of the Klein-I model: revised computations to complete "A note on the numerical results by Goldberger, Nagar and Odeh", Econometrica, 47 (1979). Published in: IBM Italy Technical Report No. G513-3575 (May 1979): pp. 1-17.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1976): Simulation properties of alternative methods of estimation: an application to a model of the Italian economy. Published in: Compstat 1976, Proceedings in Computational Statistics No. Ed. by J. Gordesch, and P. Naeve. Vienna: Physica Verlag (1976): pp. 407-415.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1979): Some results on the stochastic simulation of a nonlinear model of the Italian economy. Published in: Models and Decision Making in National Economies No. ed. by J. M. L. Janssen, L. F. Pau, and A. Straszak. Amsterdam: North-Holland (1979): pp. 411-418.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1981): Standard errors of multipliers and forecasts from structural coefficients with block-diagonal covariance matrix. Published in: Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies (IFAC) No. Ed. by J. M. L. Janssen, L. F. Pau, and A. J. Straszak. Oxford: Pergamon Press (1981): pp. 311-316.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1979): A package for analytic simulation of econometric models. Published in: Optimization Techniques: Proceedings of the 9th IFIP Conference on Optimization Techniques. Warsaw, September 4-8, 1979 (September 1980): pp. 404-413.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Weihs, Claus (1986): Parametric and nonparametric Monte Carlo estimates of standard errors of forecasts in econometric models.

Bilgili, Faik and Doğan, İbrahim and H. Tülüce, Nadide and Kuşkaya, Sevda (2014): The impact of biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric energy consumption on industrial production: A threshold cointegration model with regime shifts.

Bisio, Laura and Moauro, Filippo (2017): Temporal disaggregation by dynamic regressions: recent developments in Italian quarterly national accounts. Forthcoming in: Statistica Neerlandica

Boer, Lukas and Pescatori, Andrea and Stuermer, Martin (2021): Energy Transition Metals.

Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo and Mwamba, Muteba (2015): A multivariate model for the prediction of stock returns in an emerging market: A comparison of parametric and non-parametric models.

Bonino-Gayoso, Nicolás and García-Hiernaux, Alfredo (2019): TF-MIDAS: a new mixed-frequency model to forecast macroeconomic variables.

Bovi, Maurizio (2019): A Time-Varying Expectations Formation Mechanism. Published in: Economia Politica No. 4 (December 2019)

Bradrania, Reza and Pirayesh Neghab, Davood (2021): State-dependent asset allocation using neural networks. Published in: European Journal of Finance , Vol. 28, No. 11 (12 August 2021): pp. 1130-1156.

Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna (2022): Do Machine Learning Approaches Have the Same Accuracy in Forecasting Cryptocurrencies Volatilities?

Branimir, Jovanovic and Magdalena, Petrovska (2010): Forecasting Macedonian GDP: Evaluation of different models for short-term forecasting. Published in: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Working Paper (August 2010)

Breitenstein, Miriam and Anke, Carl-Philipp and Nguyen, Duc Khuong and Walther, Thomas (2019): Stranded Asset Risk and Political Uncertainty: The Impact of the Coal Phase-out on the German Coal Industry.

Brkic, Sabina and Hodzic, Migdat and Dzanic, Enis (2017): Fuzzy Logic Model of Soft Data Analysis for Corporate Client Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banking. Forthcoming in: Fifth Scientific Conference with International Participation “Economy of Integration” ICEI 2017 (December 2017)

Brkic, Sabina and Hodzic, Migdat and Dzanic, Enis (2018): Soft Data Modeling via Type 2 Fuzzy Distributions for Corporate Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banking. Forthcoming in:

Bruno, Giancarlo (2012): Consumer confidence and consumption forecast: a non-parametric approach.

Bruno, Giancarlo (2008): Forecasting Using Functional Coefficients Autoregressive Models.

Bruno, Giancarlo (2009): Non-linear relation between industrial production and business surveys data.

Bruno, Giancarlo and Lupi, Claudio (2003): Forecasting Euro-Area Industrial Production Using (Mostly) Business Surveys Data.

Bucci, Andrea (2019): Cholesky-ANN models for predicting multivariate realized volatility.

Bucci, Andrea (2017): Forecasting realized volatility: a review.

Bucci, Andrea (2019): Realized Volatility Forecasting with Neural Networks.

Buncic, Daniel (2009): Understanding forecast failure in ESTAR models of real exchange rates.

Buncic, Daniel (2009): Understanding forecast failure of ESTAR models of real exchange rates.

Buncic, Daniel (2008): A note on long horizon forecasts of nonlinear models of real exchange rates: Comments on Rapach and Wohar (2006).

Buss, Ginters (2010): A note on GDP now-/forecasting with dynamic versus static factor models along a business cycle.

Bušs, Ginters (2009): Comparing forecasts of Latvia's GDP using simple seasonal ARIMA models and direct versus indirect approach.

Bušs, Ginters (2009): Economic forecasts with Bayesian autoregressive distributed lag model: choosing optimal prior in economic downturn.

Bušs, Ginters (2010): Forecasts with single-equation Markov-switching model: an application to the gross domestic product of Latvia.

Byrne, Joseph P and Korobilis, Dimitris and Ribeiro, Pinho J (2014): Exchange Rate Predictability in a Changing World.

Byrne, Joseph P and Korobilis, Dimitris and Ribeiro, Pinho J (2014): On the Sources of Uncertainty in Exchange Rate Predictability.

Bystrov, Victor (2013): A factor-augemented model of markup on mortgage loans in Poland.

CERQUA, AUGUSTO and LETTA, MARCO (2020): Local economies amidst the COVID-19 crisis in Italy: a tale of diverging trajectories.

Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): Forecasting The Pricing Kernel of IBNR Claims Development In Property-Casualty Insurance.

Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): Modeling And Forecasting Imported Japanese Parts Content Of US Transplants: An Error Correction And State Space Approach.

Caiado, Jorge (2004): Modelling and forecasting the volatility of the portuguese stock index PSI-20. Published in: Portuguese Journal of Management Studies , Vol. XI, No. Nº1 (2004): pp. 3-21.

Caiado, Jorge (2004): Modelling and forecasting the volatility of the portuguese stock index PSI-20. Published in: Portuguese Journal of Management Studies , Vol. XI, No. Nº1 (2004): pp. 3-21.

Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): Stochastic simulation experiments on Model 5 of Bonn University. Published in: Institut fuer Gesellschafts- u. Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universitaet Bonn No. 102 (August 1979): pp. 1-28.

Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): The deterministic simulation bias in the Klein-Goldberger model. Published in: Institut fuer Gesellschafts- u. Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universitaet Bonn No. 100 (July 1979): pp. 1-6.

Caporin, Massimiliano and Fontini, Fulvio (2014): The value of protecting Venice from the acqua alta phenomenon under different local sea level rises.

Caporin, Massimiliano and Kolokolov, Aleksey and Renò, Roberto (2014): Multi-jumps.

Carrasco Gutierrez, Carlos Enrique and Castro Souza, Reinaldo and Teixeira de Carvalho Guillén, Osmani (2009): Selection of Optimal Lag Length in Cointegrated VAR Models with Weak Form of Common Cyclical Features. Published in: Brazilian Review of Econometrics , Vol. 29, No. 1 (2009): pp. 59-78.

Cayton, Peter Julian A. and Mapa, Dennis S. (2012): Time-varying conditional Johnson SU density in value-at-risk (VaR) methodology.

Cazotto, Gabriel (2015): Oil – The Earth’s blood, a paper on how to recover its critical declining prices by using a hedge vaccine through a leading core of countries termed as VIRUS.

Cengiz, Doruk and Tekgüç, Hasan (2022): Counterfactual Reconciliation: Incorporating Aggregation Constraints For More Accurate Causal Effect Estimates.

Cerulli, Giovanni (2020): A Super-Learning Machine for Predicting Economic Outcomes.

Chakraborty, Lekha and Chakraborty, Pinaki and Shrestha, Ruzel (2019): Budget Credibility of Subnational Governments: Analyzing the Fiscal Forecasting Errors of 28 States in India.

Chakraborty, Lekha S and Chowdhury, Samik (2005): Fiscal Marksmanship of Education Expenditure in India: Analyzing Forecast Errors through a Gender lens.

Chan, Tze-Haw and Lye, Chun Teck and Hooy, Chee-Wooi (2010): Forecasting Malaysian Exchange Rate: Do Artificial Neural Networks Work?

Chandan, Sharma and Bhanumurthy, N R (2010): Estimating Infrastructural Investment Needs for India.

Chang, Chia-Lin and Franses, Philip Hans and McAleer, Michael (2013): Are Forecast Updates Progressive?

Chatziantoniou, Ioannis and Degiannakis, Stavros and Delis, Panagiotis and Filis, George (2019): Can spillover effects provide forecasting gains? The case of oil price volatility.

Chatziantoniou, Ioannis and Degiannakis, Stavros and Eeckels, Bruno and Filis, George (2015): Forecasting Tourist Arrivals Using Origin Country Macroeconomics. Forthcoming in: Applied Economics

Chatziantoniou, Ioannis and Degiannakis, Stavros and Filis, George (2019): Futures-based forecasts: How useful are they for oil price volatility forecasting? Published in: Energy Economics No. 81 (2019): pp. 639-649.

Check, Adam J. and Nolan, Anna K. and Schipper, Tyler C. (2018): Forecasting GDP: Do Revisions Matter?

Chen, Nan-Kuang and Chen, Shiu-Sheng and Chou, Yu-Hsi (2013): Further evidence on bear market predictability: The role of the external finance premium.

Chen, Shiu-Sheng (2013): Forecasting Crude Oil Price Movements with Oil-Sensitive Stocks. Forthcoming in:

Chen, Shu-Ling and Jackson, John D. and Kim, Hyeongwoo and Resiandini, Pramesti (2012): What Drives Commodity Prices?

Chen, Song Xi and Lei, Lihua and Tu, Yundong (2014): Functional Coefficient Moving Average Model with Applications to forecasting Chinese CPI. Forthcoming in: Statistica Sinica

Cherkashin, Alexander and Sakhadzhi, Vladislav and Guliev, Ruslan and Bolshunova, Elena (2024): Practical Methods for Predicting Customer Retention.

Chhorn, Theara and Chaiboonsri, Chukiat (2017): Modelling and Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Cambodia: An Application of ARIMA-GARCH Approach. Published in: Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2018): pp. 1-19.

Christian, Mueller-Kademann (2009): Puzzle solver.

Chu, Amanda M.Y. and Lv, Zhihui and Wagner, Niklas F. and Wong, Wing-Keung (2020): Linear and Nonlinear Growth Determinants: The Case of Mongolia and its Connection to China.

Chumacero, Romulo (2007): Altitude or hot air?

Chun, So Yeon and Shapiro, Alexander and Uryasev, Stan (2011): Conditional Value-at-Risk and Average Value-at-Risk: Estimation and Asymptotics. Forthcoming in:

Cipollini, Andrea and Missaglia, Giuseppe (2007): Dynamic Factor analysis of industry sector default rates and implication for Portfolio Credit Risk Modelling.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2017): Aggregate Density Forecasting from Disaggregate Components Using Large VARs.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2017): Forecasting Economic Aggregates Using Dynamic Component Grouping.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2018): Improving Underlying Scenarios for Aggregate Forecasts: A Multi-level Combination Approach.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2017): Joint Forecast Combination of Macroeconomic Aggregates and Their Components.

Coble, David and Pincheira, Pablo (2017): Nowcasting Building Permits with Google Trends.

Cooper, Russel and Madden, Gary G (2008): Estimating components of ICT expenditure: a model-based approach with applicability to short time-series. Published in: Applied Economics , Vol. 10, No. 1 (2008)

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