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Asongu, Simplice (2013): Globalization and Financial Market Contagion: Evidence from Financial Crisis and Natural Disasters. Published in: Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy, ASERS Publishing , Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 2013)
Asongu, Simplice (2013): Mobile banking and mobile phone penetration: which is more pro-poor in Africa?
Asongu, Simplice (2013): New financial development indicators: with a critical contribution to inequality empirics.
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Asongu, Simplice A (2013): A brief future of Time in the monopoly of scientific knowledge.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Liberalization and financial sector competition: a critical contribution to the empirics with an African assessment.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Modeling the future of knowledge economy: evidence from SSA and MENA countries. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 33, No. 1 (5 March 2013): pp. 612-624.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): REER Imbalances and Macroeconomic Adjustments in the Proposed West African Monetary Union.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Consult your gods: the questionable economics of development assistance in Africa. Forthcoming in:
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Does Money Matter in Africa? New Empirics on Long- and Short-run Effects of Monetary Policy on Output and Prices.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Fighting African Capital Flight: Empirics on Benchmarking Policy Harmonization. Forthcoming in:
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Fighting African capital flight: timelines for the adoption of common policies. Forthcoming in: The Empirical Economics Letters
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Fighting African corruption when existing corruption-control levels matter in a dynamic cultural setting. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Social Economics
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Finance and growth: New evidence from Meta-analysis. Forthcoming in: Managerial Finance
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): How do financial reforms affect inequality through financial sector competition? Evidence from Africa. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 1, No. 33 (15 February 2013)
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): How do institutions matter in the income-equalizing effect of mobile phone penetration? Published in: European Economics Letters , Vol. 2, No. 2 (December 2013): pp. 56-61.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): How has politico-economic liberalization affected financial allocation efficiency? Fresh African evidence. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 33, No. 1 (12 March 2013): pp. 663-676.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): How would monetary policy matter in the proposed African monetary unions? Evidence from output and prices.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Inequality, poverty and quality of institutions: which freedom channels of globalization matter for Africa? Forthcoming in: European Economics Letters
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): The ‘Knowledge Economy’-finance nexus in SSA and MENA countries. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): New Empirics of monetary policy dynamics: evidence from the CFA franc zones.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): On the Obituary of Scientific Knowledge Monopoly. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 33, No. 4 (22 October 2013): pp. 2718-2731.
Asongu, Simplice A (2013): On the effectiveness of foreign aid in institutional quality. Forthcoming in: European Economics Letters
Asongu, Simplice A and Aminkeng, Gilbert A. A (2013): The Economic Consequences of China-Africa Relations: Debunking Myths in the Debate. Forthcoming in:
Asongu, Simplice A and Jellal, Mohamed (2013): On the channels of foreign aid to corruption. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 33, No. 3 (29 August 2013): pp. 2191-2201.
Asongu, Simplice A. and Andrés, Antonio R. and Amavilah, Voxi S. H. (2013): The Impact of Formal Institutions on Knowledge Economy. Published in: Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Asongu, Simplice A. and Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2013): Trust and Prosperity: A Conditional Relationship.
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Ayoki, Milton (2013): Pursuing a pro-poor trade liberalization agenda: Regionalism, multilateralism and poverty in Uganda. Published in:
Ayoki, Milton (2013): Trade Policies and Poverty in Uganda: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro Simulation Analysis. Published in:
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Baah-Boateng, William and Frempong, Richard and Nketiah-Amponsah, Edward (2013): The effect of fertility and education on female labour force participation in Ghana. Published in: Ghanaian Journal of Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (December 2013): pp. 1-19.
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Bachev, Hrabrin (2013): Natural resources conservation management and strategies in agriculture.
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Bai, Jushan and Ando, Tomohiro (2013): Multifactor asset pricing with a large number of observable risk factors and unobservable common and group-specific factors.
Bai, Jushan and Ando, Tomohiro (2013): Panel data models with grouped factor structure under unknown group membership.
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Balci, Adnan and Bruna, Maria and Budd, Chris and He, Dongdo and Hjorth, Poul G. and Krzyżanowski, Grzegorz and Kubala, Krystian and Lund, Christian and Martensen, Berit and Schmidt, Gitte and Sikora, Monika and Smug, Damian (2013): Heveas problem: The Fountain.
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Balint, Antoniu Ovidiu (2013): From the traditional to the modern and complex agricultural companies that are using business intelligence tools. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 178-182.
Balli, Faruk and Basher, Syed Abul and Balli, Hatice Ozer (2013): International Income Risk-Sharing and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008--2009.
Balli, Faruk and Basher, Syed Abul and Jean Louis, Rosmy (2013): Sectoral equity returns and portfolio diversification opportunities across the GCC region.
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Balmer, Roberto (2013): Competition and Market Strategies in the Swiss Fixed Telephony Market. An estimation of Swisscom’s dynamic residual demand curve. Published in:
Balmer, Roberto (2013): Entry and Competition in Local Newspaper Retail Markets - When two are enough. Published in:
Balmer, Roberto (2013): Geographic Regulation and Cooperative Investment in Next Generation Broadband Networks - A Review of Recent Literature and Practical Cases. Published in:
Bamikole, Oluwafemi (2013): The Habit Persistence Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence from Jamaica.
Bamikole, Oluwafemi (2013): The Impact of Minimum Wage on Average Earnings in the Caribbean using Two-Selected Countries, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica (1980-2011 and 1997-2011).
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Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman and Jamal, Muhammad Farooq and Din, Muhammad Saadat (2013): Impact of Learning Facilitators on Transforming a Learning Organization: An Empirical Study of Education Sector in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 1 (15 March 2013): pp. 35-41.
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Chen, Songxi and Qin, Jing and Tang, Chengyong (2013): Mann-Whitney Test with Adjustments to Pre-treatment Variables for Missing Values and Observational Study. Published in:
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Chetroiu, Rodica and Călin, Ion and Niculescu, Georgeta Carmen (2013): Worldwide trends and orientations of raising goats. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 100-106.
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Chodak, Grzegorz (2013): Metody dostarczania towarów przez polskie sklepy internetowe – wyniki badań. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa & Logistyka No. 6 (June 2013): pp. 21-32.
Chodak, Grzegorz and Suchacka, Grażyna (2013): Practical Aspects of Log File Analysis for E-Commerce. Published in: Communications in Computer and Information Science , Vol. 370, (June 2013): pp. 562-572.
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Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Zhu, Tingting and Rafiq, M.S. (2013): Are Prices Sticky in Large Developing Economies? An Empirical Comparison of China and India.
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Chowdhury, Subhasish and Lee, Dongryul and Sheremeta, Roman (2013): Top Guns May Not Fire: Best-Shot Group Contests with Group-Specific Public Good Prizes. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
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Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2013): Matching Credit with Season: An Issue for Non Performing Agricultural Loans in Nigeria. Published in: IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) , Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2013): pp. 48-63.
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Erdogdu, Erkan (2013): A cross-country analysis of electricity market reforms: Potential contribution of New Institutional Economics. Published in: Energy Economics , Vol. 39, No. 5 (September 2013): pp. 239-251.
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Erkoc, Taptuk Emre (2013): Estimating Economic Efficiencies of Public Sector Organisations with Stochastic Frontier Analysis: Evidence from Turkish Higher Education.
Ermişoğlu, Ergun and Akcelik, Yasin and Oduncu, Arif (2013): GDP Growth and Credit Data.
Ermişoğlu, Ergun and Akçelik, Yasin and Oduncu, Arif and Taşkın, Temel (2013): The Effects of Additional Monetary Tightening on Exchange Rates.
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Escobari, Diego and Lee, Jim (2013): Demand Uncertainty and Capacity Utilization in Airlines. Forthcoming in: Empirical Economics
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Escobari, Diego and Mollick, André Varella (2013): Output Growth and Unexpected Government Expenditures. Forthcoming in: The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
Espinosa, Alexandra M. (2013): Dynamic conditions for smooth convergence in the Ricardo–Mill model under commitment of trade and continuum of goods.
Esposito, Piero and Patriarca, Fabrizio and Perini, Luigi and Salvati, Luca (2013): Economic Convergence with Divergence in Environmental Quality? Desertification Risk and the Economic Structure of a Mediterranean Country (1960-2010).
Estrada, Fernando (2013): Bribery and Threat.
Estrada, Fernando (2013): Estabilidad política y poder fiscal. Published in:
Etoundi Atenga, Eric Martial and Chameni Nembua, Célestin and Meva Avoulou, Henri Joel (2013): Ecarts de salaire entre hommes et femmes au Cameroun : Discrimination ou Capital humain ? Une approche par sous groupes.
Etzo, Ivan and Massidda, Carla and Piras, Romano (2013): Migration and Outbound Tourism: Evidence From Italy.
Evangelidis, Vasileios (2013): Mobility for the Mainland: The Contribution of the Railway to the Emergence of the Age of Speed. Published in: Historical Research Letter , Vol. 7, (2 October 2013): pp. 6-15.
Evans, Martin (2013): Global Imbalances, Risk, and the Great Recession.
Evans, Olaniyi (2013): Correlations between the Petroleum Industry and the Per Capita Income in Nigeria: Cointegration and Error Correction Model Approach by Olaniyi Evans.
Evans, Olaniyi (2013): Growth Effects of Financial Integration and Financial Deepening in Selected Sub-Saharan African Economies: a Panel-Data Approach.
Evans, Olaniyi (2013): International Financial Integration and The Nigerian Economic Performance: a Var Modeling Approach.
Evans, Olaniyi (2013): The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate in Nigeria: an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach.
Evans, Olaniyi (2013): On the Causality between Domestic Credit Aggregates and Economic Growth in a Multivariate VAR Framework: Evidence from Nigeria.
Evans, Olaniyi (2013): Testing Finance-Led, Export-Led and Import-Led Growth Hypotheses on Four Sub-Saharan African Economies.
Everett, Craig R. (2013): Measuring the social responsibility discount for the cost of equity capital: evidence from benefit corporations. Published in: Journal of Behavioral Finance & Economics , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013): pp. 55-75.
Everett, Craig R. and Paglia, John K. (2013): Private Businesses Predict Limited Growth for 2013. Published in: Graziadio Business Review , Vol. 16, No. 1 (January 2013)
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Ezzat, Hassan (2013): Long Memory Processes and Structural Breaks in Stock Returns and Volatility: Evidence from the Egyptian Exchange. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 113 (August 2013): pp. 136-146.
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Farhani, Sahbi and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Arouri, Mohammed (2013): The Role of Natural Gas Consumption and Trade in Tunisia’s Output.
Farhani, Sahbi and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Sbia, Rashid (2013): What is MENA Region Initially Needed: Grow Output or Mitigate CO2 Emissions?
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Fernandes, Cristina and Crespo, Nuno and Simoes, Nadia (2013): Poverty, Richness, and Inequality: Evidence for Portugal Using a Housing Comfort Index.
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Fidanoski, Filip and Mateska, Vesna and Simeonovski, Kiril (2013): Corporate Governance and Bank Performance: Evidence from Macedonia. Published in: Proceedings [CD- ROM] of 16th International Students’ Conference, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ege University, Izmir. (April 2013)
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Filali Adib, Fatima-Zohra and Driouchi, Ahmed and Achehboune, Amale (2013): Education Attainment, Further Female Participation & Feminization of Labor Markets in Arab Countries.
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Filippova, Irina (2013): Коррупция, демократия и регуляторная эффективность государства. Published in: Problems of Economy / Проблемы экономики No. 2 (2013): pp. 102-107.
Filippova, Irina (2013): Деякі аспекти аналізу розподіленої системи прийняття рішень. Published in: Маркетинг: теорія і практика. Збірник наукових праць СНУ ім. В. Даля No. 19 (2013): pp. 206-210.
Filippova, Irina and Balakhnin, Harry (2013): Институциональные факторы государственной регуляторной эффективности. Forthcoming in: ВІСНИК СХІДНОУКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ імені Володимира Даля (2013)
Filippova, Irina and Mindlin, Yuri (2013): Кластерные стратегии и кластерные инициативы: перспективы и факторы эффективной кластеризации. Forthcoming in:
Filippova, Irina and Mindlin, Yuri (2013): Кластерные стратегии и кластерные инициативы: перспективы и факторы эффективной кластеризации. Forthcoming in:
Fiodendji, Daniel Komlan (2013): Do Institutions Quality Affect FDI Inflows in Sub Saharan African Countries?
Fiordelisi, Franco and Meles, Antonio and Monferrà, Stefano and Starita, Maria Grazia (2013): Personal vs. Corporate Goals: Why do Insurance Companies Manage Loss Reserves?
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Fischer, Justina A.V. (2013): The Cyprus crisis in the mirror: the ‘small deposit tax’ as historical faux-pas.
Fischer, Justina A.V. (2013): Der Euro – ein Projekt ohne Zukunft? Ein Plädoyer für europäische Solidarität und Toleranz.
Fischer, Justina A.V. (2013): Globalization, female employment, and regional differences in OECD countries.
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Fleury, Nicolas and Gilles, Fabrice (2013): Restructurations industrielles et niveau de diplôme des jeunes générations. Une estimation empirique pour la France.
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Forhad, Md Abdur Rahman and Kamal, Mostafa Azad (2013): Female Income Sensitivity to ODL Degree Awarding Programs: A Case Study in Bangladesh.
Forhad, Md. Abddur Rahman and Kamal, Mostafa Azad (2013): Inclusion and Access to Technology in ODL programs – A Case of Commonwealth Executive MBA Program in Bangladesh.
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Fosgerau, Mogens and Jensen, Thomas C. (2013): A green reform is not always green. Published in: Transportation Research Part C , Vol. 30, (2013): pp. 210-220.
Fosgerau, Mogens and Lindsey, Robin (2013): Trip-timing decisions with traffic incidents. Forthcoming in: Regional Science and Urban Economics
Fosgerau, Mogens and Mabit, Stefan (2013): Easy and flexible mixture distributions. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 120, No. 2 (2013): pp. 206-210.
Fosgerau, Mogens and McFadden, Daniel and Bierlaire, Michel (2013): Choice probability generating functions. Published in: Journal of Choice Modelling , Vol. 8, (2013): pp. 1-18.
Fosgerau, Mogens and de Palma, André (2013): The dynamics of urban traffic congestion and the price of parking�. Published in: Journal of Public Economics , Vol. 105, (September 2013): pp. 106-115.
Foster, John and Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Sharma, Deepak and Sandu, Suwin and Froome, Craig and Wagner, Liam and Misra, Suchi and Bagia, Ravindra (2013): Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change. Published in: (June 2013)
Fosu, Gabriel Obed and Gogovi, Gideon and Appati, Justice and Bondzie, Eric Amoo (2013): Comparability of the Neoclassical Economic Growth models: The Ramsey Models in Perspective. Published in: International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research , Vol. 2, No. 4 (April 2014): pp. 96-104.
Franco, Daniel and Luiselli, Luca (2013): A procedure to analyse the strategic outliers and the multiple motivations in a contingent valuation: a case study for a concrete policy purpose. Published in: International Journal of Social Economics No. 3 (2013): pp. 246-266.
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François-Heude, Alain and Yousfi, Ouidad (2013): A Generalization of Gray and Whaley's Option. Published in: Journal of Asset Management
François-Heude, Alain and Yousfi, Ouidad (2013): On the liquidity of CAC 40 index options Market.
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Freeman, Alan (2013): Culture, Labour, and Resources: Principles of a Practical Alternative Growth Path.
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Freeman, Alan (2013): The Road out of Crisis and the Policy Choices Facing Russia.
Freeman, Alan (2013): The Road to Market Serfdom: Why Economics is Not a Science and How to Fix it.
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Friedrich, Thomas and Köpper, Wilhelm (2013): Schumpeter´s Gale: Mixing and compartmentalization in Economics and Biology.
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Fujii, Hidemichi and Managi, Shunsuke and Matousek, Roman (2013): Indian bank efficiency and productivity changes with undesirable outputs:A disaggregated approach. Published in: Journal of banking & Finance
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Fulli-Lemaire, Nicolas (2013): A Tale of Two Eurozones: Banks’ Funding, Sovereign Risk & Unconventional Monetary Policies.
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Fung, Ka Wai Terence and Lau, Chi Keung Marco (2013): Financial Development, Econmic Growth and R&D Cyclical Movement. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research , Vol. 3, No. 3
Fung, Ka Wai Terence and Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Chan, Kwok Ho (2013): The Conditional CAPM, Cross-Section Returns and Stochastic Volatility.
Fung, Ka Wai Terence and Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Chan, Kwok Ho (2013): A R&D Based Real Business Cycle Model.
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Gabe, Todd (2013): Economic Impact of the New England Aqua Ventus (Phases I and II) Offshore Wind Power Program in Maine.
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Gabe, Todd and Noblet, Caroline (2013): Maine's Environmental and Energy Technology Sector: Economic Impact and Recent Growth.
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Gammadigbé, Vigninou (2013): Nouvelles exigences en capital des banques de l'UEMOA, concentration bancaire et coût du crédit au Togo.
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García Muñoz, Luis Manuel (2013): CVA, FVA (and DVA?) with stochastic spreads. A feasible replication approach under realistic assumptions.
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Gasiorowska, Agata (2013): Skrócona wersja Skali Postaw Wobec Pieniędzy SPP-25. Dobór pozycji i walidacja narzędzia. Forthcoming in: Psychologia Spoleczna
Gatt, William (2013): Forecasting inflation at the Central Bank of Malta. Published in: Central Bank of Malta Quarterly Review 2012 No. 4 (March 2013): pp. 68-71.
Gauvin, Ludovic and Rebillard, Cyril (2013): Towards Recoupling? Assessing the Impact of a Chinese Hard Landing on Commodity Exporters: Results from Conditional Forecast in a GVAR Model.
Gavrilescu, Camelia (2013): Romania's position in the EU extra-european agrifood trade. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PROSPECTS FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 7-13.
Gavrilova, Evelina (2013): A Partner in Crime: Assortative Matching and Bias in the Crime Market.
Gavrilova, Evelina and Bove, Vincenzo (2013): Income and Livelihoods in the War in Afghanistan.
Gawlik, Remigiusz (2013): Material and Non-material Determinants of European Youth's Life Quality. Published in: Globalizing Businesses for the Next Century: Visualizing and Developing Contemporary Approaches to Harness Future Opportunities (22 June 2013): pp. 339-346.
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George, Emmanuel and Odejimi, Deborah and Matthews, Oluwatoyin and Ojeaga, Paul (2013): Is Privatization Related With Macroeconomic Management? Evidence From Some Selected African Countries. Forthcoming in:
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Georgescu, George (2013): Public debt, sovereign risk and sustainable development of Romania. Published in: Elsevier Procedia Economics and Finance , Vol. 8, No. 1st International Conference 'Economic Scientific Research - Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches', ESPERA 2013 (May 2014): pp. 353-361.
Georgescu, George (2013): România în perioada post-criză: investiţiile străine directe şi efecte asupra echilibrului financiar extern.
Georgescu, Marius (2013): Despre tensiunea local – global în economia mondială contemporană.
Georgieva, Daniela Ventsislavova (2013): Развитие на иновационната теория от края на XVIII в. до началото на XXI в. Published in: IBS PRESS , Vol. 5, No. ISSN 1313-0846 (2013): pp. 23-59.
Gerdes, William (2013): Adam Smith and the Great Deceleration in the U,S. Economy. Published in: The American Economist No. Fall 2013
Germani, Anna Rita and Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2013): Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between firms, regulatory agency and justice department: a theoretical and empirical investigation.
Gerunov, Anton (2013): Връзка между икономическите очаквания и стопанската динамика в ЕС-27. Published in: Statistics No. 3-4 (2013): pp. 127-159.
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Ghassan, Hassan B. and Banerjee, Prashanta K. (2013): A Threshold Cointegration Analysis of Asymmetric Adjustment of OPEC and non-OPEC Monthly Crude Oil Prices. Published in: Empirical Economics , Vol. 49, No. 1 (30 July 2014): pp. 305-323.
Ghassan, Hassan Belkacem and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. and Kbiri, Mohammed A. (2013): The impacts of the International Financial Crisis on Saudi Arabia's Economy: Evidence from Asymmetric SVAR modelling. Published in: Journal of Reviews on Global Economics , Vol. 2, (13 November 2013): pp. 390-406.
Ghassan, Hassan B. and Taher, Farid B. (2013): Financial Stability of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Saudi Arabia: Evidence using Pooled and Panel Models. Published in: Gulf Research Center, Cambridge Conference Book GRM 2013 , Vol. 2, No. Islamic Finance: Risk, Stability, Growth (December 2013)
Ghosh, Saibal (2013): Funding structure, procyclicality and lending: Evidence from GCC banks. Published in: Review of Middle East Economics and Finance , Vol. 9, No. 2 (2013): pp. 241-270.
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Gill, David and Prowse, Victoria and Vlassopoulos, Michael (2013): Cheating in the workplace: An experimental study of the impact of bonuses and productivity.
Gillanders, Robert (2013): Corruption and Infrastructure at the Country and Regional Level.
Girardi, Daniele (2013): Financialization of food - The determinants of the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and stock market dynamics.
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Gjosheva-Kovachevikj, Marija and Kovachev, Goran and Risteski, Hristijan (2013): Conditions and Perspectives of financial lending in Macedonian Agriculture and rural Development. Published in: Book of Proceedings No. Fourth International Agronomic Symposium "Agrosym 2013" (6 October 2013): pp. 1137-1142.
Gkinni, Eleni and Vasilaki, Eleni (2013): Employment protection and income inequality: is there a role for the informal sector?
Glushetskiy, Andrey and Minasyan, Vigen (2013): Special Legal Instruments for Placement of Shares in the Course of a Joint Stock Company Reorganization: «Stock Conversion Procedure». Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013): pp. 2-21.
Gnidchenko, Andrey (2013): Зарубежные (1913-2013 гг.) и российские (1992-2013 гг.) кинофильмы: основные характеристики, тенденции и взаимосвязи.
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Gogas, Periklis and Pragidis, Ioannis (2013): Asymmetric Fiscal Policy Shocks.
Gogodze, Joseph (2013): Composite indicator ECAICI and positioning of Georgia’s innovative capacities in Europe-Central Asia Region.
Gogodze, Joseph (2013): Composite indicator ECAICI and positioning of Georgia’s innovative capacities in Europe-Central Asia Region. Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH , Vol. 2, No. 9 (September 2013): pp. 111-119.
Gogodze, Joseph (2013): Measuring Innovative Capacities of the Georgia Regions. Published in: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation , Vol. 8, No. 3 (2013): pp. 116-126.
Goli, Srinivas and Perianayagam, Arokiasamy and Bheemeshwar, Reddy (2013): Socioeconomic Progress across the Major Indian states: Converging or Diverging.
Gong, Zheng and Tian, Feng and Xu, Boyan (2013): Limited Information Aggregation and Externalities - A Simple Model of Metastable Market.
Gonzalez Corzo, Mario (2013): Los efectos de las transformaciones agrícolas en los antiguos países socialistas: Algunas consideraciones para Cuba. Published in: Delaware Review of Latin American Studies , Vol. 14, No. 2 (31 December 2013): pp. 1-20.
Gonzalez-Astudillo, Manuel (2013): Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions: Interdependent Policy Rule Coefficients.
González-Val, Rafael and Ramos, Arturo and Sanz, Fernando and Vera-Cabello, María (2013): Size Distributions for All Cities: Which One is Best?
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Goodspeed, Tyler (2013): Famine, Finance, and Adjustment to Environmental Shock: Microcredit and the Great Famine in Ireland.
Gordon, Leo-Rey (2013): Colonial Life Insurance Company Limited - From Growth to Failure: An Analysis of Reported Financial Activity 2003-2008.
Goshunova, Anna (2013): The impact of human capital accounting on the efficiency of English professional football clubs. Forthcoming in: European Applied Studies: modern approaches in scientific researches, 2nd International scientific conference. ORT Publishing. Stuttgart. 2013 (2013)
Gosselin, Pierre and Lotz, Aileen and Wambst, Marc (2013): On apparent irrational behaviors : interacting structures and the mind.
Goswami, Gour Gobinda and Hossain, Mohammad Zariab (2013): Testing Black Market vs. Official PPP: A Pooled Mean Group Estimation Approach. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters : pp. 1291-1300.
Goulart, Marco and Da Costa Jr, Newton and Santos, Andre and Takase, Emilio and Da Silva, Sergio (2013): Psychophysiological correlates of the disposition effect. Published in: PLOS One , Vol. 8, No. 1 (2013): 54542-1-54542-4.
Govori, Arbiana (2013): Analysis of external factors affecting the development of SMEs in Kosovo.
Govori, Arbiana (2013): The managerial culture and its impact on economic development of Kosovo.
Govori, Fadil (2013): The performance of commercial banks and the determinants of profitability: Evidence from Kosovo.
Grady, Patrick (2013): Conservative Immigration Policy Reform Has Not Yet Produced Any Significant Improvement in the Aggregate Labour Market Performance of Recent Immigrants.
Grammatikos, Theoharry and Papanikolaou, Nikolaos I. (2013): What lies behind the “too-small-to-survive” banks? Published in: Luxembourg School of Finance Research Working Paper Series No. 13-12 (November 2013)
Grech, Aaron George (2013): Adapting the Hodrick-Prescott Filter for Very Small Open Economies. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 5, No. 8 (August 2013): pp. 39-53.
Grech, Aaron George (2013): Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe. Published in: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy , Vol. 29, No. 2 (November 2013): pp. 1-20.
Grech, Aaron George (2013): How best to measure pension adequacy.
Grech, Aaron George (2013): Pension reform sustainability in the EU: a pension wealth-based framework.
Grech, Aaron George and Grech, Owen and Micallef, Brian and Rapa, Noel and Gatt, William (2013): A Structural Macro-Econometric Model of the Maltese Economy.
Greiff, Matthias and Egbert, Henrik and Xhangolli, Kreshnik (2013): Pay What You Want – But Pay Enough! Information Asymmetries and PWYW Pricing.
Grimaldi, Raffaele and Beria, Paolo (2013): Open issues in the practice of cost benefit analysis of transport projects. Published in: General Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transport Reseach.
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Haqiqi, Iman and Aghanazari, Hasan and Sharzei, Gholamali (2013): Natural Resources Revenue Allocation: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Journal of Economic Modeling Research , Vol. 3, No. 11 (2013): pp. 49-76.
Haqiqi, Iman and Manzoor, Davood and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2013): Impacts of Electricity Efficiency Improvements on Factors Market: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Journal of Planning and Budgeting , Vol. 4, No. 17 (2013): pp. 25-44.
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Iacob, Oana Camelia and Volintiru, Ana-Maria and Marin, Aurel (2013): Contribution of agriculture to national economic development. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 27-32.
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Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Lago-Peñas, Ignacio (2013): La atribución de responsabilidades políticas en Estados descentralizados.
Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Prada, Albino and Vaquero, Alberto (2013): On the Size and Determinants of Inter-regional Redistribution in European Countries over the Period 1995-2009.
Lahvicka, Jiri (2013): Does Match Uncertainty Increase Attendance? A Non-Regression Approach.
Lahvicka, Jiri (2013): The Fibonacci Strategy Revisited: Can You Really Make Money by Betting on Soccer Draws?
Lahvicka, Jiri (2013): Impact of playoffs on seasonal uncertainty in Czech ice hockey Extraliga.
Lahvicka, Jiri (2013): What Causes the Favorite-Longshot Bias? Further Evidence from Tennis.
Lakicevic, Milan and Shachmurove, Yochanan and Vulanovic, Milos (2013): Institutional changes of SPACs.
Lambert, Thomas and Catchen, James (2013): The Impact of Urban Sprawl on Disaster Relief Spending: An Exploratory Study.
Lambert, Thomas and Kwon, Ed (2013): The Top One Percent and Exploitation Measures. Published in: Review of Radical Political Economics (24 July 2015)
Lampón, Jesús F. and Lago-Peñas, Santiago (2013): Factors behind international relocation and changes in production geography in the European automobile components industry.
Lampón, Jesús F. and Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Cabanelas, Pablo (2013): Can the periphery achieve core? The case of the automobile components industry in Spain.
Lamé, Gildas (2013): Was there a "Greenspan conundrum" in the Euro area ? Published in: INSEE Working Papers (September 2013)
Landais, Anne-Yvonne and Landais, Bernard (2013): Optimalité en zone euro et réactivité migratoire en période de crise : un cas limite, l'Irlande.
Lans, Cheryl (2013): Co-operatives and their place in a global social economy. Published in: People over Capital: the co-operative alternative to capitalism
Lanzafame, Matteo (2013): Crime and regional growth in Italy.
Lanzafame, Matteo and Nogueira, Reginaldo (2013): Inflation targeting and interest rates.
Larsson, Simon and Fantazzini, Dean and Davidsson, Simon and Kullander, Sven and Hook, Mikael (2013): Reviewing electricity production cost assessments. Forthcoming in: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
Latysheva, Victoria and Karpov, Valery (2013): Бюджетирование как элемент стимулирования предпринимательской деятельности. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2013): pp. 242-246.
Lau, Chi Keung Marco and Yang, Fu Steve and Zhang, Zhe and Leung, Vincent K.K. (2013): Determinants of Innovative Activities: Evidence from Europe and Central Asia Region.
Lau, Marco Chi Keung and Fung, Ka Wai Terence (2013): Convergence in Health Care Expenditure of 14 EU Countries: New Evidence from Non-linear Panel Unit Root Test.
Lawless, Lydia J.R. and Nayga, Rodolfo and Drichoutis, Andreas (2013): Time preference and health behaviour: A review.
Le, Chau and Nguyen Viet, Cuong and Nguyen, Thao and Nguyen, Thuy and Phung, Tung (2013): Firms’ Performance, Employment and Poverty during the Economic Slowdown Period in Vietnam.
Le, Phuong (2013): Competitive Equilibrium in the Random Assignment Problem.
Le Bris, David (2013): Customary versus Civil Law within Old Regime France.
Leah, Tamara and Leah, Nicolai (2013): Economic and environmental efficiency of fertilizers use for enhance the fertility of degraded soils in the Republic of Moldova. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 85-90.
Lechman, Ewa (2013): New technologies adoption and diffusion patterns in developing countries. An empirical study for the period 2000-2011.
Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): On the Stratonovich – Kalman - Bucy filtering algorithm application for accurate characterization of financial time series with use of state-space model by central banks.
Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): Some thoughts on accurate characterization of stock market indexes trends in conditions of nonlinear capital flows during electronic trading at stock exchanges in global capital markets.
Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): To the problem of evaluation of market risk of global equity index portfolio in global capital markets.
Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): Tracking and replication of hedge fund optimal investment portfolio strategies in global capital markets in presence of nonlinearities.
Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): Venture capital optimal investment portfolio strategies selection in diffusion - type financial systems in global capital markets with nonlinearities.
Lee, Byung Soo (2013): Conditional Beliefs and Higher-Order Preferences.
Lee, Chin (2013): The Role of Macroeconomic Fundamentals in Malaysian Post Recession Growth. Published in: chapter in book in Recession and Its Aftermath: Adjustments in the United States, Australia, and the Emerging Asia (2013): pp. 113-127.
Lee, Chin and Law, Chee-Hong (2013): The Effects of Trade Openness on Malaysian Exchange Rate. Published in: International Economic and Finance Journal , Vol. 8, No. 1 (2013): pp. 25-39.
Lee, Chin and M., Azali (2013): Financial Integration among ASEAN+3 Countries: Evidence from Exchange Rates. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science , Vol. 4, No. 17 (2013): pp. 246-252.
Lee, Keun (2013): Capability Failure and Industrial Policy to Move beyond the Middle-Income Trap: From Trade-based to Technology-based Specialization. Published in: Industrial Policy Revolution I No. eds. J. Lin and J. Stiglitz (2013): pp. 244-272.
Lee, Keun (2013): How Can Korea be a Role Model for Catch-up Development? A ‘Capability-based View’. Published in: Achieving Development Sucess: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World No. ed. A. Fosu. Oxford Univ Press (2013): pp. 1-24.
Lee, Neil and Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés (2013): Creativity, cities and innovation.
Lee, Y. and So, Leh-chyan (2013): Enemies or Allies: Pricing counterparty credit risk for synthetic CDO tranches.
Lee, Yoong Hon and Parinduri, Rasyad (2013): Does the Three-Point Rule Make Soccer More Exciting? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design.
Leeb, Hannes and Pötscher, Benedikt M. (2013): Testing in the Presence of Nuisance Parameters: Some Comments on Tests Post-Model-Selection and Random Critical Values.
Leguizamon, Sebastian and Leguizamon, Susane and Christafore, David (2013): Education, race and revealed attitudes towards homosexual couples.
Lehmann, Robert and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2013): Sectoral gross value-added forecasts at the regional level: Is there any information gain?
Leitão, Nuno Carlos and Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2013): Portuguese Trade and European Union: The Gravity Model.
Leiva-Leon, Danilo (2013): A New Approach to Infer Changes in the Synchronization of Business Cycle Phases.
Leiva-Leon, Danilo (2013): Real vs. Nominal Cycles: A Multistate Markov-Switching Bi-Factor Approach. Forthcoming in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
Lelkes, Orsolya (2013): Minimising Misery: A New Strategy for Public Policies Instead of Maximising Happiness? Forthcoming in: Social Indicators Research (2013)
Lelkes, Orsolya (2013): Minimising misery: a new strategy for public policies instead of maximising happiness?
Lema, Rasmus and Berger, Axel and Schmitz, Hubert (2013): China's Impact on the Global Wind Power Industry. Published in: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs , Vol. 42, No. 1 (2013): pp. 37-69.
Leon, Jorge (2013): Capital Inflows in a Small Open Economy: Costa Rica.
Leon, Jorge and Vega, Melissa (2013): What is driving the Capital Inflows to Costa Rica? Risk Premium and Interest Rate Differentials.
Leuciuc, Eugenia Gabriela (2013): Legal system of agricultural companies with legal entity. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 174-177.
Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Ma, Wai Yip and Zhang, Jun (2013): The Market Valuation of Interior Design and Developers strategies: a simple Theory and some Evidence.
Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Shi, Song and Tang, Edward Chi Ho (2013): Commodity house prices.
Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Tang, Edward Chi Ho (2013): Speculating China economic growth through Hong Kong? Evidence from the stock market IPO and real estate markets.
Leung, Tin Cheuk and Ng, Travis and Ho, Chun-Yu and Chao, Hong (2013): To Root or Not to Root? The Economics of Jailbreak.
Levitskiy, Stanislav and Frunze, Igor and Mikhaylik, Denis (2013): Assessment Techniques For Integration Efficiency Of Economic Objects. Published in: International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management , Vol. 2, No. 2 (20 February 2014)
Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Change at the Checkout: Tracing the Impact of a Process Innovation" by Emek Basker.
Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News" by George, L. and C. Hogendorn.
Levy, Daniel and Snir, Avichai (2013): Shrinking Goods.
Lewis, Justin (2013): Veiled Waters: Examining the Jones Act's Consumer Welfare Effect. Published in: Issues in Political Economy , Vol. 22, (2013): pp. 77-107.
Li, Defu and Huang, Jiuli and Zhou, Ying (2013): Revisting the Steady-State Equilibrium Conditions of Neoclassical Growth Models.
Li, Minqiang (2013): On Aumann and Serrano's Economic Index of Risk.
Li, Minqiang and Mercurio, Fabio (2013): Closed-Form Approximation of Timer Option Prices under General Stochastic Volatility Models.
Li, Xi Hao (2013): Standardization for Agent-based Modeling in Economics.
Li, Yao Amber (2013): Borders and Distance in Knowledge Spillovers: Dying Over Time or Dying with Age? - Evidence from Patent Citations.
Li, Ziran and Sun, Jiajing and Wang, Shouyang (2013): Amplitude-Duration-Persistence Trade-off Relationship for Long Term Bear Stock Markets.
Liang, Pinghan (2013): Exit and voice: a game-theoretic analysis of customer complaint management. Forthcoming in: Pacific Economic Review , Vol. 13, No. 3 (July 2013)
Liang, Pinghan (2013): Optimal delegation via a strategic intermediary.
Liang, Pinghan and Meng, Juanjuan (2013): Love me, love my dog: an experimental study on social connections and indirect reciprocity.
Liberati, Paolo (2013): Government Size and Trade Openness: Some Additional Insights.
Liberda, Barbara and Peczkowski, Marek (2013): Households' saving mobility in Poland. Published in: Statistics in Transition-new series , Vol. 14, No. 2 Summer 2013 (2013): pp. 273-286.
Libman, Alexander (2013): Resource Curse, Institutions and Non-Resource Sector.
Liddle, Brantley (2013): Population, Affluence, and Environmental Impact Across Development: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Modeling. Published in: Environmental Modelling & Software , Vol. 40, (2013): pp. 255-266.
Liddle, Brantley (2013): Urban Density and Climate Change: A STIRPAT Analysis using City-level Data. Published in: Journal of Transport Geography , Vol. 28, (2013): pp. 22-29.
Liddle, Brantley (2013): Urban Transport Pollution: Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Published in: International Journal for Sustainable Transportation , Vol. 9, No. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2013.814077 (2015): pp. 502-508.
Liddle, Brantley and Lung, Sidney (2013): Might electricity consumption cause urbanization instead? Evidence from heterogeneous panel long-run causality tests. Published in: Global Environmental Change
Liddle, Brantley and Messinis, George (2013): Which comes first—urbanization or economic growth? Evidence from heterogeneous panel causality tests. Published in: Applied Economics Letters , Vol. 22, No. 5 (2015): pp. 349-355.
Liebl, Dominik (2013): Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Spot Prices: A Functional Data Perspective. Published in: The Annals of Applied Statistics , Vol. 7, No. 3 (September 2013): pp. 1562-1592.
Lin, Chih-Fan and Yü, Mei-Chen (2013): Substituting or Complementing?---The Influence of Chinese Overseas Direct Investment on Domestic Exports.
Lin, Hwan C. (2013): Creative Destruction and Optimal Patent Life in a Variety-Expanding Growth Model.
Lindgren, Kristian and Verendel, Vilhelm (2013): Evolutionary Exploration of the Finitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma--The Effect of Out-of-Equilibrium Play. Published in: Games , Vol. 4, No. 1 : pp. 1-20.
Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny-Paola (2013): Gestión de la propiedad intelectual en las organizaciones. Una revisión de la literatura reciente.
Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny-Paola (2013): Medidas de concentración y estabilidad de mercado. Una aplicación para Excel.
Lisi, Gaetano (2013): The Benchmark Macroeconomic Models of the Labour Market. Published in: International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories , Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 2013): pp. 168-185.
Lisi, Gaetano (2013): Can the Mortensen-Pissarides model match the housing market facts?
Lisi, Gaetano (2013): Equilibrium Dynamics in a Matching Theoretic-Model of the Housing Market. Published in: Journal of Macroeconomic Dynamics Research , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1 July 2013): pp. 18-22.
Liu, Chu-An (2013): Distribution Theory of the Least Squares Averaging Estimator.
Liu, Lin and Hussain, Syed (2013): Understanding the Sims-Cogley-Nason Approach in A Finite Sample.
Liu, Wai-Man and Ngo, Phong (2013): Elections, Political Competition and Bank Failure. Forthcoming in: Journal of Financial Economics
Liu, Xiaochun (2013): Markov-Switching Quantile Autoregression.
Liu, Xiaochun (2013): Systemic Risk of Commercial Banks: A Markov-Switching Quantile Autoregression Approach.
Llamazares, Bonifacio and Pérez-Asurmendi, Patrizia (2013): Triple-acyclicity in majorities based on difference in support.
Loaiza Quintero, Osmar Leandro and Moncada Mesa, Jhonny (2013): Un estudio sobre las disparidades regionales en Colombia a través del análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio de datos espaciales, 1985 – 2010.
Lof, Matthijs (2013): Essays on Expectations and the Econometrics of Asset Pricing.
Lof, Matthijs and Malinen, Tuomas (2013): Does sovereign debt weaken economic growth? A Panel VAR analysis.
Lombardi, Michele and Miyagishima, Kaname and Veneziani, Roberto (2013): Liberal Egalitarianism and the Harm Principle.
Lombardi, Michele and Yoshihara, Naoki (2013): Natural implementation with partially honest agents in economic environments.
Lopez Uribe, Maria del Pilar (2013): Roads or Schools? Political Budget Cycles with different types of voters.
Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners - Australia and New.
Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – India.
Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – Japan.
Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – People’s Republic of China.
Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – Republic of Korea.
Lorenz, Christian (2013): Informal taxation systems – Zakat and Ushr in Pakistan as example for the relevance of parallel/semi-public dues.
Loumrhari, Ghizlan (2013): Vieillissement démographique, longévité et épargne. Le cas du Maroc.
Lozano, Francisco-Javier (2013): Evaluación de modelos de predicción para la venta de viviendas. Published in: Working Papers No. 73 (2013)
Lu, Zheng and Deng, Xiang (2013): Regional Policy and Regional Development: A Case Study of China's Western Development Strategy. Published in: Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica , Vol. 15, No. 1 (31 June 2013): pp. 250-264.
Luca, Lucian (2013): Changing of agricultural policies in Romania during preparation of EU accession and thereafter. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PROSPECTS FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 1-6.
Luca, Pieroni and Pierluigi, Daddi and Luca, Salmasi (2013): Impact of Italian smoking ban on business activity of restaurants, cafès and bars.
Ludsteck, Johannes and Seth, Stefan (2013): Comment on "Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms" by Stefan Arent and Wolfgang Nagl.
Ludwig, Alexander (2013): Sovereign risk contagion in the Eurozone: a time-varying coefficient approach.
Ludwig, Markus (2013): Youth Bulge and Mid-Life Moderation: Large Cohort Size Effects, Economic Perspectives and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Lukianenko, Dmytro and Chuzhykov, Viktor and Woźniak, Michał Gabriel and Antoniuk, Larysa and Bal-Woźniak, Teresa and Bolonek, Ryszarda and Dobija, Mieczysław and Fedirko, Natalia and Fedirko, Oleksandr and Firszt, Dariusz and Honcharuk, Andrii and Ilnytskyi, Denys and Jabłoński, Łukasz and Kaleniuk, Iryna and Kaliszuk, Ewa and Kleer, Jerzy and Olefir, Anna and Panchenko, Yevhen and Poruchnyk, Anatolii and Satsyk, Volodymyr and Savchuk, Volodymyr and Stępień, Kinga and Stolyarchuk, Yaroslava and Tatarenko, Nataliya and Tokarski, Tomasz and Tsyhankova, Tetiana (2013): Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Cases. Published in: Monograph , Vol. -, No. - (29 April 2013): pp. 1-688.
Lukovics, Miklós and Prof. Lengyel, Imre and Imreh, Szabolcs and Zuti, Bence (2013): Cross-Border European Funding Opportunities. Published in: Brochure - Project ID: HURO/1001/148/2.3.1 No. April 2013 (2013): pp. 1-10.
Lukovics, Miklós and Zuti, Bence (2013): Successful universities towards the improvement of regional competitiveness: „Fourth Generation” universities. Published in: ERSA conference papers - 2013. Paper ersa13p1348. (2013): pp. 1-17.
Luo, Yulei and Young, Eric (2013): Consumption, Market Price of Risk, and Wealth Accumulation under Induced Uncertainty.
Luo, Yulei and Young, Eric (2013): Long-run Consumption Risk and Asset Allocation under Recursive Utility and Rational Inattention.
Luo, Yulei and Young, Eric (2013): Rational Inattention in Macroeconomics: A Survey.
Lup, Aurel and Miron, Liliana (2013): Drought management in the agriculture of Dobrogea province. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 65-70.
Luqman, Muhammad and Haq, Mairajul and Lal, Irfan (2013): Foreign Aid and Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan: Exploring the Role of Local Financial Sector Development. Published in: Forman Journal of Economic Studies , Vol. 9, No. 1 (5 December 0203): pp. 109-136.
Lutey, Robert (2013): A Solar-Home Rental Business Model: Capturing Synergies from Solar Energy and Single Family Rental Properties.
Lymouris, Nikolaos (2013): Golden Dawn and the Right-Wing Extremism in Greece.
López-Morell, Miguel A. and Segreto, Luciano (2013): The international mercury cartel, 1928-1949.
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M. Rouhani, Omid (2013): The “Randomizer” Program: Procedure and Operating Methods.
METAXAS, THEODORE and KALLIORAS, DIMITRIS (2013): Small and medium-sized firms' competitiveness and territorial characteristics/assets: The cases of Bari, Varna and Thessaloniki.
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MK, Sinha and JP, Dhaka (2013): Predicting risk of credit default using discriminant aproach:A study of tribal dairy darmers from Jharkhand.
MK, Sinha and NN, Thombare (2013): Incidence and impacts of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle farms: case of Maharastra farmers. Forthcoming in: Indian Journal of Dairy Science , Vol. 67, No. 1 (March 2014)
Ma, Chao (2013): 年底发表的文章会遭受“影响力陷阱”?. Forthcoming in: World Economic Papers
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MacDonald, Peter (2013): Labour substitution and the scope for military outsourcing.
Macan, Vaneza Jean and Deluna, Roperto Jr (2013): Relationship of Income Inequality and Labor Productivity on Fertility in the Philippines: 1985-2009.
Machover, Moshé and Terrington, Simon (2013): Mathematical structures of simple voting games.
Maciejowska, Katarzyna (2013): Assessing the number of components in a normal mixture: an alternative approach.
Madsen, Edith and Mulalic, Ismir and Pilegaard, Ninette (2013): A model for estimation of the demand for on-street parking.
Magda, Iga and Bukowski, Maciej and Buchholz, Sonia and Lewandowski, Piotr and Chrostek, Paweł and Kamińska, Agnieszka and Lis, Maciej and Potoczna, Monika and Myck, Michał and Kundera, Michał and Oczkowska, Monika (2013): "Employment in Poland 2011 - Poverty and jobs". Published in: (2013)
Mago, Shakun and Samak, Anya and Sheremeta, Roman (2013): Facing Your Opponents: Social Identification and Information Feedback in Contests.
Mahanta, Bidisha and Nayak, Purusottam (2013): Gender Inequality in North East India.
Mahapatro, Sandhya Rani (2013): Declining Trends in Female Labour Force Participation in India: Evidence from NSSO.
Mahmood, Haider and Chaudhary, A. R. (2013): Impact of FDI on Income Inequality in Pakistan. Published in: GCU Economic Journal , Vol. XLVI, No. 1&2 (7 June 2013): pp. 15-30.
Mahmood, Haroon and Rehman, Kashif-ur- (2013): An Analysis of Macroeconomic State and Prospects of Pakistan during Recent Global Financial Turmoil.
Mahmood Ansari, Mahmood Ansari (2013): Rational Agency and Moral Practice: An Exploration of Dual Constraints.
Mahmoudi, Babak (2013): Liquidity Effects of Central Banks' Asset Purchase Programs.
Mahzab, Moogdho and Atiq, Mohsina and Devdariani, Nino (2013): Comparative Analysis of Ethnic Diversity Measures on Provisioning of Basic Public Goods: Cross Country Assessment.
Mailu, Stephen and Wanyoike, M and Serem, Jared (2013): Rabbit breed characteristics, farmer objectives and preferences in Kenya: A correspondence analysis.
Maito, Esteban Ezequiel (2013): La transitoriedad histórica del capital: La tendencia descendente de la tasa de ganancia desde el siglo XIX. Published in: Razón y Revolución No. 26 (December 2013): pp. 129-159.
Maixe-Altes, J. Carles and Castro Balaguer, Rafael (2013): Structural Change in Distribution Markets in Peripheral Europe: Spanish Food Retailing, 1950-2007.
Majeed, Dr. Muhammad Tariq (2013): Inequality, Financial Development and Government: Evidence from Low-Income Developing Countries.
Majeed, Dr. Muhammad Tariq (2013): Inequality, Trade and Development: Evidence from Developing Countries.
Majumdar, Raju (2013): On the alternative proxies for estimating firm growth in empirical corporate finance literature: Evidence from Indian manufacturing sector.
Majumdar, Raju (2013): A Reinterpretation of the Relation between Market-to-book ratio and Corporate Borrowing.
Majumder, Rajarshi (2013): India’s demographic dividend: opportunities and threats.
Majumder, Rajarshi (2013): A quarter of a century: mobility and stagnation in India’s rural labour market.
Majumder, Rajarshi and Mukherjee, Dipa (2013): Unemployment among educated youth: implications for India’s demographic dividend.
Majumder, Rajarshi and Ray, Jhilam and Sen, Anindita (2013): Social Sector Development in South West Bengal.
Makaew, Tanakorn and Maksimovic, Vojislav (2013): Industry Shocks, Operating Risk, and Corporate Financial Policies around the World.
Makarova, Oksana (2013): Організація бухгалтерського обліку у суб'єктів малого підприємництва. Published in: Accounting and Finance No. 4(58) 2012 (1 February 2013): pp. 8-12.
Malakhov, Sergey (2013): Эффект Веблена, предельная полезность денег и денежная иллюзия. Forthcoming in: Journal of Institutional Studies , Vol. 5, No. 3
Malakhov, Sergey (2013): Money flexibility and optimal consumption-leisure choice under price dispersion. Forthcoming in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. IV, No. 1(7) (2013)
Malesky, Edmund and Nguyen, Cuong and Tran, Anh (2013): The Impact of Recentralization on Public Services: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis of the Abolition of Elected Councils in Vietnam.
Malgarini, Marco (2013): La produzione scientifica italiana e il suo impatto: un confronto internazionale relativo alle Aree CUN bibliometriche.
Malik, Saif Ullah (2013): Role of Foreign Private Investment and Remittance in Stock Market Development: Study of South Asia. Published in: NICE Research Journal , Vol. VI, (1 October 2013): pp. 1-14.
Malikane, Christopher (2013): A New Keynesian Triangle Phillips Curve.
Malikov, Emir and Kumbhakar, Subal C. and Sun, Yiguo (2013): Varying Coefficient Panel Data Model in the Presence of Endogenous Selectivity and Fixed Effects.
Malikov, Emir and Restrepo-Tobon, Diego A and Kumbhakar, Subal C (2013): Estimation of banking technology under credit uncertainty.
Malo, Miguel A. and Cueto, Begona (2013): Temporary Contracts across Generations: Long-term effects of a labour market reform at the margin.
Malo, Miguel A. and Pagan, Ricardo (2013): Hiring Workers with Disabilities when a Quota Requirement Exists: The relevance of firm’s size.
Mamatzakis, E (2013): Does weather affect US bank loan efficiency?
Mamatzakis, E and Babalos, Vassilios and filipas, n (2013): Fund Performance Evaluation in Greece Revisited: Evidence from the Impact of Operational Attributes. Published in: Applied Financial Economics
Mamatzakis, E and kalyvas, a (2013): Regulations, Economic Freedom and Bank Performance: Evidence from the EU-10 Economies. Published in:
Managi, Shunsuke and Managi, Shunsuke and Okimoto, Tatsuyoshi (2013): Does the price of oil interact with clean energy prices in the stock market? Published in:
Manda, Constantine (2013): Bang for Your Buck: Pregnancy Risk as the Source of the Price Premium for Unprotected Sex.
Mandal, Biswajit and Marjit, Sugata and Nakanishi, Noritsugu (2013): Time Zones, Factor Prices and Inflow of Educational Capital: Changing Sectoral Composition.
Manna, Ester (2013): Mixed Duopoly with Motivated Teachers.
Mantino, Francesco (2013): Why policies fail? An institutional model explaining success and failure factors of rural development policies in Europe. Published in: Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis. XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology.29 July – 1 August 2013, eProceedings, Laboratorio di studi rurali SISMONDI, Pisa (Italy). (July 2013): pp. 231-232.
Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman (2013): Impacts of Energy Price Increase and Cash Subsidy Payments on Energy Demand. Published in: Journal of Trade Studies , Vol. 17, No. 67 (2013): pp. 101-124.
Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2013): Economic Impacts of Investment in the Electricity Industry: A CGE Comparison of Regulated and Free Markets. Published in: Quarterly Energy Economics Review , Vol. 9, No. 35 (2013): pp. 47-74.
Mapa, Dennis and Albis, Manuel Leonard and Comandante, Dorcas Mae and Cura, Josephine and Ladao, Ma. Maureen (2013): Spatial Analysis of Income Growth in the Philippines: Evidence from Intra-Country Data (1988 to 2009).
Marchionni, Mariana and Pinto, Florencia and Vazquez, Emmanuel (2013): Determinantes de la desigualdad en el desempeño educativo en la Argentina. Published in: Anales de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política. No. XLVIII Reunión Anual (November 2013)
Marcén, Miriam (2013): The effect of culture on self-employment.
Marcén, Miriam and Bellido, Héctor (2013): Teen Mothers and Culture.
Marfouk, Abdeslam (2013): Préjugés et fausses idées sur l’immigration et les immigrés, vecteurs de discrimination en matière d’accès à l’emploi.
Maria Caporale, Guglielmo and Gil-Alana, Luis and Plastun, Alex and Makarenko, Inna (2013): Long memory in the ukrainian stock market and financial crises. Forthcoming in: Working Paper No. 13-27. – Brunel University, London
Marianne, Ojo (2013): Audits, audit quality and signalling mechanisms: concentrated ownership structures.
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Marianne, Roedl (2013): Role of regulation and micro finance in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Forthcoming in: Global Development Finance Review (December 2013)
Marianne, Roedl (2013): Role of regulation in micro finance: application of the Micro Savings Requirement Scheme in informal sectors. Forthcoming in: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade (December 2013)
Marinescu, Emil and Necula, Raluca (2013): The agricultural consultancy activities, structures and features performed in the territory of the Olt County. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 4, (21 November 2013): pp. 191-196.
Marinov, Eduard (2013): Африканската зона за свободна търговия – стъпка към континентална интеграция. Published in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Scientific Conference “Investments in the Future – 2013” No. ISBN 1314-3719 (2013): pp. 266-271.
Marinov, Eduard (2013): Кризата в ЕС – финансови рискове за Африка. Published in: Postcrisis Economic Development of EU and Bulgaria No. ISBN 978-954-616-230-4 : pp. 406-414.
Marinov, Eduard (2013): Регионалните интеграционни общности в Африка. Published in: Proceedings of Scientific Seminar “The New Economic Geography: Theory and Practice” No. ISBN 978-954-490-434-0 (2014): pp. 143-154.
Marinov, Eduard (2013): Успехи и предизвикателства на регионалната икономическа интеграция в Африка. Published in: Political and Economic Transformations in the 21st Century No. ISBN 978-954-715-620-3 (2013): pp. 79-90.
Marinov, Eduard (2013): Economic Partnership Agreements of the EU: Impact on Regional Integration in Africa. Published in: The future of integration, the future of the European Union No. ISBN 978-954-23-0867-6 (2013): pp. 200-208.
Marinov, Eduard (2013): Impact of the European Union on Regional Integration in Africa. Published in: Financial and Monetary Economics – EFM 2013 No. ISSN 2344-3642 (2013): pp. 229-239.
Mariolis, Theodore (2013): Currency Devaluation, External Finance and Economic Growth: A Note on the Greek Case.
Marques, Maria da Conceição da Costa (2013): Strategic Management, Leadership and Governance of the University in Portugal.
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Masciantonio, Sergio (2013): Identifying and tracking systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) with public data.
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Masih, Mansur and Majid, Hamdan Abdul (2013): Comovement of Selected International Stock Market Indices:A Continuous Wavelet Transformation and Cross Wavelet Transformation Analysis.
Masih, Mansur and Majid, Hamdan Abdul (2013): Stock Price and Industrial Production in Developing Countries: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Analysis.
Masih, Mansur and Majid, Hamdan Abdul (2013): The Volatility and Correlations of Stock Returns of Some Crisis-Hit Countries: US, Greece, Thailand and Malaysia: Evidence from MGARCH-DCC applications.
Masili, Gustavo (2013): O Poder das Alianças no Congresso Nacional Brasileiro: Votação de Vetos Presidenciais e de Emendas Constitucionais.
Mastronardi, Leonardo Javier (2013): Federalismo fiscal en Argentina: Un análisis de efectos spillover mediante un CGE regional.
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Matsuoka, Tarishi and Naito, Katsuyuki and Nishida, Keigo (2013): The Politics of Financial Development and Capital Accumulation.
Matteucci, Nicola (2013): Standards, IPR and digital TV convergence: theories and empirical evidence. Forthcoming in:
Maulana Arifin, Amhar (2013): Islamic Eco-Ethics: Landasan Filosofis Ideal Implementasi Ekonomi Hijau di Indonesia.
Mavrotas, George and Florios, Kostas (2013): An improved version of the augmented epsilon-constraint method (AUGMECON2) for finding the exact Pareto set in Multi-Objective Integer Programming problems. Published in: Applied Mathematics and Computation , Vol. 219, No. 18 (15 May 2013): pp. 9652-9669.
Mavuş, Merve and Oduncu, Arif and Güneş, Didem (2013): The Possible Effects of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Turkish Economy.
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Mayo, Robert (2013): Do Corporate Name Changes Affect Share Price? An Event Studies Analysis of Corporate Rebranding on the NYSE.
Mazumder, Debojyoti (2013): Trade and Labor Market Imperfection: A Model with Status Conscious Preference.
Mazurek, Jiri (2013): A Comparison of GDP growth of European countries during 2008-2012 period from regional and other perspectives.
Mazurek, Jiří (2013): The Great Recession: a comparison of recession magnitudes in Europe, USA and Japan.
Mazurek, Jiří (2013): On application of multi-criteria decision making with ordinal information in elementary education.
Mazurek, Jiří (2013): On beta and sigma convergence of Czech regions.
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Mboutchouang, Vincent De Paul and Kenneck, Joseph Massil and Mbenga Bindop, Kunz Modeste (2013): Transmission Intergénérationelle de l’Entrepreneuriat et Performance des Unités de Production Informelles au Cameroun.
McCarter, Matthew and Sheremeta, Roman (2013): You Can’t Put Old Wine in New Bottles: The Effect of Newcomers on Coordination in Groups. Forthcoming in: PLOS ONE
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McMinn, David (2013): 9/56 Year Cycle: Panics, Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Volcanoes.
Meacci, Ferdinando (2013): Say's Law. Forthcoming in:
Meacci, Ferdinando (2013): Wealth. Forthcoming in:
Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. (2013): Changing behaviour of self help group members: Pathway for sustainable rural livelihoods in Eastern India. Published in: Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences , Vol. 83, No. 8 (8 August 2013): pp. 847-851.
Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. (2013): Conservation Agriculture: Innovations, Constraints and Strategies for Adoption.
Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. (2013): Impact of self help groups on attitudes of members. Published in: Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences , Vol. 83, No. 9 (9 September 2013): pp. 971-976.
Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. (2013): Market Oriented Advisory Services through Women Advisory Service Providers in Punjab, India: The Case of value addition through food processing.
Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. and Swanson, B.E. (2013): Pluralistic Agricultural Extension System in India: Innovations and Constraints.
Megersa, kelbesa and Cassimon, Danny (2013): Assessing Indicators of Currency Crisis in Ethiopia: Signals Approach.
Mehmood, Sultan (2013): Terrorism and the macroeconomy: Evidence from Pakistan. Forthcoming in: Defense and Peace Economics
Mehta, Salil (2013): Sophisticated gambler’s ruin and survival chances.
Mejía Cubillos, Javier (2013): Fuentes y métodos para la reconstrucción de PIBs regionales en Colombia. Siglos XIX y XX.
Mejía Cubillos, Javier (2013): Perfil económico del Eje Cafetero. Un análisis con miras a la competitividad territorial.
Mejía-Cubillos, Javier (2013): Vínculos interregionales en la economía colombiana del siglo XIX: Empresariado del Caribe en el interior del país.
Mencinger, Jernej and Aristovnik, Aleksander (2013): Fiscal Policy Stance in the European Union: The Impact of the Euro. Published in: Engineering Economics , Vol. 24, No. 1 (February 2013): pp. 52-62.
Mendoza, Ronald and Beja Jr, Edsel and Venida, Victor and Yap, David (2013): Political dynasties and poverty: Resolving the “chicken or the egg” question.
Meng, Dawen and Tian, Guoqiang (2013): Entry-Deterring Nonlinear Pricing with Bounded Rationality.
Mensi, Walid and Beljid, Makram and Boubaker, Adel and Managi, Shunsuke (2013): Correlations and volatility spillovers across commodity and stock markets: Linking energies, food, and gold. Published in:
Mercado, P. Ruben and Cicowiez, Martin (2013): Growth analysis in developing countries: empirical issues and a small dynamic model.
Mercado, Ruben (2013): Development indices, inequality, and applied development policy analysis: some issues for discussion.
Merce, Emilian and Merce, Cristian Călin and Mureşan, Iulia (2013): Degree of zootechnics – barometer of economic development in the world countries. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 61-64.
Mesa Callejas, Ramon Javier and Arboleda Sierra, Rodrigo and Gaviria García, Nelson and Ramírez Zuluaga, Carolina and Giraldo, Iader (2013): Aproximaciones al estudio de las asociaciones deportivas: El caso de clubes y ligas en Antioquia - Colombia. Published in:
Mesquita Moreira, Mauricio and Blyde, Juan and Volpe, Christian and Molina, Danielken (2013): Too Far to Export: Domestic Transport Costs and Regional Export Disparities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Published in:
Metaxas, Theodore (2013): From city marketing to museum marketing and opposed.
Metaxas, Theodore and Deffner, Alex (2013): Using Critical Path Analysis (CPA) in Place Marketing process.
Mhaskar, Tejas (2013): Decoding Entropy.
Mhenni, Hatem and Ben Youssef, Adel and Elaheebocus, N and Ragni, Ludovic (2013): Are Technoparks High Tech Fantasies? Lessons from the Tunisian Experience. Published in: European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy No. 5
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Michailova, Julija and Katter, Joana K. Q. (2013): Thoughts on quantifying overconfidence in economic experiments.
Michailova, Julija and Katter, Joana K. Q. (2013): Thoughts on quantifying overconfidence in economic experiments.
Miele, Maria Grazia (2013): The effects of capital requirements on real economy: a cointegrated VAR approach for US commercial banks.
Miele, Maria Grazia (2013): The financial crisis and the credit rating agencies: the failure of reputation.
Mihai, Cornelia and Toderita, Alexandra (2013): How to unblock the financing of small and medium size farms in Romania? Financial instruments proposal for RDP 2014-2020. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 October 2013): pp. 264-270.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Development of MSW collection services on regional scale : spatial analysis and urban disparities in North-East Region, Romania. Published in: AGD Environment & Landscape , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013): pp. 13-18.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Estimations of Flood Waste from Rural Dumpsites Located on Floodplains from Neamţ County, Romania. Published in: Bulletin UASVM Agriculture , Vol. 70, No. 2 (2013): pp. 447-448.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Performance assessment method of urban waste management systems from Neamț County, Romania. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013): pp. 160-167.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Quantitative assessment of household waste disposed in floodplains of rivers from extra-Carpathian region of Neamț county, Romania. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on ECOLOGY, ECONOMICS, EDUCATION AND LEGISLATION, SGEM 2013, Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, (June 2013): pp. 781-788.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Tourism implications on local waste management. Case study: Neamț County. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013): pp. 214-221.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu and Chelaru, Dan-Adrian and Ursu, Adrian (2013): EU acquis compliance on urban waste management. Case study: Piatra Neamt, Romania. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on ECOLOGY, ECONOMICS EDUCATION AND LEGISLATION, SGEM 2013 , Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, (June 2013): pp. 423-430.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu and Ursu, Adrian and Ichim, Pavel (2013): Landfills as anthropogenic landforms in urban environment from Neamţ county. Published in: AES Bioflux , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013): pp. 100-108.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Ichim, Pavel (2013): Landfills – territorial issues of cities from North-East Region, Romania. Published in: Forum Geografic. Geographical studies and environment protection research , Vol. 12, No. 2 (2013): pp. 201-2010.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Lamasanu, Andreea (2013): Spatial analysis of dumpsites volumes from rural territory Case study: Neamt County, Romania. Published in: Forum Geografic. Geographical studies and environment protection research , Vol. 12, No. 1 (2013): pp. 59-66.
Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Ursu, Adrian and Ichim, Pavel and Chelaru, Dan-Adrian (2013): Determining rural areas vulnerable to illegal dumping using GIS techniques. Case study: Neamț county, Romania. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on ECOLOGY, ECONOMICS, EDUCATION AND LEGISLATION, SGEM 2013 Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, : pp. 275-282.
Milanovic, Branko (2013): The return of “patrimonial capitalism”: review of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st century. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Literature No. June 2014
Militaru, Ioana Nely (2013): Complex obligations under the new civil code. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 170-173.
Min, Hokey and Lambert, Thomas (2013): An Exploratory Evaluation of State Road Provision to Commuters and Shippers using Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression.
Mina, Wasseem (2013): Political Risk Guarantees and Capital Flows: The Role of Bilateral Investment Treaties.
Mina, Wasseem (2013): United Arab Emirates FDI Outlook.
Minasyan, Vigen (2013): Investigation of Iterative Algorithms for Evaluation of Capital Structure and Cost. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013): pp. 50-76.
Miranda, Jorge (2013): Estabilidad de la demanda de trabajo y efecto del salario minimo sobre el Empleo: El caso Chileno.
Miranda Pinto, Jorge (2013): Estabilidad de la demanda de trabajo y efecto del salario minimo sobre el Empleo: El caso Chileno.
Mirdala, Rajmund (2013): Current Account Adjustments and Real Exchange Rates in the European Transition Economies. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , Vol. 8, No. 2 (July 2013): pp. 210-227.
Mirdala, Rajmund (2013): Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Domestic Prices under Different Exchange Rate Regimes. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , Vol. 8, No. 4 (December 2013): pp. 466-491.
Mirdala, Rajmund (2013): Fiscal Imbalances and Current Account Adjustments in the European Transition Economies. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , Vol. 8, No. 3 (October 2013): pp. 323-352.
Mirdala, Rajmund (2013): Lessons Learned from Tax versus Expenditure Based Fiscal Consolidation in the European Transition Economies. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , Vol. 8, No. 1 (April 2013): pp. 73-98.
Mirdala, Rajmund (2013): Real Output and Prices Adjustments under Different Exchange Rate Regimes. Published in: Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy (FINART) ISBN-L: 978-606-93129-5-7 , Vol. 1, No. Chap. 11 (April 2013): pp. 207-230.
Mischke, Peggy (2013): China's energy statistics in a global context: A methodology to develop regional energy balances for East, Central and West China.
Mishra, Anil V and Ratti, Ronald A (2013): Taxation of Domestic Dividend Income and Foreign Investment Holdings.
Misun, Juraj (2013): Competency model as a tool of valuation of management capability. Published in: 9th EBES Conference Proceedings - Rome, Italy : january, 11 - 13, 2013. (2013): pp. 1047-1061.
Misun, Juraj (2013): Podnikateľský model multiplex a jeho aplikácia na Slovensku. Published in: Stratégie a podnikateľské modely v postindustriálnej ére podnikania , Vol. 1, (2013): pp. 91-108.
Misunova Hudakova, Ivana and Misun, Juraj (2013): Podnikateľský model ako nástroj strategického manažmentu na príklade spoločnosti Marvel entertainment. Published in: Ekonomika a manažment , Vol. 10, No. 2 (2013): pp. 64-82.
Misunová Hudaková, Ivana and Misun, Juraj (2013): Meranie turbulencie podnikateľského prostredia. Výsledky prieskumu. Published in: Manažment podnikania a vecí verejných – dialógy , Vol. 8, No. 21 (2013): pp. 33-43.
Mitra Thakur, Gogol (2013): Policy-Induced Changes in Income Distribution and Profit-Led Growth in A Developing Economy.
Mitsakis, Evangelos and Salanova Grau, Josep Maria and Aifadopoulou, Georgia and Tzenos, Panagiotis (2013): Εκτίμηση και πρόβλεψη της κυκλοφορίας σε πραγματικό χρόνο για προηγμένες υπηρεσίες πληροφόρησης μετακινούμενων στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
Mizuno, Nobuhiro (2013): Political Structure as a Legacy of Indirect Colonial Rule: Bargaining between National Governments and Rural Elites in Africa.
Mizuno, Tomomichi and Takauchi, Kazuhiro (2013): Rules of origin and uncertain cost of compliance.
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Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Declining economy in Zambia and its impact in food security. Published in: Peak Journal of Food Science and Technology , Vol. 1, No. 3 (30 September 2013): pp. 27-34.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Economic Development of Bangladesh. Published in: Journal of Business Management and Administration , Vol. 1, No. 4 (31 October 2013): pp. 41-48.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Ethiopia: A socio-economic study. Published in: Journal of Business Management and Administration , Vol. 1, No. 5 (30 November 2013): pp. 59-74.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Food and nutrition of Bangladesh. Published in: Peak Journal of Food Science and Technology , Vol. 2, No. 1 (5 February 2014): pp. 1-17.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Food, Agriculture and Economic Situation of Bangladesh.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Friedmann, Robertson-Walker (FRW) Models in Cosmology. Published in: Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques , Vol. 1, No. 3 (22 December 2013): pp. 158-164.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): General upper limit of the age of the Universe. Published in: ARPN Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 4, No. 1 (10 January 2014): pp. 4-12.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Global food price hike is a burden to the poor. Published in: International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management , Vol. 19, No. 1 (29 November 2013): pp. 1-15.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Small Industries. Published in: KASBIT Business Journal No. Special Issue, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Global Sustainable development (1st ICGSD-2013), held on 27-28, February, 2013 (28 February 2013)
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Small Industries and its Impact on Global Warming. Published in: KASBIT Business Journal , Vol. 6, No. 2 (31 December 2013): pp. 1-13.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Greenhouse Gas Emissions of China. Published in: Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques , Vol. 1, No. 4 (15 January 2014): pp. 190-202.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Human Rights in Bangladesh: Stresses on the Period of 2009 to 2012. Published in: KASBIT Business Journal , Vol. 6, No. 2 (31 December 2013): pp. 38-64.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Human Rights in Bangladesh: Stresses on the Period of 2009 to 2012. Published in: KASBIT Business Journal No. Special Issue, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Global Sustainable development (1st ICGSD-2013), held on 27-28, February, 2013 (28 February 2013)
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Minkowski geometry and space-time manifold in relativity. Published in: Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques , Vol. 1, No. 2 (10 November 2013): pp. 101-109.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Poverty and economic development of Kenya. Published in: International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management , Vol. 18, No. 1 (29 October 2013): pp. 72-82.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Schwarzschild Geometry from Exact Solution of Einstein Equation. Published in: Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques , Vol. 1, No. 2 (18 October 2013)
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Scope of Raychaudhuri equation in cosmological gravitational focusing and space-time singularities. Published in: Peak Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research , Vol. 1, No. 7 (26 December 2013): pp. 106-114.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Space-Time Singularities and Raychaudhuri Equations. Published in: Journal of Natural Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 2 (31 December 2013): pp. 18-30.
Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Upper Limit of the Age of the Universe with Cosmological Constant. Published in: International Journal of Reciprocal Symmetry and Theoretical Physics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (24 April 2014): pp. 43-68.
Mohamad, Sharifah Fairuz Syed and Masih, Mansur (2013): Gold price movements in selected currencies: wavelet approach.
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Mohd Safian, Edie Ezwan and Nawawi, Abdul Hadi and Atan Sipan, Ibrahim (2013): Identification of Building and Locational Characteristics’ Ranking for Purpose-built Offices in Malaysia: A Delphi Methodology.
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Mollaesmaeili Dehshiri, Hassan and Sharifi Renani, Hossein and Mirfatah, Maryam (2013): Analysis the Impact of Good Governance on the Non-Oil Export of Oil Exporting Countries. Published in: Journal of Economic Policy & Research , Vol. 8, No. 1 (15 March 2013): pp. 1-14.
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Monda, Barbara and Giorgino, Marco (2013): Corporate Governance and Shareholder Value in Listed Firms: An Empirical Analysis in Five Countries (France, Italy, Japan, UK, USA).
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Mureşanu, Felicia and Has, Voichiţa and Ignea, Mircea (2013): Some elements of economic efficiency of biological treatment to combat corn borer (ostrinia nubilalis hbn) in the conditions of Transylvania. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 October 2013): pp. 271-275.
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Nguyen, Anh and Nguyen, Mai and Doan, Hung (2013): The Viet Nam National Innovation System: A Diagnostic Review. Published in: TECH MONITOR No. Apr-Jun 2013 (May 2013): pp. 42-52.
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Nguyen, Nhung and Luu, Nhung (2013): Determinants of Financing Pattern and Access to Formal -Informal Credit: The Case of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Viet Nam. Published in: Journal of Management Research , Vol. 5, No. 1941-899X (5 April 2013): pp. 240-259.
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Rao, D. Pulla (2013): Socioeconomic Status of Scheduled Tribes. Published in: MERC Global's International Journal of Management , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013): pp. 36-50.
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Rashid, Abdul and Kocaaslan, Ozge Kandemir (2013): Does Energy Consumption Volatility Affect Real GDP Volatility? An Empirical Analysis for the UK. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Rashid, Abdul and Saedan, Mashael (2013): Financial Crisis and Exchange Rates in Emerging Economics: An Empirical Analysis using PPP-UIP-Framework.
Ratti, Ronald A. and Hasan, M. Zahid (2013): Oil Price Shocks and Volatility in Australian Stock Returns .
Ratti, Ronald A. and Vespignani, Joaquin L. (2013): Commodity Prices and BRIC and G3 Liquidity: A SFAVEC Approach.
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Raval, Vishvesh and Vyas, Khyati (2013): Financial freedom experience of Indian Male and Female Executives.
Raval, Vishvesh and Vyas, Khyati and Raval, Brahmaghosh (2013): Usefulness of Executive Development Programs to Corporate Executives.
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Raza, Syed Ali and Jawaid, Syed Tehseen and Afshan, Sahar (2013): Is Stock Market Sensitive to Foreign Capital Inflows and Economic Growth? Evidence from Pakistan.
Raza, Syed Ali and Jawaid, Syed Tehseen and Hassan, Ayesha (2013): Internet Banking and Customer Satisfaction in Pakistan.
Raza, Syed Ali and Jawaid, Syed Tehseen and Shafqat, Junaid (2013): Profitability of the Banking Sector of Pakistan: Panel Evidence from Bank-Specific, Industry-Specific and Macroeconomic Determinants.
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Razzak, Weshah (2013): New Zealand Labour Market Dynamics Pre- and post-global financial crisis. Forthcoming in: New Zealand Treasury Working Papers (2014)
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Remoundou, Kyriaki and Adaman, Fikret and Koundouri, Phoebe and Nunes, Paulo A.L.D. (2013): Is the Value of Environmental Goods Sensitive to the Source of Public Funding? Evidence from a Marine Restoration Programme in the Black Sea. Published in:
Remoundou, Kyriaki and Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Koundouri, Phoebe (2013): Isolating Warm Glow in Charitable Auction Giving. Published in:
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Riccardo, Macchioni and Giuseppe, Sannino and Gianluca, Ginesti and Carlo, Drago (2013): Firms’ disclosure compliance with IASB’s Management Commentary framework:an empirical investigation. Published in: Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria ed Economia Aziendale (RIREA) No. Vol. July-August-September 2013 (2013)
Riccetti, Luca and Russo, Alberto and Gallegati, Mauro (2013): Financialisation and Crisis in an Agent Based Macroeconomomic Model.
Riccetti, Luca and Russo, Alberto and Mauro, Gallegati (2013): Financial Regulation in an Agent Based Macroeconomic Model.
Richey, Jeremiah (2013): An Odd Couple: Monotone Instrumental Variables and Binary Treatments. Forthcoming in: Econometric Reviews
Rickman, Dan (2013): Should Oklahoma Be More Like Texas? A Taxing Decision. Forthcoming in: The Review of Regional Studies
Rickman, Dan S. and Guettabi, Mouhcine (2013): The Great Recession and Nonmetropolitan America.
Rietz, Thomas and Sheremeta, Roman and Shields, Timothy and Smith, Vernon (2013): Transparency, Efficiency and the Distribution of Economic Welfare in Pass-Through Investment Trust Games. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization No. 94 (2013): pp. 257-267.
Riman, Hodo B. and Akpan, Emmanuel S. and Offiong, Amenawo I (2013): Asymetric Effect of Oil Price Shocks on Exchange Rate Volatility and Domestic Investment in Nigeria. Published in: British Journal of Economics Management and Trade , Vol. 4, No. 3 (14 September 2013): pp. 513-532.
Riman, Hodo. B and Akpan, Emmanuel S. and Offiong, Amenawa I. and Ojong, Cornelius M. (2013): Nexus between Oil Revenue, Non-oil Export and Industrial Output in Nigeria: An Application of the VAR Model. Published in: International Journal of Financial Economics , Vol. Vol. 1, No. No. 2, (17 December 2013)
Rindone, Fabio and Greco, Salvatore and Di Gaetano, Luigi (2013): On prospects and games: an equilibrium analysis under prospect theory.
Ripamonti, Alexandre (2013): Rational Valuation Formula (RVF) and Time Variability in Asset Rates of Return. Published in: R.Cont.Fin , Vol. 61, No. 24 (May 2013): pp. 55-63.
Rivas-Aceves, Salvador (2013): El sector público y el cambio tecnológico. Forthcoming in: Revista Políticas Públicas , Vol. 1, (2013): pp. 73-96.
Rizvi, Syed Aun and Masih, Mansur (2013): Do Shariah (Islamic) Indices Provide a Safer Avenue in Crisis? Empirical Evidence from Dow Jones Indices using Multivariate GARCH-DCC.
Robert William, Vivian (2013): Ending the myth of the St Petersburg paradox. Published in: South African Journal of Economic and Managment Sciences , Vol. NS 16, No. 3 (September 2013): pp. 347-362.
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Rodriguez-Aseretto, Dario and Di Leo, Margherita and de Rigo, Daniele and Corti, Paolo and McInerney, Daniel and Camia, Andrea and San-Miguel-Ayanz, Jesús (2013): Free and open source software underpinning the european forest data centre. Forthcoming in: Geophysical Research Abstracts , Vol. 15, (2013)
Rodríguez Alcantud, José Carlos and de Andrés Calle, Rocío and González-Arteaga, Teresa (2013): Codifications of complete preorders that are compatible with Mahalanobis disconsensus measures.
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Roedl, Marianne (2013): The Liquidity Coverage Ratio: the need for further complementary ratios? Published in: Bank for International Settlements Publications (15 October 2013)
Roedl, Marianne (2013): Role of regulation in micro finance: jurisdictional analysis. Forthcoming in: Global Development Finance Review (27 November 2013)
Romano, Antonio Angelo and Scandurra, Giuseppe (2013): Investments in renewable energy sources in OPEC members: a dynamic panel approach.
Romero, Hector and Fajardo, Eddy Johanna (2013): Notas sobre la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública en Venezuela.
Roncalli, Thierry (2013): Introducing Expected Returns into Risk Parity Portfolios: A New Framework for Tactical and Strategic Asset Allocation.
Roncalli, Thierry (2013): Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting.
Rosa, Frederico (2013): Barreiro – Modelo para a implementação de um Agência de Investimento Local.
Rosa, Frederico (2013): Capital-as-a-Service?
Rosato, Antonio (2013): Selling Substitute Goods to Loss-Averse Consumers: Limited Availability, Bargains and Rip-offs.
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Rossi, Fabrizio and Cebula, Richard (2013): Stock Market Reactions to Announcements of Board of Director Appointments: Evidence from Italy.
Rosta, Miklós (2013): New Public Management: opportunity for the Centre, thread for the Periphery. Published in: (2013)
Rotolo, Daniele and Messeni Petruzzelli, Antonio (2013): When does centrality matter? Scientific productivity and the moderating role of research specialization and cross-community ties. Published in: Journal of Organizational Behavior No. 34 (2013): pp. 648-670.
Rovira, Sebastián and Santoleri, Pietro and Stumpo, Giovanni (2013): Incorporación de TIC en el sector productivo: uso y desuso de las políticas públicas para favorecer su difusión. Published in: Entre Mitos y Realidades. Tic, políticas productivas y desarrollo productivo en América Latina (March 2013): pp. 17-50.
Roy, Chandan (2013): Child-rights & child development in India - a socio-economic analysis under regional perspective. Forthcoming in: Human Rights in India No. ISBN: 978-8186772591 (2013)
Roy, Chandan Roy (2013): An Expository Analysis on Environmental Compliance of Indian Leather Industry. Published in: A REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT No. ISBN : 978-81-86772-58-4 (19 June 2013): pp. 78-99.
Roşu, Elisabeta (2013): Aspects of climatic factors and the need of irrigation. Case study – Brăila county. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 71-76.
Rubil, Ivica (2013): Accounting for regional poverty differences in Croatia: Exploring the role of disparities in average income and inequality.
Rubil, Ivica (2013): The Great Recession and the Public-Private Wage Gap: Distributional Decomposition Evidence from Croatia 2008-2011.
Rudiger, Jesper (2013): Cross-Checking the Media.
Rudiger, Jesper (2013): Using Other People's Opinions: An Experimental Study.
Ruijgrok, Matthijs and Ruijgrok, Theo (2013): An effective replicator equation for games with a continuous strategy set.
Ruiz Estrada, M.A. (2013): How Crime can Affect Economic Performance through the Application of an ECM-Model: the Case of Guatemala. Forthcoming in: JPM
Ruiz Estrada, Mario Arturo (2013): The Application of the Minimum Food Security Quota (MFS-Quota): Malaysia.
Ruiz Estrada, Mario Arturo (2013): How Crime can Affect Economic Performance through the Application of an ECM-Model: the Case of Guatemala. Forthcoming in: JPM
Ruiz Estrada, Mario Arturo (2013): The Macroeconomics evaluation of Climate Change Model (MECC-Model): The case Study of China.
Ruiz Estrada, Mario Arturo (2013): The Macroeconomics evaluation of Climate Change Model (MECC-Model): The case Study of China. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Climate Changes : pp. 1-40.
Ruiz-Porras, Antonio and Garcia-Vazquez, Nancy (2013): Instituciones fiscales, prestamistas y desarrollo local: Un análisis de la deuda de los municipios de Jalisco.
Rusli Abdulah, Rusli (2013): FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMENGARUHI KETIMPANGAN PENDAPATAN DI JAWA TENGAH. Published in: JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy , Vol. 1, No. 6 (26 January 2013): pp. 42-53.
Russo, Alberto (2013): Financial Fragility and Macroeconomic Instability in a Heterogeneous Interacting Agents Framework.
Russo, Alberto and Riccetti, Luca and Gallegati, Mauro (2013): Increasing Inequality and Financial Fragility in an An Agent Based Macroeconomic Model.
Ruston, Agustina and García Fronti, Javier (2013): Una nota preliminar sobre el ejercicio de stress testing 2011 del sistema bancario europeo; impacto de la crisis soberana griega.
Ryabushka, Lyudmila (2013): The influence of the shadow economy on budget revenues. Published in:
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SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Europa e Us [quarta parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Italia e nelle Regioni italiane [terza parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Il Pay-as-You-Go in Europa attraverso i Programmi di Stabilità. Le risorse che gli attivi/occupati dovranno mettere a disposizione per finanziare il welfare.
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Il Pay-as-You-Go pubblico e privato: davvero diversi? Un confronto Europa - Us.
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La demografia dell’Italia e delle Regioni italiane. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine.
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La demografia in Europa e in Us. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine.
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La spesa sanitaria Ssn in Italia e nel Lazio. Ricostruzione con la metodologia Ecofin-Ocse, 1990 - oggi.
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Proiezioni della spesa e del finanziamento dei Sistemi Sanitari Regionali in Italia [2015-2030].
SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Un Test sulle Ipotesi delle Proiezioni a Medio-Lungo Termine della Spesa Farmaceutica.
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Sadiq, Waseem (2013): Identifying the Factors that Affect the Financial Sustainability in Balochistan Province of Pakistan.
Sagebiel, Julian and Müller, Jakob R. and Rommel, Jens (2013): Are Consumers Willing to Pay More for Electricity from Cooperatives? Results from an Online Choice Experiment in Germany.
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Sahu, Santosh Kumar and Narayanan, K. (2013): Exports and Participation in Clean Development Mechanism [CDM] in Technology Intensive Industries in India.
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Sakarya, Burchan and Kaya, Yasemin (2013): Katılım Bankaları Mevduat Bankalarından Farklı mı Çalışıyor. Forthcoming in: Ekonomik Yaklaşım
Salahodjaev, Raufhon and Nazarov, Zafar (2013): An Econometric Approach of Computing Competitiveness Index in Human Capital. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2013): pp. 51-64.
Salerno, Nicola Carmine (2013): Finanziamento della Sanità - Limiti del PayGo e proposta di sistema multipilastro con Welfare Fund.
Salerno, Nicola Carmine (2013): Pensionamento flessibile e (ri)equilibrio tra generazioni.
Salerno, Nicola Carmine (2013): Un Test sulle Ipotesi delle Proiezioni a medio-lungo termine della Spesa Sanitaria.
Salmanov, Oleg (2013): Экономическая добавленная стоимость и дисконтированный денежный поток: сопоставление методов управления стоимостью. Published in: Service in Russia and abroad (Сервис в России и за рубежом) No. № 9 (47) (1 September 2013): pp. 82-91.
Saltari, Enrico and Federici, Daniela (2013): Elasticity of substitution and technical progress: Is there a misspecification problem?
Salustri, Andrea (2013): Daily life explorers, social networks and landscape policies.
Salustri, Andrea (2013): The sustainability of the Italian public finances: an overview.
Salvadori, Neri and Signorino, Rodolfo (2013): The Malthus versus Ricardo 1815 Corn Laws Controversy: An appraisal.
Samak, Anya and Sheremeta, Roman (2013): Visibility of Contributors and Cost of Information: An Experiment on Public Goods.
Samanta, Debabrata and Jha, Jitendra Kumar and Dinda, Soumyananda (2013): Assessment of Land Governance in Bihar. Published in: Workshop Contributory Papers at LBSNAA (20 February 2014): pp. 87-108.
Samantas, Ioannis (2013): Bank competition and financial (in)stability in Europe: A sensitivity analysis.
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Sambracos, Evangelos and Maniati, Marina (2013): Shipping Market Financing: Special Features and the Impact of Basel III.
Sambracos, Evangelos and Ramfou, Irene (2013): The effect of freight transport time changes on the performance of manufacturing companies.
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Sammut-Bonnici, Tanya and Paroutis, Sotirios (2013): Developing a Dominant Logic of Strategic Innovation. Published in: Management Research Review , Vol. 10, No. 36 : pp. 924-938.
Sampson, Christopher and James, Marilyn and Huband, Nick and Geelan, Steve and McMurran, Mary (2013): Cost implications of treatment non-completion in a forensic personality disorder service. Published in: Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health (23 July 2013)
Sampson, Christopher and James, Marilyn and Whynes, David (2013): The relationship between individual risk and cost-effectiveness in screening interventions.
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Sanchez, Rafael (2013): Does a mandatory reduction of standard working hours improve employees' health status? Published in: Industrial Relations , Vol. 56, No. 1 (January 2017): pp. 3-39.
Sanderson, Rohnn (2013): Does Monetary Policy cause Randomness or Chaos? A Case Study from the European Central Bank. Published in: Banks and Bank Systems No. 4 (18 December 2013): pp. 55-61.
Sani Ibrahim, Mr. Saifullahi and Muhammad, Mr. Abubakar (2013): Information and Communication Technology and Bank Performance in Nigeria: A Panel Data Analysis.
Sani Ibrahim, Saifullahi (2013): Does Rural Financial Development Spur Economic Growth? Evidence from Nigeria. Published in: Contemporary Issues in Nigeria’s National Development (2014): 257 -266.
Sanjaya, Muhammad Ryan (2013): Mea Culpa, Economica: Perkembangan Konsep dan Pengajaran Ilmu Ekonomi Pasca Krisis Ekonomi Global 2008.
Sant'Anna, Pedro H. C. (2013): Testing for Uncorrelated Residuals in Dynamic Count Models with an Application to Corporate Bankruptcy.
Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Adinolfi, Felice and Capitanio, Fabian and Contò, Francesco and Sasala, Piero (2013): Coping with Risks in the Mediterranean Countries? Let the experts explain. Forthcoming in:
Santos, Miguel (2013): A Prática Científica Nas Ciências Sociais.
Santos, Susana (2013): Socio-economic studies with social accounting and socio-demographic Matrices. An (attempted) application to Mozambique.
Santos-Cabalgante, Beatriz and Fidalgo-Cerviño, Esther and Santos-Cebrian, Mónica (2013): The Origins of the Spanish Railroad Accounting Model: A Qualitative Study of the MZA's Operating Account (1856-1874). Published in: DE COMPUTIS Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad (Spanish Journal of Accounting History) No. 21 (December 2014): pp. 73-103.
Sapovadia, Vrajlal and Patel, Akash (2013): Drivers of Poverty Alleviation Process: Empirical Study of Community Based Organizations from India.
Sapovadia, Vrajlal and Patel, Akash (2013): Levers of Corporate Governance in India: Critical Analysis through Prism of Legal Framework.
Sapovadia, Vrajlal and Patel, Akash (2013): What Works for Workers' Cooperatives? An Empirical Research on Success & Failure of Indian Workers' Cooperatives. Published in: ILO Workshop, Geneva , Vol. 1, No. 1 (8 May 2013)
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Sengupta, Rajeswari and Sen Gupta, Abhijit (2013): Policy Tradeoffs in an Open Economy and the Role of G-20 in Global Macroeconomic Policy Coordination. Published in: Global Cooperation Among G20 Countries: Responding to the Crisis and Restoring Growth , Vol. Part 5, No. Springer Link Publication, 2014 (January 2014): pp. 201-220.
Senicovscaia, Irina (2013): Conservation of invertebrates’ biodiversity in soils of the Republic of Moldova. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 77-84.
Sequeira, Tiago and Santos, Marcelo and Ferreira-Lopes, Alexandra (2013): Human Capital and Genetic Diversity.
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Shahbaz, Muhammad and Sbia, Rashid and Hamdi, Helmi (2013): The Environmental cost of Skiing in the Desert? Evidence from Cointegration with unknown Structural breaks in UAE.
Shahbaz, Muhammad and Tahir, Mohammad Iqbal and Ali, Imran (2013): Is Gold Investment A Hedge against Inflation in Pakistan? A Cointegtaion and Causality Analysis in the Presence of Structural Breaks.
Shahbaz, Muhammad and Tiwari, Aviral Kumar and Tahir, Mohammad Iqbal (2013): Analyzing Time-Frequency Relationship between Oil Price and Exchange Rate in Pakistan through Wavelets.
Shahbaz, Muhammad and Ur Rehman, Ijaz (2013): Multivariate–Based Granger Causality between Financial Deepening and Poverty: The Case of Pakistan.
Shahbaz, Muhammad and Ur Rehman, Ijaz and Ahmad Mahdzan, Nurul Shahnaz (2013): Linkages between Income Inequality, International Remittances and Economic Growth in Pakistan.
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Shaikh, Salman (2013): Islam and Environmental Economics. Published in: Journal of Islamic Banking & Finance , Vol. 30, No. 1 (1 January 2013): pp. 35-43.
Shaikh, Salman (2013): Micro Foundations of Savings Behavior in Urban Pakistan. Forthcoming in: 3rd IRC Proceedings, Szabist Karachi , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 January 2014)
Shaikh, Salman (2013): Micro-foundations of God-Conscious Economic Agents in Islamic Economy. Published in: Proceeding The Tenth International Conference On Tawhid and The World System 2013 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (31 December 2013): pp. 326-344.
Shakeel, Muhammad and Iqbal, Mazhar and Majeed, Muhammad Tariq (2013): Energy Consumption, Trade and GDP: A Case Study of South Asian Countries.
Sharafat, Ali and Hamid, Waqas and Muhammad, Asghar and Raheel Abbas, Kalroo and Muhammad, Ayaz and Mukhtyar, Khan (2013): Foreign Capital and Investment in Pakistan: A Cointegration and Causality Analysis. Published in: Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research , Vol. 4, No. 4 (29 April 2014): pp. 217-226.
Shaukat, Mughees and Mirakhor, Abbas and Krichene, Noureddine (2013): Fragility Of Interest-Based Debt Financing: Is It Worth Sustaining A Regime Uncertainty?
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Sheng, Andrew and Singh, Ajit (2013): Islamic Stock Markets in a Global Context. Published in: Economic Development and Islamic Finance: Directions in Development No. Chapter 10 (19 May 2013): 275 -296.
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Sheremeta, Roman and Shields, Timothy (2013): Do Liars Believe? Beliefs and Other-Regarding Preferences in Sender-Receiver Games. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2013)
Sheremeta, Roman and Zhang, Jingjing (2013): Three-Player Trust Game with Insider Communication. Forthcoming in: Economic Inquiry
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Shijaku, Gerti and Gjokuta, Arlind (2013): Fiscal policy and economic growth: the case of Albania. Published in:
Shijaku, Gerti and Kalluci, Irini (2013): Determinants of bank credit to the private sector: The case of Albania. Published in:
Shin, Inyong (2013): The effect of compressed demographic transition and demographic gift on economic growth.
Shingal, Anirudh (2013): "New" econometric evidence for the Baldwin-Richardson (1972)/Miyagiwa (1991) theoretical predictions in government procurement.
Shingal, Anirudh (2013): Revisiting the trade effects of services agreements.
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Siddiqi, Hammad (2013): Analogy Making, Option Prices, and Implied Volatility.
Siddiqi, Hammad (2013): Mental Accounting: A Closed-Form Alternative to the Black Scholes Model.
Siddique, Muhammad and Hayat, Khizer and Akbar, Irfan and Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman (2013): Impediments Of Green Marketing In Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 1, No. 2 (March 2013): pp. 22-27.
Sidharta, Iwan and Sidh, Rahmahwati (2013): Analisis Faktor-Faktor Sikap Yang Membentuk Niat Mahasiswa Menjadi Teknopreneur. Published in: Jurnal Computech & Bisnis , Vol. 2, No. 7 (December 2013): pp. 117-128.
Siggelkow, Benjamin Florian (2013): Tax Competition and Double Tax Treaties with Mergers and Acquisitions.
Sikdar, Asaduzzaman and Kundu, Nobinkhor and Khan, Zakir Saadullah (2013): Trade openness and inflation: A test of Romer hypothesis for Bangladesh. Published in: The Journal of Comilla University , Vol. 2, No. 1 (26 December 2013): pp. 85-96.
Siklós, Balazs and Gawlik, Remigiusz (2013): Managing the Quality of Higher Education in Scope of Some Theories. Published in: Innovations in Management and Production Engineering (2013): pp. 235-250.
Simachev, Yuri and Kuzyk, Mikhail and Feygina, Vera (2013): The Nature of Innovation Channels at the Micro-Level: Evidence from Russian Manufacturing Firms.
Simeonova-Ganeva, Ralitsa and Ganev, Kaloyan (2013): Ефекти от политиките, финансирани от европейските фондове: оценяване на въздействието на инвестициите в образование и наука в България. Published in: Институтът за икономически изследвания при БАН, Сборник доклади от конференция на тема: "Посткризисно икономическо развитие на ЕС и България", проведена на 18-19.10.2012 г. (2013)
Simeonova-Ganeva, Ralitsa and Panayotova, Nataliya and Ganev, Kaloyan (2013): Моделиране на възвращаемостта от образование и реализация на притежателите на докторски степени на пазара на труда в България. Published in: Statistica No. 3-4/2012 (2013)
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Simplice A, Asongu (2013): The ‘Knowledge Economy’-finance nexus: how do IPRs matter in SSA and MENA countries? Forthcoming in:
Simplice A, Asongu and Oasis, Kodila-Tedika (2013): Crime and conflicts in Africa: consequences of corruption?
Simplice A, Asongu and Oasis, Kodila-Tedika (2013): Fighting African Conflicts and Crimes: Which Governance Tools Matter?
Simplice A, Asongu and Oasis, Kodila-Tedika (2013): State fragility, rent seeking and lobbying: evidence from African data.
Singh, Ajay Kumar and Vasudeva, Sakshi (2013): Do Building Up of Values Matter? An Analysis of Ethical Values of Accounting Professionals and Unethical Reporting Practices in Accounting. Published in: THE GLOBAL eLEARNING JOURNAL , Vol. 2, No. 3 (2013): pp. 1-25.
Singh, Ajit (2013): Competition, Competition Policy, Competitiveness, Globalisation and Development. Forthcoming in: Elgar Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development
Singh, Ajit (2013): Full Employment in Western Europe and the Regulatory Regime: An Institutional and Historical Analysis Together with a Commentary on Government as an Entrepreneur. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Law and Economics
Singh, Ajit and Singh, Gurmail (2013): Almost Steady East Asian Rise: Implications for Labour Markets and Income Distribution. Forthcoming in: Report for the International Labour Office (ILO) Regional Office for the Asia and the Pacific region, Bangkok (2014)
Singh, Amarendra Pratap and Narayanan, Krishnan (2013): Issues in Modelling Agriculture Response to Climate Change.
Singh, Anshul (2013): Do the FDI, Economic growth and Trade affect each other for India: An ARDL Approach.
Singh, Deepti and Goli, Srinivas (2013): Familial Power Relations, Popularity of Female Sterilization and Fertility Decline in Andhra Pradesh: A Cultural Understanding.
Singh, Inderjeet and Bhangoo, Kesar Singh (2013): Irrigation System in Indian Punjab.
Singh, K.M. (2013): Sustainable Agriculture: Potential and Strategies for Development.
Singh, K.M. and Kumar, Abhay (2013): Development of Potato in Bihar:Issues and Strategies.
Singh, K.M. and Kumar, Abhay and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Ujjwal (2013): Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Enhancing Farm Income: The Case of Bihar.
Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. (2013): Economics of Conservation Agriculture: An Overview.
Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. and Kumar, Abhay and Singh, R.K.P. (2013): Gender Issues in Agriculture.
Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. and Swanson, B.E. (2013): Extension in India by Public Sector Institutions: An Overview.
Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. and Swanson, B.E. (2013): Role of State Agricultural Universities and Directorates of Extension Education in Agricultural Extension in India.
Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Jha, A.K. and Kumar, Abhay (2013): Fodder Market in Bihar: An Exploratory Study. Published in: Economic Affairs , Vol. 58, No. 4 (15 December 2013): pp. 355-364.
Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Jha, A.K. and Kumar, Abhay (2013): A Micro Analysis of Fodder Production and Marketing in India: The Case of Bihar.
Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Jha, A.K. and Kumar, Abhay and Kumar, Anjani and Meena, M.S. (2013): Feed and Fodder Value Chains in Bihar: Some Empirical Evidences.
Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Abhay (2013): A Socio-Economic Study on Adoption of Modern Agricultural Technologies in Bihar, India.
Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Anjani (2013): Male Worker Migration and Women Empowerment: The case of Bihar, India.
Singh, K.M. and Swanson, B.E. and Meena, M.S. (2013): Reforming India’s Pluralistic Extension System: Some Policy Issues.
Singh, Krishna M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Meena, M.S. and Kumar, Abhay (2013): A Review of Indian Water Policy.
Singh, Neelam (2013): Automotive Industry Response to its Global QMS Standard ISO/TS-16949.
Singh, R.K.P. and Singh, K.M. (2013): An Overview of Agricultural Credit and Crop Insurance in Bihar.
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Sinha, Pankaj and Bansal, Vishakha (2013): Capital structure puzzle: the interrelationship between leverage, taxes and other micro economic factors.
Sinha, Pankaj and Chandwani, Abhishek and Sinha, Tanmay (2013): Algorithm of construction of Optimum Portfolio of stocks using Genetic Algorithm.
Sinha, Pankaj and Kohli, Deepti (2013): Modeling exchange rate dynamics in India using stock market indices and macroeconomic variables.
Sinha, Pankaj and Mathur, Kritika (2013): International Linkages of Agri-Processed and Energy commodities traded in India.
Sinha, Pankaj and Mathur, Kritika (2013): Price, Return and Volatility Linkages of Base Metal Futures traded in India.
Sinha, Pankaj and Mathur, Kritika (2013): A study on the Price Behavior of Base Metals traded in India.
Sinha, Pankaj and Sharma, Sakshi and Sondhi, Kriti (2013): Market Valuation and Risk Assessment of Indian Banks using Black -Scholes -Merton Model.
Sinha, Pankaj and Singhal, Anushree (2013): FDI in Retail in India: An Empirical Analysis.
Siregar, Reza (2013): Globalized Banking Sectors: Features and Policy Implications amidst Global Uncertainties.
Siregar, Reza and Miyaki, Keita (2013): Regional Financial Arrangement: An Impetus for Regional Policy Cooperation.
Siregar, Reza and Wihardja, Monica (2013): Fragile Balance of Payment in Indonesia in the Midst of Recent Global Economic Uncertainties.
Siregar, Reza Yamora and Nguyen, Thi Kim Cuc (2013): Inflationary Implication of Gold Price in Vietnam.
Sirucek, Martin (2013): Cenové bubliny na dluhopisových trzích USA a Japonska. Published in: Nová ekonomika - New Economy , Vol. 4, No. VI (December 2013): pp. 132-146.
Sirucek, Martin (2013): Impact of money supply on stock bubbles. Published in: Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis , Vol. 7, No. LXI (November 2013)
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Situngkir, Hokky (2013): Indonesian Innovations on Information Technology 2013: Between Syntactic and Semantic Textual Network. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2-2013
Situngkir, Hokky and Maulana, Ardian (2013): Dynamics of the Corruption Eradication in Indonesia. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-1-2013 (17 September 2013)
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Skouras, Thanos (2013): The sources of profits and their sustainability: A survey of basic theoretical issues.
Skouras, Thanos and Kitromilides, Yiannis (2013): The irresistible charm of the Microfoundations, or the overwhelming force of the discipline's Hard Core?
Skribans, Valerijs and Lektauers, Arnis and Merkuryev, Yuri (2013): Third Generation University Strategic Planning Model Development. Published in: Proceedings of the 31th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (2013): pp. 1-7.
Slave, Camelia and Rotman, Anca (2013): Monitoring agricultural plantations with remote sensing imagery. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 112-117.
Slim, Sadri (2013): Un modelo IS/LM con economía ilegal y lavado de dinero.
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Sokic, Alexandre and FABRIS, Nikola (2013): Euroization and cyclical stabilization in Montenegro: an empirical analysis.
Sokolovskyi, Dmytro and Sokolovska, Olena (2013): The problem of arising the Pareto inefficient norm in relations “investor – government” type.
Solarin, Sakiru Adebola and Shahbaz, Muhammad (2013): Trivariate Causality between Economic Growth, Urbanisation and Electricity Consumption in Angola: Cointegration and Causality Analysis.
Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (2013): Modern Social Science Concepts, Proportionate Reciprocity, Modesty, and Democracy. Published in: European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2014): pp. 15-27.
Soliman, Ibrahim (2013): Oranges Sector in Egypt: Performance and Policies. Published in: SUSTAINMED Sustainable agri-food systems and rural development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries ,Organisation name of the lead contractor for this deliverable: KBS- Kent Business School, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (January 2013)
Song, Ze and Li, Lianyou and Ma, Chao (2013): The EASI Demand System : Evidence from China Household.
Sontuoso, Alessandro (2013): A Dynamic Model of Belief-Dependent Conformity to Social Norms.
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Zaytsev, Alexander (2013): Оценка перспективных направлений заимствования технологий (на примере отрасли выращивания зерновых культур). Forthcoming in: Вестник научной информации ИЭ РАН , Vol. 1, (2014)
Zeynalov, Ayaz (2013): Do Sufficient Institutions Alter the Relationship between Natural Resources And Economic Growth?
Zhang, Cathy (2013): An Information-Based Theory of International Currency.
Zhang, Guangfeng and Zhang, Qiong and Majeed, Muhammad Tariq (2013): Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting: Can the Microstructure Approach Rescue Us from the Exchange Rate Disparity? Published in: ISRN Economics , Vol. 2013, No. Article ID 724259 (2013): pp. 1-12.
Zhang, Lin (2013): Model projections and policy reviews for energy saving in China's service sector. Forthcoming in: Journal of Energy Policy (2013)
Zhang, Y. Jane (2013): Culture and the Gender Gap in Competitive Inclination: Evidence from the Communist Experiment in China.
Zhang, Zhibai and Zou, Xinyue (2013): The Ratio Model and its Application: A Revisit. Published in: Journal of Applied Finance & Banking , Vol. 3, No. 6 (1 November 2013): pp. 67-86.
Zhao, Wei (2013): Estimating Dynamic Merger Effciencies with an Application to the 1997 Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Merger.
Zheleznyak, Anatoliy (2013): Новая теория капитализма: узловые моменты и общая логика.
Zheleznyak, Anatoliy (2013): A New Theory of Capitalism: Key Moments and General Logic.
Zheng, Xinye and Li, Fanghua and Song, Shunfeng and Yu, Yihua (2013): Central Government's Infrastructure Investment across Chinese Regions: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Approach. Forthcoming in: China Economic Review
Zheng, Xinye and Wang, Jing and Li, Xilu and Yu, Yihua (2013): On the supply of China's healthcare resources in a decentralized healthcare system.
Zheng, Xinye and Yu, Yihua and Wang, Jing and Deng, Huihui (2013): Identifying the determinants and spatial nexus of provincial carbon intensity in China: A dynamic spatial panel approach. Forthcoming in: Regional Environmental Change (2014)
Zhou, Ang and Wang, Dong and Wang, Di (2013): Research on Aquaculture in China.
Zhou, Ge (2013): Rational bubbles and the spirit of capitalism.
Zhou, Haiwen (2013): Linkage Effects, Oligopolistic Competition, and Core-Periphery. Published in: Eastern Economic Journal , Vol. 39, No. 1 : pp. 93-110.
Zhou, Haiwen (2013): A Model of Institutional Complementarities in Ancient China. Forthcoming in: Eastern Economic Journal
Zhou, Jing and Latorre, María C. (2013): The impact of FDI on the production networks between China and East Asia and the role of the U.S. and ROW as final markets.
Zhou, Xiangyi and Zhang, Jie and Song, Xuetao (2013): Gender Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from 19,130 Resumes in China.
Zhu, Ke and Li, Wai Keung (2013): A new Pearson-type QMLE for conditionally heteroskedastic models.
Zhu, Ke and Li, Wai-Keung (2013): A bootstrapped spectral test for adequacy in weak ARMA models.
Zhu, Ke and Ling, Shiqing (2013): Global self-weighted and local quasi-maximum exponential likelihood estimators for ARMA-GARCH/IGARCH models. Published in: Annals of Statistics , Vol. 39, No. 4 (2011): pp. 2131-2163.
Zhu, Ke and Yu, Philip L.H. and Li, Wai Keung (2013): Testing for the buffered autoregressive processes.
Zhu, Ying (2013): Sparse Linear Models and l1−Regularized 2SLS with High-Dimensional Endogenous Regressors and Instruments. Forthcoming in: Journal of Econometrics
Zinchenko, Aleksey and Ukolova, Anna and Demichev, Vadim (2013): Сравнительная оценка регионов России с неблагоприятными условиями ведения сельского хозяйства. Published in: Ekonomika sel'skogo khoziaistva Rossii , Vol. 2, (February 2013): pp. 20-26.
Zinn, Jesse (2013): Modelling Biased Judgement with Weighted Updating.
Zinn, Jesse (2013): Self-Attribution Bias and Consumption.
Zinn, Jesse (2013): Stagflation and the Rejection of Keynesian Economics: A Case of Naive Falsification.
Zou, Tieding (2013): 公平与效率的两难抉择——关于养老改革影响因素的一个文献综述.
Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 城乡户籍与性别的重叠效应——基于身份公平的养老改革.
Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 养老保险体制改革——基于运行效率与分配公平的两难抉择.
Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 养老金亏空与劳动力市场的联动效应——普遍延迟退休,还是分类延迟退休?.
Zou, Tieding and Ye, Hang (2013): 公平与效率对养老改革的双重约束——延迟退休?还是并轨?.
Zudenkova, Galina (2013): Provision of Differentiated Public Goods within Organizations.
Zulfugarzade, Teymur (2013): ОСНОВЫ ПРАВОВОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ СИТУАЦИОННЫХ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ ЦЕНТРОВ. Published in: Social Science Electronic Publishing , Vol. 25, (1 September 2013): pp. 1-25.
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Álvarez de Toledo, Pablo and Núñez, Fernando and Usabiaga, Carlos (2013): Labour Market Segmentation, Clusters, Mobility and Unemployment Duration with Individual Microdata.
Ávalos, Eloy (2013): Fundamento y límite de la estática comparativa en el análisis económico.
Ávalos, Eloy (2013): La elección del consumidor bajo intolerancia distributiva.
Ávalos, Eloy (2013): Sobre algunos supuestos de la teoría neoclásica.
Ülke, Volkan and Ergun, Ugur (2013): The Relationship between Consumer Price and Producer Price Indices in Turkey. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences , Vol. vol. 3, No. No. 1 (22 February 2014): pp. 205-2022.
Ćwiklicki, Marek and Alcouffe, Alain (2013): The Dissemination of Management Innovations through Consultancy in the Postwar Period.
Ćwiklicki, Marek and Alcouffe, Alain (2013): The Dissemination of Management Innovations through Consultancy in the Postwar Period.
Ćwiklicki, Marek and Czekaj, Janusz (2013): Możliwe i rekomendowane sposoby grupowania i porządkowania współczesnych metod i koncepcji zarządzania.
Ćwiklicki, Marek and Golanko, Mirosław (2013): Role of management control from the perspective of New Public Management.
İmer-Ertunga, Evrim (2013): Avrupa’da Para Politikası ve Maliye Politikaları İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Published in: Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar , Vol. 585, No. 50 : pp. 81-89.
Łaszek, Jacek (2013): Housing in consumer’s theory.
Šoba, Oldřich and Širůček, Martin and Havíř, Tomáš (2013): Závislost cen akcií ropných společností na ceně ropy. Published in: Trends economics and management , Vol. 7, No. 14 (2013): pp. 78-90.
Țapu, Codrin (2013): The pioneers of the green revolution as forerunners of today's ecological and biotechnological revolutions. Published in: AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT - REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR ROMANIA , Vol. 4, No. ISSN – 2285-6803; ISSN – L – 2285-6803 (21 November 2013): pp. 130-135.
Леиашвили, Паата (2013): Экономикс в тисках эмпиризма и догматизма: причины застоя в экономической науке. Published in: СИАХЛЕ (2013): p. 71.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Прекратяване на пенсията поради смърт на пенсионера. Published in: Сборник с доклади от научна конференция с международно участие „Знанието – традиции, иновации, перспективи”, 14-15 юни 2013 г., Бургаски свободен университет. Том ІІ. Бургас: БСУ. ISBN 978-954-9370-96-6 (2013): pp. 90-94.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Предварителната закрила при уволнение по чл. 333, ал. 4 от Кодекса на труда (становище относно тълкувателно дело № 4 от 2013 г. на ОСГК на ВКС). Published in: Норма. ISSN 1314-5126 No. 7 (2013): pp. 43-56.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Религиозната толерантност и трудовото право. Published in: Норма (тематичен брой Право, религия, толерантност). ISSN 1314-5126. No. 8 (2013): pp. 86-101.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Осигурителният посредник като субект на осигурителното право. Published in: Актуални проблеми на трудовото и осигурителното право. Том VІ. Българското трудово и осигурително право – мит и реалност. София: УИ „Св. Кл. Охридски”. ISBN 978-954-07-3525-2 (2013): pp. 108-123.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Правни аспекти на институционализираната система за етичен анализ и морална оценка на научните медицински изследвания върху хора. Published in: Годишник на Департамент „Право” на Нов български университет 2012 година. (Yearbook of the Law Department of New Bulgarian University 2012). София: Издателство на НБУ. ISSN 1314–8087 (print); ISSN 2682–969X (online) , Vol. кн. 1, No. Година първа (2013): pp. 103-113.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): За характера на споровете във връзка с медицинската експертиза. Published in: Юридическо списание на НБУ (Law Journal of New Bulgarian University), на интернет адрес https://law.nbu.bg/download/departamenti/law/law-jurnal/novo/law-journal-4-2013-3.pdf. ISSN (online) 1314-5797 , Vol. IX, No. 4 (2013): pp. 49-72.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Непризнаването и неудостоверяването на трудов и/или осигурителен стаж като правен спор. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет – 2013. Том 52, серия 7 – Правни науки. Сборник с научни доклади от научна конференция РУ & СУ ’13. Русе: Издателство на РУ „Ангел Кънчев”. ISSN 1311-3321. (2013): pp. 116-121.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Някои етични проблеми при прилагането на Закона за развитието на академичния състав в Република България. Published in: интернет електронно списание „Юридическо образование” на интернет адрес www.legaleducation.eu (2013)
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Етични правила и поведение на медиатора. Published in: Етиката в българската правна система. Сборник статии. София: Издателски комплекс – УНСС, 2013. ISBN 978-954-644-458-5, (2013): pp. 313-322.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Клауза в трудов договор, която въвежда забрана за работа при работодател с конкурентна стопанска дейност. Published in: Развитие на правото в глобализиращия се свят. Юбилеен сборник по случай 100-годишнината от рождението на акад. Любен Василев и проф. д.ю.н. Живко Сталев и 90-годишнината от рождението на проф. д.ю.н. Витали Таджер. София: Фенея. ISBN 978-619-163-017-2, (2013): pp. 235-253.
Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Относно начина за изчисляване на обезщетението по чл. 225, ал. 3 от Кодекса на труда (становище относно тълкувателно дело № 2 от 2013 г. на ОСГК на ВКС). Published in: Юридическо списание на НБУ (Law Journal of New Bulgarian University), на интернет адрес https://law.nbu.bg/download/law-jurnal/statii4/statii5/law-journal1-2013-2.pdf. ISSN (online) 1314-5797 , Vol. IX, No. 1 (2013): pp. 15-28.
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