Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Year is 2012

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Number of items: 3394.

-, Anurag (2012): Dollarization:Demand of time or the result of mismanagement of economy.

ABALO, Kodzovi (2012): Child labor in agricultural households in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Mali: test of the luxury axiom by a fuzzy sets theory approach.

ABALO, Kodzovi (2012): Child labor in agricultural households in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Mali: test of the luxury axiom by a fuzzy sets theory approach.

AGAÏ, Oniankitan Gregoire (2012): Assessing the Viability of a Rural Microfinance Network : The Case of FONGS FINRURAL.

AKPOILIH, Roland and FARAYIBI, Adesoji (2012): Economic Growth and Inequality in Nigeria: Magnitudes and Challenges.

AROCHE REYES, FIDEL and MARQUEZ MENDOZA, MARCO ANTONIO (2012): An economic network in Nonth America.

AROURI, Mohamed El Hedi and BEN YOUSSEF, Adel and M'HENNI, Hatem and Rault, Christophe (2012): Empirical Analysis of The EKC Hypothesis for Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in Selected Middle East and North African Countries. Published in: The Journal of Energy and Development , Vol. 37, No. 1 and 2 (2012): pp. 207-226.

Abalo, Kodzovi (2012): Enquete sur les conditions de travail des enfants issus des ménages agricoles en Afrique de l'Ouest.

Abatemarco, Antonio and Dell'Anno, Roberto (2012): The Italian Reform of the academic recruitment system: an appraisal of ANVUR and CUN benchmarks for assessing candidates and commissioners.

Abbink, Klaus and Dasgupta, Utteeyo and Gangadharan, Lata and Jain, Tarun (2012): Letting the briber go free: an experiment on mitigating harassment bribes.

Abd El Hamid, Hoda (2012): Rising Food Prices and Their Implications for Education in Africa. Published in: International Journal of Educational Organisation and Leadership , Vol. 19, No. 3 (2013): pp. 1-24.

Abdih, Yasser and Behar, Alberto and Cevik, Serhan and Chami, Ralph and Dougherty-Choux, Lisa and Furceri, Davide and Janus, Nick and Zimand, Paul (2012): A Template for Analyzing and Projecting Labor Market Indicators. Published in:

Abdul, Razzaq and Malik, Asif (2012): The effect of socialization on employees efficiency: moderating role of perceived organizational support.

Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Faizal (2012): Shariah Governance: Challenges Ahead.

Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Faizal and Mohamad, Shaifulfazlee (2012): Does One Size Fits All? - Applying Conventional Credit Risk Mitigation to Islamic Financial Institutions.

Abdullah, Muhammad and Chani, Muhammad Irfan and Ali, Amjad (2012): Determinants of Money Demand in Pakistan: Disaggregated Expenditure Approach. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 24, No. 6 (2013): pp. 765-771.

Abdullai, Besim (2012): Automation of e-health systems through mobile devices and semantic technology. Published in: Proceedings of ICEIRD 2012 , Vol. 1, No. 2012 (1 June 2012): pp. 16-26.

Abdurrahman, Korkmaz (2012): The transmission process of financial crises across the emerging markets: an alternative consideration.

Abitbol, Pablo (2012): Arquitectura de decisiones y paternalismo libertario: hacia una microeconomía empíricamente fundamentada. Published in: Economía & Región , Vol. 6, No. 2 (December 2012): pp. 228-232.

Abo-Zaid, Salem (2012): Optimal labor-income tax volatility with credit frictions.

Abo-Zaid, Salem (2012): Optimal labor-income tax volatility with credit frictions.

Abounoori, Abbas Ali and Mohammadali, Hanieh and Gandali Alikhani, Nadiya and Naderi, Esmaeil (2012): Comparative study of static and dynamic neural network models for nonlinear time series forecasting.

Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2012): قراءة فقهية نقدية للمعايير الشرعية في المختلط حلالا وحراما. Published in: Al-Tajdid Journal, International Islamic Univeristy Malaysia , Vol. 15, No. 31 (2012)

Abraham, Arpad and Koehne, Sebastian and Pavoni, Nicola (2012): Optimal income taxation with asset accumulation.

Abraham, Vinoj (2012): Wages and earnings of marginalized social and religious groups in India: Data sources, scope, limitations and suggestions.

Abrar ul haq, Muhammad and Mehtab, Nadia and Khan, Tasneem (2012): Gender Disparity in Economic Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from Private Formal Sector of Bahawalpur (Pakistan). Published in: Interdisciplinary Review of Economics and Management , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2102): pp. 34-40.

Abuselidze, George (2012): Optimal Tax Burden and Budget System – the Factor of Macroeconomical Stabilization. Published in: Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, ISSN: 1792-6580 (print version), 1792-6599 (online) Scienpress Ltd, 2012 , Vol. 2, No. 6 (20 December 2012): pp. 121-130.

Acevedo Rueda, Rafael Alexis and Mora Mora, José U. and Harmath Fernández, Pedro Alexander (2012): La brecha del producto y el producto potencial en Venezuela: una estimación SVAR. Published in: Desarrollo y Sociedad No. primer semestre (June 2013): pp. 43-81.

Acevedo Rueda, Rafael Alexis and Peña, Omaira and Harmath Fernéndez, Pedro Alexander (2012): Pobreza: percepción y enfoques. Un análisis para Venezuela. Published in: Nómadas No. Especial: América Latina 2013 (2013)

Acuña, Andres A. and Pinto, Cristian F. (2012): Respuesta del retorno accionario a la politica monetaria: Evidencia para el mercado chileno.

Aczél, Ákos and Homolya, Dániel (2012): Risks of the indebtedness of the Hungarian local government sector from a financial stability point of view. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 157-169.

Adam, Antonis and Delis, Manthos D and Kammas, Pantelis (2012): Fiscal decentralization and public sector efficiency: Evidence from OECD countries.

Adam, Antonis and Kammas, Pantelis (2012): Redistribution through tax evasion.

Adam, Antonis and Kammas, Pantelis (2012): (Tax evasion) power to the people: does "early democratization" increase the size of the informal sector?

Adam, Antonis and Kammas, Pantelis and Lagou, Athina (2012): The effect of globalization on capital taxation: What have we learned after 20 years of empirical studies?

Adesoye, A. Bolaji and Atanda, Akinwande AbdulMaliq (2012): Monetary Policy and Share Pricing Business in Nigeria. Forthcoming in: (2012): pp. 1-19.

Adesoye, A. Bolaji and Atanda, Akinwande Abdulmaliq (2012): Development Finance Institutions in Nigeria: Structure, Roles and Assessment.

Adesoye, A. Bolaji and Maku, Olukayode E. and Atanda, Akinwande A. (2012): Capital Flight and Investment Dynamics in Nigeria: A Time Series Analysis (1970-2006). Forthcoming in: : pp. 1-21.

Adesoye, A. Bolaji and Maku, Olukayode E. and Atanda, Akinwande AbdulMaliq (2012): Is Monetary Policy a Growth Stimulant in Nigeria? A Vector Autoregressive Approach. Forthcoming in: : pp. 1-24.

Adnan, Rasool (2012): How Bad Governance Led to Conflict: The Case of Swat, Pakistan.

Afandi, Elvin and Habibov, Nazim (2012): Social trust and use of banking services across households in 28 transitional countries.

Afandi, Elvin and Kermani, Majid (2012): The Relationship between Trust and a Firm’s Access to Financing: Evidence from Transitional Countries.

Afful, Efua Amoonua (2012): Technology Spillover from International Flows: Imports, Foreign Direct Investment and Immigration.

Afman, E.R. and van de Coevering, C.R. (2012): Begrotingsbeleid in crisistijd. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën , Vol. 44, No. 2 (2012): pp. 68-80.

Ageli, Mohammed Moosa and Zaidan, Shatha Mousa (2012): Consequential Effects of Defence Expenditure on Economic Growth of Saudi Arabia: 1970-2012. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 5, No. 2 (10 January 2013): pp. 155-163.

Agisilaou, Panayiotis (2012): Keep to sustain or keep to exploit? Why firms keep hard evidence.

Ahmad, AR and Yunus, NKY and Norwani, NM and Musa, K (2012): Organization Commitment of Public Primary School Senior Head Teachers. Published in: International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2012): pp. 9-14.

Ahmad, Baseer and Ali, Syed Babar (2012): Do Individual Investors in Pakistan Prefer Dividends?

Ahmad, Mahyudin (2012): Duration dependence test for rational speculative bubble: the strength and weakness.

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Hall, Stephen G. (2012): Do institutions matter for growth? Evidence from East Asian countries.

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Hall, Stephen G. (2012): Institutions and growth: Testing the spatial effect using weight matrix based on the institutional distance concept.

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Hall, Stephen G. (2012): Institutions-growth spatial dependence: An empirical test. Forthcoming in: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (1 December 2012)

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Marwan, Nur Fakhzan (2012): Economic growth and institutions in developing countries: Panel evidence. Forthcoming in: Proceedings of USM-AUT International Conference On Sustainable Development: Policies and Strategies (17 November 2012)

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Marwan, Nur Fakhzan (2012): Purchasing power parity theory in three East Asian economies: New evidence.

Ahmed, Khalid and Long, Wei (2012): An Analysis of Core Factors Contributing to U.S – China Trade Imbalance.

Ahmed, Muhammad Bilal and Wasey, Ejaz and Jhanndir, Saif Ullah (2012): Impact Of Employee Motivation On Customer Satisfaction: Study Of Airline Industry In Pakistan. Published in: Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business , Vol. VOL 4,, No. NO 6 (1 October 2012): pp. 532-539.

Ahmed, Sabeel and Hanif, Muhammad (2012): Determinants of Capital Structure in Textile Sector of Pakistan.

Ahmed, Saira and Ahmed, Zafar and Sohail, Safder and Sarfraz, Irfan and Shafqat, Mohammad and Mamoon, Dawood and Saadia, Hissam (2012): Lessons Drawn From Pakistan-Sri Lanka FTA.

Ahmed, Salma and Ray, Ranjan (2012): Health Consequences of Child Labour in Bangladesh. Published in: Demographic Research No. 30 (January 2014): pp. 111-150.

Ahmed, Shahzad and Ahmed, Waqas and Khan, Sajawal and Pasha, Farooq and Rehman, Muhammad (2012): Pakistan Economy DSGE Model with Informality.

Ahmed, Syed Shujaat and Haider, Waqas and Khan, Dilawar (2012): Determinants of Child Labor in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Econometric Analysis.

Ahmed, Tehseen and Malik, Saif Ullah (2012): Determinants of Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Pakistan. Published in: NICE Research Journal , Vol. Vol. 5, No. Vol. 5 (1 October 2012): pp. 93-110.

Ahmed, Waqas (2012): Pakistan Economy DSGE Model with Informality-The Empirics of Calibration.

Ahmed, Waqas and Haider, Adnan and Iqbal, Javed (2012): Estimation of discount factor (beta) and coefficient of relative risk aversion (gamma) in selected countries.

Akarca, Ali T. and Tansel, Aysit (2012): Southwest as the new internal migration destination in Turkey.

Akarca, Ali T. and Tansel, Aysit (2012): Turkish voter response to government incompetence and corruption related to the 1999 earthquakes.

Akbar, Irfan and Muzaffar, Muhammad and Rehman, Khaliq Ur (2012): Entrepreneurial Supply Chain Management Competence: Performance of Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 1 (December 2012): pp. 39-46.

Akdoğu, Serpil Kahraman (2012): CDS, bond spread and sovereign debt crisis in peripherial EU. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 126-133.

Akinola, Olanrewaju (2012): Power, Property, Publicity and Democracy in Nigeria. Published in: Media, Governance and Development in Nigeria: Issue and Trends (A Festschrift for Prof. Idowu Sobowale (OON). Primus Prints and Communication, Lagos, Nigeria.

Akinyemi, Opeyemi and Ogundipe, Adeyemi and Alege, Philip (2012): Energy Supply and Climate Change in Nigeria.

Al-Darwish, Ahmed and Cevik, Serhan and Chami, Ralph and Charap, Joshua and George, Susan and Gracia, Borja and Gray, Simon and Pattanayak, Sailendra (2012): Libya beyond the Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities. Published in:

Alali, Walid Y. (2012): Influence The Education Levels on Income Worldwide: Empirical Evidence.

Alali, Walid Y. (2012): Simple Rules of the Monetary Policy and Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-Through.

Alayoglu, Nihat and Ozturk, Ali Osman and Babacan, Mehmet (2012): Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İş Ahlakı Algısı ile Özel Sektör ve Kamu Çalışanlarının İş Ahlakı Uygulamalarının Karşılaştırılması. Published in: İş Ahlakı Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Business Ethics) , Vol. 5, No. 9 (May 2012): pp. 7-35.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2012): On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev wave.

Alberto, Chilosi (2012): The economic system as an end or as a means and the future of socialism: an evolutionary viewpoint.

Albin, Thaarcis (2012): Did liberal eonomic regime contribute to the growth performance of the manufacturing sector in India?

Albuquerque Sant'Anna, André (2012): Land inequality and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.

Alcantud, José Carlos R. and Laruelle, Annick (2012): To approve or not to approve: this is not the only question.

Alcantud, José Carlos R. and de Andres Calle, Rocio and Cascon, José Manuel (2012): Approval consensus measures.

Aldieri, Luigi and Fiorillo, Damiano (2012): Private monetary transfers and altruism: an empirical investigation on Italian families.

Aldubaikhi, Ammar (2012): Performance Measurements of National Industrial Strategy (NIS) For Saudi Arabia.

Alessandrini, Sergio (2012): Quality of ski resorts and competition between the Emilian Apennines and Altipiani Trentini. An estimate of the hedonic price.

Alexiadis, Stilianos (2012): Aggregate efficiency and interregional equity: a contradiction?

Alfano, M. Rosaria and Baraldi, A. Laura and Cantabene, C. (2012): Political Competition, Electoral System and Corruption: the Italian case.

Ali, Amjad and Irfan Chani, Muhammad (2012): Disaggregated Import Demand Function: A Case Study of Pakistan.

Ali, Syed Babar (2012): Corporate Governance and Accounting Practices in Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Research No. 5 (May 2015): pp. 192-211.

Ali, Syed Babar (2012): Quality of Internal Risk Rating Frameworks at Commercial Banks in Pakistan.

Ali Abidi, Syeda Ifrah and Noor, Junaid (2012): Economic Analysis of Forest Management in Pakistan - A Case Study of Changa Mange and Muree Forest.

Alimi, R. Santos (2012): The Quantity Theory of Money and Its Long Run Implications: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria. Published in: European Scientific Journal , Vol. 8, No. 12 : pp. 272-288.

Alimi, R. Santos and Ibironke, Adesola (2012): Dolado - Lütkepohl Causality Tests between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria. Published in: Akungba Journal of Economic Thought , Vol. 5, No. Number 1 : pp. 39-50.

Alimi, Santos R. and Muse, Bernard O. (2012): Export - led growth or growth – driven exports? Evidence from Nigeria. Published in: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade , Vol. 3, No. 2 (March 2013): pp. 89-100.

Alioğulları, Zeynel Harun and Barlo, Mehmet (2012): Entropic selection of Nash equilibrium.

Aliqoriev, Olimkhon (2012): Перспективы развития системы безналичных расчетов в Узбекистане. Published in: The International Scientific and Practical Journal "Financial Space" , Vol. 4 (8), No. 4 (8) (2012): pp. 19-26.

Aliu, Armando (2012): Decentralisation and the world`s multidimensional expansion: the rise of singularity and hybridity.

Aliu, Armando (2012): European industrial relations: transnational relations and global challenges.

Aliu, Armando (2012): International migration and the european union relations in the context of a comparison of Western Balkans and North African countries: controlling migration and hybrid model.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano (2012): Islamic banking and finance in Nigeria: issues, challenges and opportunities.

Alkhareif, Ryadh and Barnett, William A. (2012): Divisia monetary aggregates for the GCC countries.

Alkhareif, Ryadh and Barnett, William A. (2012): Divisia monetary aggregates for the GCC countries.

Alvarado, Rafael (2012): Wages differentials in Ecuador: A regional approach with sample selection of Heckman and Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition.

Alves, Paulo (2012): The puzzle of corporate control. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 99 (2012): pp. 53-63.

Alvi, Mohsin (2012): Attitude Differentiates The Brand Selection (From the view of Generation Y people).

Alvi, Mohsin (2012): The impact of packet size on inventory turnover of fmcg products in Pakistan [wholesaler & retailer perspective]. Published in: International Journal of Empirical Finance , Vol. 4, No. 3 (June 2015): pp. 165-169.

Alvi, Mohsin and Kamal, Usman (2012): Assessing Chinese currency regime (2012). Published in: Journal of Empirical Economics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (May 2015): pp. 78-83.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2012): The evolution of lateral hiring and skill formation in the global airline industry, 1940–2010. Published in: AIB-UK & Ireland Conference, Liverpool

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2012): Baumol, Panzar, and Willig’s Theory of Contestable Markets and Industry Structure: A Summary of Reactions.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2012): The Caldwellian Methodological Pluralism: Wishful Thoughts and Personal Tendencies.

Ambagna, Jean Joël and Kane, Gilles Quentin and Oyekale Abayomi, Samuel (2012): Subsistence Farming and Food Security in Cameroon: A Macroeconomic Approach. Published in: Life Science Journal , Vol. 9, No. 4 (2012): pp. 3949-3954.

Amber, Fatima and Muhammad, Shahbaz and Faridul, Islam (2012): Nexus of trade, investment and poverty: evidence from Pakistan.

Amdur, David (2012): Who believes in fiscal and monetary stimulus?

Amdur, David and Ersal Kiziler, Eylem (2012): Trend shocks and the countercyclical U.S. current account.

Amdur, David and Schmick, Ethan (2012): Does the direct-response method induce guilt aversion in a trust game?

Amegashie, J. Atsu (2012): A nested contest: Tullock meets the All-Pay Auction.

Amendola, Nicola and rossi, mariacristina and Vecchi, Giovanni (2012): Vulnerability to poverty in Italy.

Amiri, Arshia and Zibaei, Mansour (2012): Granger causality between energy use and economic growth in France with using geostatistical models.

Amjad, Rashid (2012): Stagflation, the Labor Market Impact, and the Poverty Puzzle in Pakistan: A Preliminary Analysis. Published in: The Lahore Journal of Economics , Vol. 17, : pp. 51-71.

Amjad, Rashid and Ghani, Ejaz and Din, Musleh ud and Mahmood, Tariq (2012): Export Barriers in Pakistan: Results of a Firm-Level Survey. Published in: The Lahore Journal of Economics , Vol. 17, : pp. 103-134.

Anbarci, Nejat and Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro and Marcus, Pivato (2012): Formal and informal markets: A strategic and evolutionary perspective.

Anderson, Simon and Ciliberto, Federico and Liaukonyte, Jura (2012): Information content of advertising: empirical evidence from the OTC analgesic industry.

Anderson, Simon and Ciliberto, Federico and Liaukonyte, Jura and Renault, Regis (2012): Push-Me Pull-You: Comparative Advertising in the OTC Analgesics Industry.

Anderson, Simon and Ciliberto, Federico and Liaukonyte, Jura and Renault, Regis (2012): Push-me pull-you: comparative advertising in the OTC analgesics industry.

Andrikopoulos, Andreas and Angelidis, Timotheos and Skintzi, Vasiliki (2012): Illiquidity, return and risk in G7 stock markets: interdependencies and spillovers.

Andrikopoulos, Athanasios and Markellos, Raphael. N (2012): Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles.

Angelidis, Timotheos and Giamouridis, Daniel and Tessaromatis, Nikolaos (2012): Revisiting Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation.

Angus C., Chu and Lei, Ji (2012): Monetary policy and endogenous market structure in a schumpeterian economy.

Angyal (Apolzan), Carmen-Maria and Aniş, Cecilia–Nicoleta (2012): Stock Market Cycles and Future Trend Estimation. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 27-35.

Anja, Breitwieser and Neil, Foster (2012): Intellectual property rights, innovation and technology transfer: a survey.

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac (2012): Spatial Price Transmission in the Regional Maize Markets in Ghana.

Ansari, Jugnu (2012): A New Measure of Competition in Indian Loan Market.

Anthony, Balu (2012): Growth, Employment and Productivity in the Manufacturing Sector-A District-Level Analysis of Tamil Nadu: 2001-06. Published in: Productivity , Vol. 53, No. 2 (September 2012): pp. 185-193.

Antoci, Angelo and Borghesi, Simone and Marletto, Gerardo (2012): To drive or not to drive? A simple evolutionary model.

Antoci, Angelo and Galeotti, Marcello and Russu, Paolo (2012): Global analysis and indeterminacy in a two-sector growth model with human capital.

Anton, Casian (2012): Dimensiunea Economica a Strategiei Europa 2020. Published in: THE PERSISTENCE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS: CAUSES, IMPLICATIONS, SOLUTIONS , Vol. 1, No. Students Paper (15 June 2012): pp. 1-10.

Anton, Casian (2012): Dimensiunea Economică a Strategiei Europa 2020. Published in: THE PERSISTENCE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS: CAUSES, IMPLICATIONS, SOLUTIONS, , Vol. 19th I, No. Student Papers (15 July 2012): pp. 1-10.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos (2012): Business cycle synchronization during US recessions since the beginning of the 1870's.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos (2012): Dynamic Correlations of Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads in the Euro zone and the Role of Credit Rating Agencies' Downgrades.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos (2012): Exchange return co-movements and volatility spillovers before and after the introduction of Euro.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos (2012): The great synchronization of international trade collapse.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos and Chatziantoniou, Ioannis and Filis, George (2012): Dynamic Co-movements between Stock Market Returns and Policy Uncertainty.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos and Darby, Julia (2012): Forecasting Volatility in Developing Countries' Nominal Exchange Returns.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos and Vergos, Konstantinos (2012): Sovereign Bond Yield Spillovers in the Euro Zone During the Financial and Debt Crisis.

Antonella, Barbarito (2012): Remittance Impacts in Eastern Europe: A Case of Poland. Published in: European Journal of Migration and Diaspora , Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012): pp. 1-17.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Identifying regional disparities in Romania: a convergence process perspective in relation to European Union's territorial structures. Published in: Procedia Economics and Finance Volume , Vol. 3, (3 November 2012): pp. 1148-1155.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Theoretical approaches of regional development.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Theoretical approaches of regional development.

Antoniades, Andreas (2012): At the eye of the cyclone: the Greek crisis in global media. Published in:

Antunes, Davi (2012): Transformações Recentes da Economia Capitalista: Impactos sobre o Mundo do Trabalho nos EUA. Published in: XVII Encontro Nacional de Economia Política No. XVII (2012)

Antón, José-Ignacio and Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael and Fernández-Macías, Enrique and Rivera, Jesús (2012): Effects of health care decentralization in Spain from a citizens’ perspective.

Anwar, Amar and Mughal, Mazhar (2012): Economic Freedom and Indian Outward Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 32, No. 4 (28 October 2012): pp. 2991-3007.

Anzoategui Zapata, Juan Camilo and Vásquez Roldan, Julián Santiago (2012): Documento de trabajo. El sistema metrocable linea k y su impacto en la calidad de vida de la población de la comuna uno en la ciudad de medellín entre los años 2004-2008. Published in:

Aouad Hadjer, Soumia and Taouli, Mustapha Kamel and Benbouziane, Mohamed (2012): Modélisation du Comportement du Taux de Change du Dinar Algérien: Une Investigation Empirique par la Méthode ARFIMA. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics , Vol. Issue, No. Issue 87 (2012) (2012): pp. 117-133.

Apostol, Liviu and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Rural waste management:challenges and issues in Romania. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2012): pp. 105-114.

Apostolides, Alexander (2012): Copper and Foreign Investment: The development of the mining industry in Cyprus during the great depression.

Apostolides, Alexander (2012): Small debt, large problems in Cyprus: How even small debt in a British Colony led to the political crisis and violence in October 1931.

Arceo-Gómez, Eva Olimpia (2012): Job Search, Networks, and Labor Market Performance of Immigrants.

Arceo-Gómez, Eva Olimpia and Campos-Vázquez, Raymundo M. (2012): ¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México?

Archana, Srivastava (2012): Heckscher Ohlin Vanek Theorem: an excess supply approach.

Ardizzi, Guerino (2012): The Impact of the Microchip on the Card Frauds.

Ardliansyah, Rifqi (2012): Stock Market Integration and International Portfolio Diversification between U.S. and ASEAN Equity Markets.

Argesanu, Nicolae Razvan (2012): Statul de drept din perspectivă economică.

Ari, Yakup (2012): Volatility modelling of foreign exchange rate: discrete GARCH family versus continuous GARCH. Published in: 13th International Conference on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics Proceeding Book (May 2012)

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2012): Fiscal decentralization in Eastern Europe: a twenty-year perspective. Published in: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences , Vol. Octobe, No. 37E (October 2012): pp. 5-22.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2012): The impact of ICT on educational performance and its efficiency in selected EU and OECD countries: a non-parametric analysis. Published in: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology , Vol. 3, No. 11 (1 July 2012): pp. 144-152.

Aritenang, Adiwan (2012): The City of Bandung: Unfolding the process of a Creative City.

Armean, Bianca and Baleanu, Virginia and Irimie, Sabin Ioan (2012): A Romanian approach of the program "Employee of the month". Published in: Proceedings of the 6th International Management Conference "Approaches in Organisational Management", ASE Bucuresti (15 November 2012): pp. 231-239.

Armey, Laura E. and McNab, Robert M. (2012): Democratization and civil war.

Armstrong, J. Scott (2012): Moneyball: a Message for Managers.

Armstrong, J. Scott (2012): Natural Learning in Higher Education. Published in: Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (2012): pp. 1-10.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. (2012): Effects of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility policies.

Armstrong, Mark (2012): A more general theory of commodity bundling.

Armstrong, Mark and Chen, Yongmin (2012): Discount pricing.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2012): Consumer protection and contingent charges.

Aroche-Reyes, Fidel and García Muñiz, Ana Salomé (2012): Modelling economic structures from a Qualitative Input-Output Perspective: Greece in 2005 and 2010.

Arora, Vipin (2012): A Note on Natural Gas Market Evolution in Light of Transaction Cost Theory.

Arru, Daniela and Iacovoni, Davide and Monteforte, Libero and Pericoli, Filippo Maria (2012): EMU sovereign spreads and macroeconomic news.

Arthur, Grimes and Tim, Denne and Philippa, Howden-Chapman and Richard, Arnold and Lucy, Telfar-Barnard and Nicholas, Preval and Chris, Young (2012): Cost benefit analysis of the Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme. Published in:

Artiach, Miguel (2012): Leverage, skewness and amplitude asymmetric cycles.

Arvesen, Øystein and Medbø, Vegard and Fleten, Stein-Erik and Tomasgard, Asgeir and Westgaard, Sjur (2012): Linepack storage valuation under price uncertainty.

Aryal, Gaurab and Gabrielli, Maria F. (2012): Is Collusion Proof Auction Expensive? Estimates from Highway Procurements.

Arze del Granado, F. Javier and Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge and McNab, Robert M. (2012): Decentralized Governance and Preferences for Public Goods.

Asavoaei, Alexandru (2012): Criza economică – un fenomen previzibil.

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Banai, Ádám and Király, Júlia and Nagy, Márton (2012): „Home high above and home deep down below?” Lending in Hungary. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 36-62.

Bande, Roberto and Riveiro, Dolores (2012): The Consumption-Investment-Unemployment Relationship in Spain: an Analysis with Regional Data.

Bande, Roberto and Riveiro, Dolores (2012): Private Saving Rates and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Spanish Regional Data.

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Bartha, Zoltán and Sáfrányné Gubik, Andrea (2012): The significance of fiscal space in Europe’s response to the crisis. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 170-181.

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Bell, William Paul (2012): Reviewing the climate change adaptation readiness of the Australian national electricity market institutions. Published in: Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change (12 June 2013): pp. 183-208.

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Bellalah, Mondher and Masood, Omar and Thapa, Priya Darshini Pun and Levyne, Olivier and Triki, Rabeb (2012): Economic forces and stock exchange prices: pre and post impacts of global financial recession of 2008. Published in: Journal of Computations & Modelling (2012)

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De Spiegelaere, Stan and Van Gyes, Guy and Vandekerckhove, Sem and Van Hootegem, Geert (2012): Job design and innovative work behavior enabling innovation through active or low-strain jobs?

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Dhaoui, Iyad (2012): Innovation and Sustainable Development: The Question of Energy Efficiency. Published in: IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) , Vol. 10, No. 6 (June 2013): 01-10.

Dhas, Albert Christopher (2012): Rural Poverty and Agricultural Development in Tamil Nadu.

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Diaw, Abdou and Bacha, Obiyathulla Ismath and Lahsasna, Ahcene (2012): Incentive-Compatible Sukuk Musharakah for Private Sector Funding. Published in: ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance , Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2012): pp. 39-80.

Diaz, Pedro and Koundouri, Phoebe and Rulleau, Benedique and Remoundou, Kyriaki (2012): Valuing Climate Change Mitigation in Coastal Environments Exposed to Extreme Natural Hazards: A choice experiment simulated for different time horizons. Published in:

Dietrich, Franz (2012): Judgment aggregation and the discursive dilemma.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Mentalism versus behaviourism in economics: a philosophy-of-science perspective.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Reasons for (prior) belief in bayesian epistemology.

Dietrich, Franz and Spiekermann, Kai (2012): Independent opinions? On the causal foundations of belief formation and jury theorems.

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Dimitriou, Dimitrios and Simos, Theodore (2012): International portfolio diversification: An ICAPM approach with currency risk. Published in: Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies (8 November 2012): pp. 1-13.

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Dincecco, Mark and Katz, Gabriel (2012): State capacity and long-run performance.

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Dinda, Soumyananda (2012): China Integrates Asia with the World: An Empirical Study. Published in: Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies , Vol. 7, No. 2 (November 2014): pp. 70-89.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2012): Factors Determining FDI in Nigeria: Role of Emerging Economies. Published in: Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 9 (4 September 2012): pp. 1-10.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2012): Social Capital Formation Ensuring Inclusive Growth: A Development Mechanics for Backward Region.

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Dissanayake, D.M.N.S.W. (2012): Strategy Formulation Approach, Industry Factors, Competition and the Notion of Learning Organization: Evidences from KAO Corporation.

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Dmitriev, Mikhail and Hoddenbagh, Jonathan (2012): Price Stability In Small Open Economies.

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Dobrescu, Emilian (2012): Restatement of the I-O Coefficient Stability Problem. Published in: Journal of Economic Structures , Vol. 2, No. 2 (4 February 2013): pp. 2-67.

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Doko Tchatoka, Firmin Sabro (2012): Specification Tests with Weak and Invalid Instruments.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin (2012): On the Validity of Durbin-Wu-Hausman Tests for Assessing Partial Exogeneity Hypotheses with Possibly Weak Instruments.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin and Dufour, Jean-Marie (2012): Identification-robust inference for endogeneity parameters in linear structural models.

Dominique, C-Rene and Rivera-Solis, Luis Eduardo (2012): Could Investors’ Expectations Explain Temporal Variations in Hurst’s Exponent, Loci of Multifractal Spectra, and Statistical Prediction Errors? The Case of the S&P 500 Index. Published in: International Business Research , Vol. Volume, No. No. 5 (1 May 2012): pp. 8-15.

Dominique, C-Rene and Rivera-Solis, Luis Eduardo (2012): Short-term Dependence in Time Series as an Index of Complexity: Example from the S&P-500 Index. Published in: International Business Research , Vol. Volume, No. No. 9 (8 August 2012): pp. 38-48.

Dominique, C-Rene and Rivera-Solis, Luis Eduardo (2012): The dynamics of market share’s growth and competition in quadratic mappings. Forthcoming in: Advances in Management & Applied Economics , Vol. 3, No. No. 2 (March 2013)

Dong, Baomin and Ni, Debing and Wang, Yuntong (2012): Sharing a polluted river network. Forthcoming in: Environmental and Resource Economics

Dong, Ming and Hirshleifer, David and Teoh, Siew Hong (2012): Overvalued equity and financing decisions.

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Donici, Gabriel-Andrei/GA (2012): The effects of the underground economy on economic competitiviness.

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Doojav, Gan-Ochir and Gotovsuren, Borkhuu and Dorjpurev, Tsenddorj (2012): Financial Contagion and Volatile Capital Flows. Published in: The SEACEN CENTRE OCCASIONAL PAPER , Vol. 56, No. 56 (December 2012): pp. 1-55.

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): ورقة مواضيعية: التعليم الشامل.

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Тематическая работа: Всестороннее образование.

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): 专题论文:全面教育.

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Document thématique : L’éducation globale pour tous.

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Documento temático: Educación integral.

Dopart, Alethea and Wodon, Quentin (2012): Thematic Paper: Comprehensive Education.

Doran, Justin (2012): An analysis of the interdependence of demographic factors, labour effort and economic growth in Ireland. Published in: International Journal of Social Economics , Vol. 39, No. 3 (2012): pp. 221-237.

Doran, Justin (2012): Are different forms of innovation complements or substitutes? Published in: European Journal of Innovation Management , Vol. 15, No. 3 (2012): pp. 351-371.

Doran, Justin and Fingleton, Bernard (2012): Economic shocks and growth: spatio-temporal perspectives on Europe's economies in a time of crisis. Forthcoming in: Papers in Regional Science

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan (2012): Cross Sectoral Differences in Drivers of Innovation.

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan and O'Leary, Eoin (2012): The effects of national and international interaction on innovation: evidence from the Irish CIS: 2004-6. Published in: Industry and Innovation , Vol. 19, No. 5 (2012): pp. 371-390.

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan and O'Leary, Eoin (2012): The effects of the frequency of spatially proximate and distant interaction on innovation by Irish SMEs. Published in: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal , Vol. 24, No. 7-8 (2012): pp. 705-727.

Doran, Justin and Ryan, Geraldine (2012): Regulation and Firm Perception, Eco-Innovation and Firm Performance. Published in: European Journal of Innovation Management , Vol. 15, No. 4 (2012): pp. 421-441.

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Dorobantu, Maria Roxana and Nistoreanu, Puiu (2012): Rural Tourism and Ecotourism – the Main Priorities in Sustainable Development Orientations of Rural Local Communities in Romania. Published in: Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition , Vol. XV, No. 2067 - 5046 (2012): pp. 259-266.

Dorsch, Michael and Dunz, Karl and Maarek, Paul (2012): Asymmetric Information and Inefficient Regulation of Firms Under the Threat of Revolution.

Dorsch, Michael and Maarek, Paul (2012): Inefficient predation, information, and contagious institutional change.

Douillet, Mathilde (2012): Trade and agricultural policies in Malawi: Not all policy reform is equally good for the poor.

Douillet, Mathilde (2012): Trade policies and agricultural exports of Sub-Saharan African countries: Some stylized facts and perspectives.

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Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Katselidis, Ioannis (2012): The Development of Trade Union theory and Mainstream Economic Methodology.

Drichoutis, Andreas and Lusk, Jayson (2012): Judging statistical models of individual decision making under risk using in- and out-of-sample criteria.

Drichoutis, Andreas and Lusk, Jayson (2012): Judging statistical models of individual decision making under risk using in- and out-of-sample criteria.

Drichoutis, Andreas and Lusk, Jayson (2012): What Can Multiple Price Lists Really Tell Us about Risk Preferences?

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Drichoutis, Andreas and Nayga, Rodolfo (2012): Do risk and time preferences have biological roots?

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Dubas, Justin (2012): Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth. Published in: Southwestern Economic Review , Vol. 39, No. 1 (2012): pp. 121-137.

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Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2012): The Halloween effect during quiet and turbulent times. Published in: The 18th International Conference "The Knowledge-Based Organization" - Conference Proceedings 2 , Vol. 2, (8 June 2012): pp. 91-96.

Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2012): Holiday effects during quiet and turbulent times. Published in: The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference AFASES - “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force” (19 May 2012): pp. 57-62.

Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2012): Reactions of the capital markets to the shocks before and during the global crisis. Published in: Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, , Vol. 1(5)/2, (19 February 2012): pp. 32-49.

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Filippova, Irina and Sumcov, Victor (2012): ДЕОНТОЛОГІЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ І МЕХАНІЗМ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО КОНТРОЛЮ. Published in: Формування ринкової економіки: зб.наук.праць , Vol. 2, No. спец.вип. Праця в XXI столітті: новітні тенденції, соціальний вимір, інноваційний розвиток : pp. 524-533.

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Halkos, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2012): Programming identification criteria in simultaneous equation models.

Halkos, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2012): Stability analysis in economic dynamics: A computational approach.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Carbon dioxide emissions and governance: A nonparametric analysis for the G-20.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Economic growth and environmental efficiency: Evidence from U.S. regions.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Evaluating professional tennis players’ career performance: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Measuring seaports’ productivity: A Malmquist productivity index decomposition approach.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Public sector transparency and countries’ environmental performance: A nonparametric analysis.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Ranking accounting, banking and finance journals: A note.

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Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Ranking mainstream economics journals: A note.

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Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Ranking the ‘Diamond Core’ economic journals: A note.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Regional economic growth and environmental efficiency in greenhouse emissions: A conditional directional distance function approach.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): A conditional directional distance function approach for measuring regional environmental efficiency: Evidence from the UK regions.

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Haller, Stefanie A. and Lyons, Sean (2012): Broadband adoption and firm productivity: evidence from Irish manufacturing firms.

Hamadi, Hassan and Awdeh, Ali (2012): The Determinants of Bank Net Interest Margin: Evidence from the Lebanese Banking Sector. Published in: Journal of Money, Investment and Banking No. 23 (2012): pp. 85-98.

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Hanif, M. Nadim and Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb and Iqbal, Javed (2012): Intrinsic Inflation Persistence in a Developing Country.

Hanif, Muhamad Nadim and Malik, Muhamad Jahanzeb and Iqbal, Javed (2012): Intrinsic Inflation Persistence in a Developing Country.

Hanif, Muhammad Nadim (2012): A Note on Food Inflation in Pakistan. Published in: Pakistan Economic and Social Review , Vol. 50, No. 2 (2012): pp. 183-206.

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Haqiqi, Iman and Mortazavi Kakhaki, Morteza (2012): The Impact of Redistribution of Opportunities on Income Inequality: A CGE Approach. Published in: Journal of Economic Modeling Research , Vol. 2, No. 7 (2012): pp. 51-73.

Haque, Adnan ul (2012): Theoretical Perspective of Local Government - Literature Review.

Harashima, Taiji (2012): Sustainable Heterogeneity as the Unique Socially Optimal Allocation for Almost All Social Welfare Functions.

Harashima, Taiji (2012): A Theory of Intelligence and Total Factor Productivity: Value Added Reflects the Fruits of Fluid Intelligence.

Harin, Alexander (2012): Суб-интервальный анализ и возможности его применения.

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Hasan, Zubair (2012): Incentive-compatible sukukmusharkah for private sector funding: Comment.

Hasan, Iftekhar and Jackowicz, Krzysztof and Kowalewski, Oskar and Kozłowski, Łukasz (2012): Market Discipline during Crisis: Evidence from Bank Depositors in Transition Countries.

Hasan, Mohammad Monirul (2012): Agricultural Policy Reforms and Structural Adjustments in Bangladesh.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2012): Does the television program connectedness explain the television viewership patterns in Pakistani housewives? Forthcoming in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2012): Effects of subordinate various work behaviors on the motivational level of their bosses. Forthcoming in: African Journal of Business Management

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2012): Top management’s snooping: Is sneaking over employees’ productivity and job commitment a wise approach? Forthcoming in: African Journal of Business Management

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Mohammad (2012): Co-movements of consumption patterns of high and low involvement products. Forthcoming in: Archives Des Sciences (ADS) (2012)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Autocorrelation in economic indicators before and after Natural Disaster. Published in: South Asian Journal of Management Sciences (SAJMS) , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2012): pp. 1-4.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Can we have another Fall?Evidence from past, present and prediction for future. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Consumer Criteria for the Selection of an Islamic Bank: Evidence from Pakistan. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (IRJFE) , Vol. 94, (2012)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Consumers’ versatile buying behavior irrespective to high and low involvement products. Published in: Science Series Data Report , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2012): pp. 64-69.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Contribution of Ghalib in Urdu Literature. Published in: European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS) , Vol. 31, No. 2 (2012): pp. 219-222.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Cross-Dressing: A curse or an inspiration? Published in: European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS) , Vol. 33, No. 1 (2012): pp. 150-154.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Disparity in the structure of wages in Pakistan. Published in: Science Series Data Report , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2012): pp. 38-41.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Does economics treat fashion in a similar way everywhere?

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Effect of Trust Factors on Consumer’s Acceptance of Word of Mouth Recommendation. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Social Sciences

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Evil Act: Politics Domination in Higher Education Universities (Empirical Evidence from Pakistan). Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Factors Influencing men’s choice for Eastern Wear. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Fiscal Deficit cannot be reduced by increasing Taxes (A point to ponder from Pakistan). Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Gifts and sponsored trips for doctors matter more for sales of MNCs?(an application of censored regression). Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) No. 51 (2012): pp. 94-99.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): H-Index: The key to research output assessment. Published in: Archives Des Sciences , Vol. 65, No. 4 (2012)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): KESC’s Performance, is it due to the Financial Crisis at KESC? Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 59, (2012): pp. 130-135.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Satire in Talk Shows: Pakistan’s media pungent approach. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Software piracy at work place: influence of organizational culture in the presence of various ethical orientations. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Spending patterns in youth. Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research No. 54 (2012): pp. 144-149.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): What affects the most to the recall and recognition of brand symbols? Published in: Archives Des Sciences , Vol. 65, No. 4 (2012)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): A battle between branded and me too brands (unbranded) products. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): The crux of green marketing: an empirical effusive study. Published in: European Journal of Social Science , Vol. 27, No. 3 (2011): pp. 425-435.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): The energy short fall and its after effects (a case study for Karachi city in context to Karachi electric supply corporation). Published in: Science Series Data Report , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2012): pp. 42-49.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber and Mehar, Ayub (2012): Pricing behavior of firms when consumers have an Imperfect Recall. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Zubair (2012): Excel formula and Islamic norms for home financing.

Hasan, Zubair (2012): Incentive-compatible sukukmusharkah for private sector funding: Comment.

Hasan, Zubair (2012): Islamic norms, the excel formula and home financing models. Published in: ISRA: International Journal of Islamic Finance , Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2013): pp. 7-28.

Hasan, Zubair (2012): Money evolution and control in the context of current financial crisis with Islamic inputs. Published in: Open Journal of Economic Research (2013): pp. 33-46.

Hasan, Zubair (2012): Mortgage contracts in Islamic home finance: Musharakah Mutanaqisah program vs. Zubair diminishing balance model.

Hasan, Zubair (2012): "Riba in La-riba contracts: where to turn in Islamic home financing? Published in: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance , Vol. 29, No. 3 (September 2012): pp. 1-12.

Hasanov, Fakhri (2012): The impact of the real exchange rate on non-oil exports. Is there an asymmetric adjustment towards the equilibrium? Published in: The George Washington University, RPF Working Paper No. No. 2012-005 (May 2012): pp. 1-24.

Hashem, Nawar and Ugur, Mehmet (2012): Market Concentration, Corporate Governance and Innovation: Partial and Combined Effects in US-Listed Firms. Published in: Journal of Governance and Regulation , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 3 (2012): pp. 199-215.

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Hassan, Ghassan and Stefano, Fachin and Guendouz, Abdelkarim A. (2012): Financial Stability of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Saudi Arabia: a Time Series Analysis. Published in: DSS Empirical Economics and Econometrics Working Papers Series , Vol. 2013/1, No. DSS-E3 WP (January 2013): pp. 1-21.

Hassan, Gazi and Cooray, Arusha (2012): The effect of female and male health on economic growth: cross-country evidence within a production function framework.

Hassan, Gazi and Holmes, Mark (2012): Remittances and the real effective exchange rate.

Hassan, Gazi and Shakur, Shamim and Bhuyan, Mohammed (2012): Nonlinear growth effect of remittances in recipient countries: an econometric analysis of remittances-growth nexus in Bangladesh.

Hassan, Gazi and Wu, Eliza (2012): Sovereign country rating, growth volatility and financial crisis.

Hassani Mahmooei, Behrooz and Parris, Brett (2012): Dynamics of effort allocation and evolution of trust: an agent-based model.

Hassani Mahmooei, Behrooz and Parris, Brett (2012): Why might climate change not cause conflict? an agent-based computational response.

Hassani Mahmooei, Behrooz and Vahabi, Mehrdad (2012): Dueling for honor and identity economics.

Hati, Koushik Kumar (2012): Can Poverty be Educated Out? Published in: Jharkhand Journal of Social Development , Vol. VI, No. 2 (December 2013): pp. 98-108.

Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2012): Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal.

Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2012): Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal.

Hatzinikolaou, Dimitris (2012): Failure in the market for reviewing economics papers: Good readers, bad referees, and ugly papers. Published in: International Journal of Management Studies, Statistics & Applied Economics , Vol. 2, No. 2 (31 December 2012): pp. 163-176.

Hausken, Kjell (2012): Strategic defense and attack for series and parallel reliability systems: reply to rejoinder. Forthcoming in: Defence and peace Economics

Hayat, Khizer and Abbas, Aamir and Siddique, M. and Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman (2012): A Study of the Different Factors That Affecting the Supply Chain Responsiveness. Published in: Academic Research International , Vol. 3, No. 3 (November 2012): pp. 345-356.

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He, Dong (2012): Renminbi Internationalisation: A Primer. Published in:

Hein, Eckhard (2012): Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises - a European perspective.

Heller, Yuval (2012): Three steps ahead.

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Helmy, Mohamed (2012): Risk management in Islamic banks. Published in:

Herimalala, Rahobisoa and Gaussens, Olivier (2012): X-Efficiency of Innovation Processes: Concept and Evaluation based on Data Envelopment Analysis.

Herimalala, Rahobisoa and Gaussens, Olivier (2012): X-Efficiency of Innovation Processes: Concept and Evaluation based on Data Envelopment Analysis.

Hernandez-Hernandez, Emilio and Sam, Abdoul G. and Gonzalez-Vega, Claudio and Chen, Joyce J. (2012): Does the insurance effect of public and private transfers favor financial deepening? evidence from rural Nicaragua. Published in: Review of Development Finance , Vol. 1, No. 2 : pp. 9-21.

Hernandez-Hernandez, Emilio and Schreiner, Mark (2012): A method to monitor poverty dynamics among microfinance clients: An example using survey data from Bangladesh. Published in: South Asian Journal of Evaluation in Practice , Vol. 1, No. 1 (9 January 2012): pp. 1-8.

Hernández, Pedro J. (2012): Is there a producer quality wage premium similar to the exporter wage premium?

Herrera, Pablo Matías and Masci, Martín Ezequiel (2012): Posibles indicadores del sector turismo para la autoridad macroprudencial en la Argentina.

Herrera Gómez, Marcos and Cid, Juan Carlos and Paz, Jorge Augusto (2012): Introducción a la econometría espacial: Una aplicación al estudio de la fecundidad en la Argentina usando R.

Herrera Gómez, Marcos and Mur Lacambra, Jesús and Ruiz Marín, Manuel (2012): Selecting the Most Adequate Spatial Weighting Matrix:A Study on Criteria.

Herrera Saavedra, Juan Pablo and Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny-Paola (2012): Una aproximación a indicadores diseñados para la medición de impacto en el bienestar del consumidor.

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Hessami, Zohal and Silke, Uebelmesser (2012): Empirical determinants of in-kind redistribution: Partisan biases and the role of inflation.

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Hiremath, Gourishankar S and Bandi, Kamaiah (2012): Variance ratios, structural breaks and nonrandom walk behaviour in the Indian stock returns. Published in: Journal of Business & Economic Studies , Vol. 2, No. 18 (2012): pp. 62-81.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2012): Local government expenditure and council size: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japan.

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Hochsztain, Esther and Asuaga, Carolina and Ramirez, Raúl (2012): Incorporación de videoconferencias en cursos de grado y posgrado. Published in: XIX jornadas de TIC en educación de FCEA (2012)

Hoffmann, Peter (2012): A dynamic limit order market with fast and slow traders.

Hoffmann, Peter (2012): A dynamic limit order market with fast and slow traders.

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Hossain, Dewan Mahboob and Chowdhury, M Jahangir Alam (2012): Climate Change and Corporate Environmental Responsibility. Published in: MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF BUSINESS , Vol. 7, No. 4 (1 September 2012): pp. 4-13.

Hossain, Dewan Mahboob and Mustari, Sohela (2012): A Critical Analysis of Herbert Spencer’s Theory of Evolution. Published in: Postmodern Openings , Vol. 3 (2), No. 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2, June (1 June 2012): pp. 55-66.

Hossain, Md Ekram and Dechun, Huang and Quangdung, Tran (2012): Textile and Apparel Market Segmentation in China. Published in: The 11th conference of International Federation of East Asian management Associations, Nanjing, China , Vol. 02, No. 01 (12 October 2012): pp. 144-152.

Hossain, Md Ekram and Dechun, Huang and Quangdung, Tran (2012): The rise of offshore IT outsourcing industry: An attempt to assess Bangladesh’s competitive advantages. Published in: HHIS Journal of Science and Technology (HHIS-JST) , Vol. 04, No. 01 (18 November 2012): pp. 72-84.

Hossain, Md. Amir and Zhou, Dong Sheng and Hossain, Md Ekram (2012): Leadership Approach in Human Resources Management Aspect of Bangladeshi Organizations. Published in: The 11th conference of International Federation of East Asian management Associations, Nanjing, China , Vol. 02, No. 01 (30 December 2012): pp. 66-72.

Hossain, Monzur and Rafiq, Farhana (2012): Global Commodity Price Volatility and Domestic Inflation: Impact on the Performance of the Financial Sector in Bangladesh.

Hossain, Muhammad Iqbal (2012): Total labor force and GDP of Bangladesh: An analysis in between the year 2002-2009.

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Husain, Zakir and Dutta, Mousumi (2012): Proximate illiteracy and modern contraceptive use in India: Analysis of DHS data.

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Hussain, Anwar Hussain (2012): Impact of Credit Disbursement, Area under Cultivation, Fertilizer Consumption and Water Availability on Rice Production in Pakistan (1988-2010). Published in: Sarhad Journal of Agriculture , Vol. 28, No. 1 (2010): pp. 95-101.

Hussien, Abdurohman and Ahmed, Shakeel and Yousaf, Muhammed (2012): Does Trade Policy Explain Total Factor Productivity Differences Across Countries? Published in: Current Research Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 4, No. 4 (20 September 2012): pp. 95-111.

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Iacob, Constanta and Zaharia, Stefan (2012): Customs duty or duty ?

Iacob, Constanta and Zaharia, Stefan (2012): Risk management – a new priority system customs and its consequences.

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Igan, Deniz and Pinheiro, Marcelo and Smith, John (2012): Racial biases and market outcomes: "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it?

Ikefuji, Masako and Horii, Ryo (2012): Natural disasters in a two-sector model of endogenous growth.

Iliadi, Fotoula and Mariolis, Theodore and Soklis, George and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2012): Bienenfeld’s approximation of production prices and eigenvalue distribution: some more evidence from five European economies.

Ilkilic, Rahmi and Kayi, Cagatay (2012): Allocation rules on networks. Published in: Universidad del Rosario - Facultad de Economía SERIE Documentos de Trabajo No. 118

Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Ilmakunnas, Seija (2012): Age segregation and hiring of older employees: low mobility revisited.

Imori, Denise and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Postali, Fernando Antonio Slaibe (2012): Eficiência técnica das agropecuárias familiar e patronal – diferenças regionais no Brasil.

Imori, Denise and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Postali, Fernando Antonio Slaibe (2012): Production efficiency of family farms and business farms in the Brazilian regions.

Inderst, Roman (2012): Job Protection vs. Contracts At-Will: Trading-off Entrenchment and Shirking.

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Inderst, Roman and Vladimirov, Vladimir (2012): Preserving "Debt Capacity" or "Equity Capacity": A Dynamic Theory of Security Design under Asymmetric Information.

Ioannidis, Yiorgos (2012): Δημιουργώντας αγορές από το τίποτα: η περίπτωση της συνεχιζόμενης επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης στην Ελλάδα.

Iqbal, Athar and Hameed, Irfan and Qadeer, Majid (2012): Impact of Diversification on Firms’ Performance. Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research No. 80 (1 December 2012): pp. 42-53.

Iqbal, Javed (2012): Comparing performance of statistical models for individual’s ability index and ranking.

Iqbal, Javed and Mehmood, Sultan (2012): Terrorism & Its Impact On Foreign Flows: Lessons From Pakistan.

Irimie, Sabin Ioan and Baleanu, Virginia and Irimie, Sabina (2012): Adapting through personal development. Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd Review of Management and Economic Engineering International Management Conference “A new dilemma: between East and West” - RMEE2012, ISSN 2247-8639, ISSN-L 2247-8639, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (13 September 2012): pp. 287-293.

Irimie, Sabin Ioan and Timisan, Ionel Vasile (2012): The status of Framework Programmes Funding of the sustainable development of the Romanian energy sector. Published in: The 63st Freiberg International Research Conference "Sustainable Energy Use", Freiberg, Germany , Vol. 1, No. Scientific Reports on Resource, 2012 (13 June 2012): pp. 347-357.

Iritié, Jean-Jacques B-G. (2012): Effets des pôles de compétitivité dans les industries de haute technologie : une analyse d'économie industrielle de l'innovation.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2012): Book review: The long divergence: how Islamic law held back the Middle East by Timur Kuran. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University - Islamic Economics , Vol. 25, No. 2 (2012): pp. 253-261.

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Matei, Ani and Dogaru, Tatiana-Camelia (2012): Community-based Social Marketing, Additional Instrument of Traditional Public Policies’ Instruments: Case study – Controlling Air Pollution in Romania. Published in: Proceedings IAPNM , Vol. CD, No. Mykolas Romeris University Press, ISBN 978-9955-19-437-8 (2012)

Matei, Ani and Dogaru, Tatiana-Camelia (2012): Coordination of Public Policies through Strategic Planning Instruments: Romania Case study. Published in: NISPAcee Annual Conference, Ohrid, 2012 , Vol. CD, No. CD (2012): pp. 1-12.

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Matkovskyy, Roman (2012): Прогнозування розвитку економіки України на основі баєсівських авторегресійних (BVAR) моделей з різними priors. Forthcoming in:

Matkovskyy, Roman (2012): Forecasting the Index of Financial Safety (IFS) of South Africa using neural networks.

Matkovskyy, Roman (2012): The Index of the Financial Safety (IFS) of South Africa and Bayesian Estimates for IFS Vector-Autoregressive Model.

Matkovskyy, Roman (2012): A meso-level representation of economic systems: a theoretical approach.

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Mazumdar, Surajit (2012): The State, Capital and Development in ‘Emerging’ India.

Mbaye, Samba (2012): Currency Undervaluation and Growth: Is there a Productivity Channel? Published in: International Economics / Economie Internationale (forthcoming)

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Mejía Cubillos, Javier (2012): Crecimiento económico de largo plazo en Antioquia, Colombia: Estimación del PIB. 1800-1913.

Mejía Cubillos, Javier (2012): Libertad y desempeño económico.

Mejía Cubillos, Javier (2012): Propuesta metodológica para el cálculo del riesgo sistémico financiero en estudios de Historia Económica: Aplicación para el caso de la banca libre en Antioquia, 1888.

Mejía Cubillos, Javier (2012): Ética y Justicia. Reflexiones a partir de The Idea of Justice de Amartya Sen.

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Miglo, Anton (2012): Multi-stage investment, long-term asymmetric information and equity issues. Published in: Journal of Current Issues in Finance, Business and Economics , Vol. 4, No. 4 (2012): pp. 331-348.

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Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Improper Household Waste Disposal in Rural Territory. Case Study: Neamţ County, Romania. Published in: Bulletin UASVM Agriculture , Vol. 69, No. 2 (2012): pp. 15-20.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Population access to waste collection services: urban vs rural areas in Romania. Published in: Bulletin UASVM Agriculture , Vol. 69, No. 2 (2012): pp. 464-466.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2012): Quantitative assessment method of illegal dumping în small rivers. Case study: Neamt County, Romania. Published in: Bulletin UASVM Agriculture , Vol. 70, No. 2 (2012): pp. 397-402.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu (2012): Development of waste collection services on rural territory from Neamț County. Published in: Analele Universității Oradea, Fascicula: Protecția Mediului , Vol. 18, No. 1 (2012): pp. 370-375.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu (2012): Disparities in municipal waste management across EU-27. A geographical approach. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2012): pp. 169-180.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu and Ghiurca, Ana-Andreea and Lamasanu, Andreea and Banica, Alexandru (2012): Geographical distribution of rural dumpsites in North-East Region from Romania. Published in: 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2012, Conference Proceedings , Vol. 5, (June 2012): pp. 447-452.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu and Lamasanu, Andreea and Ghiurca, Ana-Andreea (2012): Spatio-temporal analysis of Romania's rural population access to sanitation services in the context of EU accession. Published in: 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2012 , Conference Proceedings , Vol. 5, (June 2012): pp. 787-792.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu and Ursu, Adrian and Ichim, Pavel (2012): Vulnerability of mountain rivers to waste dumping from Neamț County, Romania. Published in: Geographia Napocensis , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2012): pp. 51-59.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Lamasanu, Andreea and Apostol, Liviu (2012): Regional Disparities in Urban Population Access to Sanitation Services. Case Study: Romania. Published in: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Special issue , Vol. 3, No. 6 (2012): pp. 281-287.

Mikhailova, Tatiana (2012): Gulag, WWII and the Long-run Patterns of Soviet City Growth.

Mikhailova, Tatiana (2012): Where Russians Should Live: a Counterfactual Alternative to Soviet Location Policy.

Milelli, Christian and Le Goff, Joëlle (2012): European inroads by BRICs’ firms:The M&A avenue.

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Minten, Bart and Reardon, Thomas and Singh, K.M. and Sutradhar, Rajib (2012): The quiet revolution in agri-food value chains in Asia: Understanding the fast emergence of cold storages in poor districts in India. Published in: Innovative Institutions, Public Policies and Private Strategies for Agro-Enterprise Development Ed: Ralph D.Christy, Carlos A da Silva, Nomathemba Mhlanga, Edward Mabaya & Krisztina Tihanyi (23 October 2014): pp. 313-340.

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Mirakhor, Abbas and Iqbal, Zamir (2012): Financial Inclusion: Islamic Finance Perspective. Published in: Journal of Islamic Business and Management , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2012): pp. 35-64.

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Mishra, SK (2012): Construction of Pena’s DP2-based ordinal synthetic indicator when partial indicators are rank scores.

Mishra, SK (2012): Global optimization of some difficult benchmark functions by cuckoo-host co-evolution meta-heuristics.

Mishra, SK (2012): A comparative study of trends in globalization using different synthetic indicators.

Mishra, SK (2012): A maximum entropy perspective of Pena’s synthetic indicators.

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Mishra, SK and Kumar, Binod (2012): Disparities in Globalization of the World Economies.

Misun, Juraj and Jankelova, Nadezda (2012): Abilenský paradox v skupinovom rozhodovaní. Published in: Hybné sily rozvoja regiónov. Bratislava, 26. 4. 2012 , Vol. 2012, : pp. 213-219.

Misun, Juraj and Misunova Hudakova, Ivana (2012): Zvyšovanie výkonnosti manažérov a zamestnancov prostredníctvom kognitívneho vylepšenia. Published in: Ekonomické spektrum , Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 2013): pp. 26-36.

Misunova Hudakova, Ivana and Misun, Juraj (2012): Emocionálna inteligencia ako významný faktor ohodnocovania celostnej kompetentnosti manažéra. Published in: Ján Porvazník a kolektív. 2013. Celostná manažérska kompetentnosť - potreba, prístupy a metódy jej ohodnocovania. (2013): pp. 49-60.

Misunová Hudaková, Ivana and Misun, Juraj (2012): Teoretické pohľady na manažérsku spôsobilosť a jej ohodnocovanie. Published in: Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry. Bratislava 17. 5. 2012. (2012): pp. 349-354.

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Mongay, Jorge and Bohlander, Anne and Lin, Tai-Chun Vicky and Nygren, Phoebe (2012): Foreign Direct Investment in Cambodia: The case of G.E.

Mongay, Jorge and Johnson, Ashia and Head, Margaret and Guenard, Camille and Kincaid, Brian (2012): Scotch Whisky in Thailand. Strategic implications of international alliances and product adaptation. A secondary data research case study.

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Mora, Jesse and Singh, Nirvikar (2012): Trade Productivity Upgrading, Trade Fragmentation, and FDI in Manufacturing: The Asian Development Experience.

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Muhammad, Shahbaz (2012): Multivariate granger causality between CO2 Emissions, energy intensity, financial development and economic growth: evidence from Portugal.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Ilhan, Ozturk (2012): Electricity consumption and economic growth causality revisited: evidence from Turkey.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Kumar, A.T.K. and Mohammad, Iqbal Tahir (2012): Does CPI Granger-Cause WPI? New Extensions from Frequency Domain Approach in Pakistan.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Lean, Hooi Hooi and Abdul, Farooq (2012): Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth in Pakistan.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Mohammad, Mafizur Rahman and Abdul, Farooq (2012): Financial Development, International Trade and Economic Growth in Australia:New Evidence from Multivariate Framework Analysis.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Muhammad, Zeshan and Talat, Afza (2012): Is energy consumption effective to spur economic growth in Pakistan? new evidence from bounds test to level relationships and Granger causality tests.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Naceur, Khraief and Gazi Salah, Uddin (2012): Environmental Kuznets Curve in an Open Economy: A Bounds Testing and Causality Analysis for Tunisia.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Nuno, Carlos Leitão and Ghazi, Salah Uddin (2012): Should Portuguese Economy Invest in Defense Spending? A Revisit.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Qazi, Muhammad Adnan Hye and Muhammad, Zeshan (2012): Is Renewable Energy Consumption Effective to Promote Economic Growth in Pakistan: Evidence from Bounds Testing and Rolling Window Approach.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Qazi Muhammad, Adnan Hye and Aviral Kumar, Tiwari (2012): Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, Financial Development, International Trade and CO2 Emissions in Indonesia.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Reza, Sherafatian-Jahromi and Muhammad, Nasir Malik (2012): Linkages between Defence Spending and Income Inequality in Iran.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Saleheen, Khan and Mohammad, Iqbal Tahir (2012): The Dynamic Link between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, Financial Development and Trade in China: Fresh Evidence from Multivariate Framework Analysis.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Tiwari, Aviral and Ilhan, Ozturk and Abdul, Farooq (2012): Are fluctuations in electricity consumption per capita transitory? evidence from developed and developing economies.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Tiwari, Aviral and Reza, Sherafatian-Jahromi (2012): Financial Development and Income Inequality: Is there any Financial Kuznets curve in Iran?

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Tiwari, Aviral Kumar and Khan, Saleheen (2012): Is Energy Consumption Per Capita Stationary? Evidence from First and Second Generation Panel Unit Root Tests.

Muhammad, Yusuf and C.A, Malarvizhi (2012): Good-Governance and Poverty Reduction Relationship a case study of Nigeria. Published in: Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 2 (February 2013): pp. 804-812.

Muhammad Aliero, Haruna and Sani Ibrahim, Saifullahi (2012): An Analytical Review of Financial Intermediation in the Rural Areas of Nigeria. Published in: Studies in the State of the Nigerian Economy (2012): pp. 323-333.

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Muntean, Mihaela (2012): Business Intelligence Approaches. Published in: Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences , Vol. I, (10 June 2012): pp. 192-196.

Muntean, Mihaela (2012): Theory and Practice in Business Intelligence. Forthcoming in: The 3rd Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT'12) (2012)

Muntean, Mihaela and Mircea, Gabriela and Bazavan, Sandra (2012): QR Codes Usage Approach In The Virtualized Consumption. Published in: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Economy , Vol. I, (5 May 2012)

Muntean, Mihaela and Muntean, Cornelia (2012): Evaluating A Business Intelligence Solution. Feasibility Analysis Based On Monte Carlo Method. Published in: ECECSR Journal No. 2/2013 (18 June 2013): pp. 85-102.

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Murat, Karaoz and Murat Ali, Dulupcu and Mesut, Albeni and Hakan, Demirgil and Onur, Sungur (2012): İşletme Kuluçkalarında Sunulan Destek Hizmetlerinin Yeni Kurulan Firmaların Hayatta Kalabilirliği Üzerine Etkisi: İş Geliştirme Merkezleri (İŞGEM) Örneği. Published in: Global Journal of Economics and Business Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 2012): pp. 13-21.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2012): Основные понятия муниципальной службы. Published in: Вестник Сибирского института бизнеса и информационных технологий , Vol. 2, (2012): pp. 45-50.

Muravyev, Alexander (2012): К вопросу о классификации российских журналов по экономике и смежным дисциплинам.

Muravyev, Alexander and Berezinets, Irina and Ilina, Yulia (2012): Корпоративные конфликты и политика фирм в области занятости и заработной платы.

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Murray, Cameron K. (2012): What if consumers decided to all ‘go green’? Environmental rebound effects from consumption decisions.

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Musso, Fabio (2012): Guest Editorial Preface. Special Issue on Retailer-Consumer Relationships. Published in: International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE) , Vol. 1, No. 4 (2012): pp. 1-4.

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Muteba Mwamba, John (2012): On the optimality of hedge fund investment strategies: a Bayesian skew t distribution model. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 6, No. 36 (2 September 2012): pp. 10015-10024.

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Muto, Ichiro (2012): A Simple Interest Rate Model with Unobserved Components: The Role of the Interbank Reference Rate.

Muto, Ichiro and Oda, Takemasa and Sudo, Nao (2012): Macroeconomic Impact of Population Aging in Japan: A Perspective from an Overlapping Generations Model.

Muysken, Joan and Vallizadeh, Ehsan and Ziesemer, Thomas (2012): Migration, Unemployment, and Over-qualification: A Specific-Factors Model Approach.

Müller, Christopher (2012): Welfare Effects of Water Pricing in Germany.

Müller-Langer, Frank and Scheufen, Marc (2012): Academic Publishing and Open Access. Published in: Handke, Christian and Ruth Towse (eds.), Handbook of the Digital Creative Economy, Edward Elgar , Vol. 2013, (2013): pp. 365-377.

Mărcău, Flavius-Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela (2012): Research and Science Today No. 4. Published in: Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012


NGUENA, Christian L. (2012): Le Financement des PME au Cameroun dans un Contexte de Crise Financière.

NGUENA, Christian L. (2012): Objectif de Lutte contre l’Inflation et Croissance Economique en Afrique: la Nécessité d’une Alternative.

NGUENA, Christian L. (2012): Objectif de Stabilité des Prix et Croissance Economique en Zone CEMAC: Une Approche en Données de Panel.

NGUENA, Christian L. (2012): Pro Growth Monetary Policy in Africa: Monetarist versus Keynesian Approach.

NGUENA, Christian L. and MAGNE, Carine E. (2012): Politique Industrielle Contemporaine : le Problème de Dépendance en Energie et Capital Humain des Pays de l’Afrique Centrale.

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Nabi, Mahmoud Sami (2012): Dual Banking and Financial Contagion. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2 (December 2012)

Nabi, Mahmoud Sami (2012): Profit Sharing, Income Inequality and Capital Accumulation.

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Naeem Ur Rehman, Khattak and Jangraiz, Khan (2012): Does Health Accelerate Economic Growth in Pakistan? Published in: International Journal of Asian Social Science , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012): pp. 506-512.

Naeem ur Rehman, Khattak and Jangraiz, Khan and Muhammad, Tariq (2012): The Role of Education in Agricultural Productivity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(1975-2008). Published in: Sarhad Journal of Agriculture , Vol. 28, No. 2 (June 2012): pp. 345-352.

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Nagayasu, Jun (2012): The Forward Premium Puzzle And Risk Premiums.

Nagayasu, Jun (2012): Long-run implications of the covered interest rate parity condition: evidence during the recent crisis and non-crisis periods.

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Nagayasu, Jun (2012): The threshold consumption correlation-based approach to international capital mobility: evidence from advanced and developing countries.

Naghshineh-Pour, Amir (2012): Challenges Facing Tehran. Published in:

Naghshineh-Pour, Amir (2012): An Estimate for the Real Foreign Exchange Rate in Iran.

Nagy, Sándor (2012): The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fight against the consequences of financial and economic crisis: A theoretical approach. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 270-282.

Naithani, Pranav (2012): Demographic profile of Non Resident Indian professionals in the GCC countries: A case study. Published in: Advances in Asian Social Science , Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 2012): pp. 57-62.

Naito, Katsuyuki and Nishida, Keigo (2012): Composition of Public Education Expenditures and Human Capital Accumulation.

Najda-Janoszka, Marta (2012): Matching imitative activity of high-tech firms with entrepreneurial orientation. Published in: Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation , Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012): pp. 52-67.

Nakano, Makoto and Nguyen, Pascal (2012): Board size and corporate risk-taking: Further evidence from Japan. Forthcoming in: Corporate Governance: An International Review

Nakashima, Kiyotaka and Saito, Makoto (2012): On the comparison of alternative specifications for money demand: The case of extremely low interest rate regimes in Japan. Published in: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies , Vol. 26, No. 3 (2012): pp. 454-471.

Nakhoda, Aadil (2012): The effect of foreign competition on product switching activities: A firm level analysis.

Nakhoda, Aadil (2012): The influence of financial leverage of firms on their international trading activities.

Nakhoda, Aadil (2012): The influence of industry financial composition on export flow: A case study of a developing financial market.

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Namasaka, Martin (2012): Role of Vernacular FM stations in National Cohesion and Intergration in Kenya.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2012): Impossibility of interpersonal social identity diversification under binary preferences.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2012): Why is the Workplace Racially Segregated by Occupation?

Naqvi, Nadeem and Arian, Berdellima (2012): Social diversification, injustices, and Pareto optimality with non-binary preferences.

Narayanan, K. and Sahu, Santosh Kumar (2012): Energy Consumption Response to Climate Change under Globalization: Options for India.

Nath, Golaka (2012): Estimating term structure changes using principal component analysis in Indian sovereign bond market.

Nath, Golaka (2012): Indian corporate bonds market –an analytical prospective.

Nath, Golaka and Raja N, Aparna (2012): Indian money market dynamics. Published in: CCIL Monthly Rakshitra No. February 2012 (31 March 2012): 07-14.

Naveed, Tahir and Akhtar, Irum and Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman (2012): The Impact of Innovation on Customer Satisfaction and Brand loyalty: A Study of the Students of Faisalabad. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 2 (June 2013): pp. 62-68.

Nayak, Purusottam (2012): Human Development in Northeastern Region of India: Issues and Challenges.

Nayak, Purusottam and Mishra, SK (2012): Efficiency of Pena’s P2 Distance in Construction of Human Development Indices.

Ndanshau, Michael O. A. and Kilindo, Ali A. L. (2012): Interest Rates and Financial Savings in Tanzania: 1967 - 2010.

Neal, Larry and Garcia-Iglesias, Concepcion (2012): The economy of Spain in the eurozone before and after the crisis of 2008. Forthcoming in:

Necula, Sabina-Cristiana (2012): Methodological Considerations in Building Business Ontologies for Decision Support. Published in: Recent Advances in Knowledge Engineering and Systems Science (February 2013): pp. 17-21.

Necula, Sabina-Cristiana (2012): Publishing Semantic Web Business Decision-Making Data. Published in: Proceedings of the Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration (GEBA 2012) (October 2012): pp. 574-577.

Necula, Sabina-Cristiana (2012): Semantic Web Business Applications- A Scalability Model for the New Digital Economy. Published in: Recent Advances in Information Science (December 2012): pp. 98-103.

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2012): СЪВРЕМЕННАТА КОРПОРАЦИЯ И ЧАСТНАТА СОБСТВЕНОСТ – 80 ГОДИНИ ПО-КЪСНО. Published in: Conference "Challenges to contemporary Economics" (June 2012): pp. 845-853.

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2012): Corporate governance of financial intermediaries: convergence and divergence. Published in: University of Veliko Turnovo, 2012 Academic Conference : pp. 324-333.

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2012): Corporate governance of financial intermediaries: convergence and divergence. Published in: Conference paper, "20 Years Investments in the Future", 2012 (2012): pp. 324-333.

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2012): The Modern Corporation and Private Property – 80 Years Later. Published in: Conference "Challenges to contemporary Economics" (June 2012): pp. 845-853.

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2012): Prisoner’s dilemma for EU bank groups. Published in: Conference “Vanguard scientific instruments in management" (September 2012): pp. 427-432.

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2012): Prisoner’s dilemma for EU bank groups. Published in: International & Interdisciplinary scientific conference “Vanguard scientific instruments in management ‘2012” (2012): pp. 427-432.

Nenovski, Tome (2012): EMU crisis creates regional groupings: are Balkan countries challenged by that? Published in: Regionalni Razvoj i Demografski Tokovi Zemalja Jugoistocne Evrope No. 17 (June 2012): pp. 23-38.

Nenovski, Tome (2012): Lessons from world economic crises: cleaning, remodeling and harmonizing the economy. Published in: Publishing Complex (2012): pp. 137-149.

Nenovski, Tome (2012): Macroeconomic aspects of the grey economy - the case of Macedonia.

Nenovski, Tome (2012): Post crisis Remodeling of the Economy for the Sustainable Growth of South Eastern European Countries. Forthcoming in:

Nenovski, Tome and Delova Jolevska, Evica and Andovski, Ilija (2012): The impact on the banking system from the accession of Macedonia in the EU. Forthcoming in: Constructing Europe as a Global Power: From Market to Identity

Nenovski, Tome and Makrevska, Elena (2012): Comparative advantage or sophisticated restrain in the international trade of EU? Forthcoming in: Globalization, Development, Public Policy & Management: A Business Development Perspective

Nenovski, Tome and Makrevska, Elena (2012): Uncertainty in creating macroeconomic policy: knowledge, skills and (un)predictability. Forthcoming in:

Nepelski, Daniel and De Prato, Giuditta (2012): A network analysis of cities hosting ICT R&D. Forthcoming in: COMMUNICATIONS & STRATEGIES (2012)

Nevin, Rick (2012): Lead Poisoning and The Bell Curve.

Nganou, Jean-Pascal and Kebede, Ephraim (2012): Sources of Growth in Post-Conflict Burundi: From Destruction to Production.

Ngoie, Ruffin-Benoit M. (2012): Choix social et partage équitable : Une analyse mathématique a posteriori des élections législatives et présidentielles de 2006 et 2011 en RDC.

Nguyen, Binh Giang (2012): Potential economic corridors between Vietnam and Lao PDR: Roles played by Vietnam. Published in: Emerging Economic Corridors in the Mekong Region , Vol. 2012, No. BRC Research Report No. 8 (2012): pp. 77-109.

Nguyen, Cuong (2012): Do Minimum Wages Affect Firms’ Labor and Capital? Evidence from Vietnam.

Nguyen, Cuong (2012): Does Urbanization Help Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas?Evidence from a Developing Country.

Nguyen, Cuong (2012): Gender Equality in Education, Health Care, and Employment: Evidence from Vietnam.

Nguyen, Cuong and Do, Trang and Phung, Thu and Phung, Tung (2012): Household business index in Vietnam: a small area estimation method.

Nguyen, Cuong and Phung, Thu and Phung, Tung and Vu, Ngoc and Westbrook, Daniel (2012): The Impact of A National Poverty Reduction Program on Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: The Lens of Baseline and Endline Surveys.

Nguyen, Pascal (2012): The impact of foreign investors on the risk-taking of Japanese firms. Forthcoming in: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies

Nguyen, Thi Phuong Loan (2012): Legal framework of the water sector in Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges. Published in: Journal of Vietnamese Environment , Vol. 2, No. ISSN: 2193-6471 (2012): pp. 27-44.

Nguyen, Viet Cuong and Pham, Minh Thai (2012): Are Migrants in Large Cities Underpaid? Evidence from Vietnam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2012): Ethnic Minorities in Northern Mountains of Vietnam: Poverty, Income and Assets.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2012): Poverty Dynamics: The Structurally and Stochastically Poor in Vietnam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2012): Poverty of Ethnic Minorities in the Poorest Areas of Vietnam.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2012): Selection of Control Variables in Propensity Score Matching: Evidence from a Simulation Study.

Nie, Huihua and Jiang, Ting and Yang, Rudai (2012): A Review and Reflection on the Use and Abuse of Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database.

Nishida, Keigo (2012): Agricultural Productivity Differences and Credit Market Imperfections.

Nistor, Costel and Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan (2012): Impact of the global crisis on the linkages between CAC 40 and indexes from CEE countries. Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Administration and Economics ”People. Ideas. Experience”, October 25-26, 2012, Reşiţa (22 October 2012): pp. 319-332.

Nistor, Filip (2012): Strategic Alliances in Container Lines. Published in: Scientific Bulletin of the Naval Academy No. 1 (2012): pp. 89-91.

Nitu, Cornelia (2012): Considerations on the financial structure of the company.

Nizar, Muhammad Afdi (2012): DAMPAK FLUKTUASI HARGA MINYAK DUNIA TERHADAP PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA. Published in: Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan , Vol. 6, No. 2 (December 2012): pp. 189-210.

Nizar, Muhammad Afdi (2012): PENGARUH JUMLAH TURIS DAN DEVISA PARIWISATA TERHADAP NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH. Published in: Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2012): pp. 492-512.

Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2012): Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An brief introduction for non-economists.

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Noel D., Johnson and William, Ruger and Jason, Sorens and Steven, Yamarik (2012): Corruption as a response to regulation.

Nofal, Christopher (2012): How the JPML Can Benefit from the Federal Circuit and Vice-Versa. Published in: IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review , Vol. 52, No. 3 (December 2012): pp. 379-416.

Noll, Franklin (2012): Repudiation: The Crisis of United States Civil War Debt, 1865-1870.

Nowotarski, Jakub and Tomczyk, Jakub and Weron, Rafal (2012): Robust estimation and forecasting of the long-term seasonal component of electricity spot prices.

Ntim, Collins G (2012): Director Shareownership and Corporate Performance in South Africa. Published in: African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance , Vol. 1, No. 4 (29 December 2012): pp. 359-373.

Ntim, Collins G (2012): Why African Stock Markets Should Formally Harmonise and Integrate their Operations. Published in: African Review of Economics and Finance , Vol. 4, No. 1 (29 December 2012): pp. 53-72.

Ntsama, Mireille (2012): La relation de prix entre le Cameroun et le Gabon.

Ntsama Etoundi, Mireille (2012): La relation de prix entre le Cameroun et le Gabon.

Nurdilek, Dalziel and Can Ali, Avunduk (2012): Mobile payment systems in Turkey.

Nuri Aras, Osman and Suleymanov, Elchin and Zeynalov, Ayaz (2012): Does Oil Income Impede Democratization In Muslim– Majority Countries? Published in: International Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Studies , Vol. 4, No. 2 (17 November 2012): pp. 397-406.

Nuroglu, Elif and Kunst, Robert M. (2012): The effects of exchange rate volatility on international trade flows: evidence from panel data analysis and fuzzy approach. Published in: Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci. Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 30, No. 1 (2012): pp. 9-31.

Nuroğlu, Elif and Kurtagic, Haris (2012): Costs and Benefits of the EU Enlargement: The Impact on the EU and SEE Countries. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Studies , Vol. 2, No. 2 (July 2012): pp. 41-64.

Nurrachmi, Rininta (2012): The Implication of Cash Waqf in the Society. Published in: Al Infaq Islamic Economic Journal , Vol. 3, No. 2 (September 2012): pp. 150-155.

Nurrachmi, Rininta and Fathia, Mia and Mad-ahdin, Ashanee and Radenarmad, Ninasrin and Akhtar, Rulia (2012): Time Value of Money in Islamic Perspective and the Practice in Islamic Banking Implications.

Nurrachmi, Rininta and Mad-Ahin, Ashanee and Waeowanjit, Phimpaporn and Kareemarif Arif, Naz Abdul (2012): Article Review on World Bank Report, Optimal Design for a Minimum Wage Policy in Malaysia.

Nurrachmi, Rininta and Nazah, Nawalin and Al Azizah, Ummu and Riddhaina, Nurul (2012): The Islamic House Financing in Malaysia. Case Study of Leasing-I Line in HSBC Amanah.

Nurrachmi, Rininta Nurrachmi and Abd Samad, Khairunnisa and Foughali, Ibrahim (2012): The Development of SMEs in Turkey.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2012): Global e-commerce and african participation:a critical assessment.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2012): Monetary Policies and Nigerian Economy:Simulations from Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium(DSGE)Model.

Nyamwange, Mathew (2012): Economic Growth and Public Healthcare Expenditure in Kenya (1982 - 2012). Published in:

Nyanjong', Oyugi Johana and Lagat, Job (2012): Analysis of efficiency in sugarcane production: the case of men and women headed households in SONY sugar out -grower zone, Rongo and Trans-Mara districts, Kenya.

OKPARA, GODWIN CHIGOZIE (2012): On whether foreign direct investment catalyzes economic development in Nigeria.

OUNIR, Abdessamad (2012): Libéralisation financière et investissement des entreprises marocaines. Published in: MPRA

Obradovits, Martin (2012): Austrian-style gasoline price regulation: How it may backfire.

Ochsenfeld, Fabian (2012): The gender income gap and the influence of family formation reconsidered.

Odozi, John C. (2012): Socio economic gender inequality in Nigeria: A review of theory and measurements.

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Ojeaga, Paul (2012): Does Foreign Aid Promote Trade? Evidence from Some Selected African Countries.

Ojeaga, Paul (2012): Economic policy, does It help life expectancy? an african evidence of the role of economic policy on longevity.

Ojeaga, Paul (2012): Foreign Aid and African Exporters: Help or Harm?

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Bailouts and longer term refinancing operations (LTROs): when temporary cures generate longer term economic concerns.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Forensic accounting and the law: The forensic accountant in the capacity of an expert witness.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through greater collaboration between standard setters and national supervisors. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through greater collaboration between standard setters and national supervisors. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through international accounting standards: reasons why international accounting standards should serve as “thermostats”. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): LIBOR, EURIBOR and the regulation of capital markets: The impact of Eurocurrency markets on monetary setting policies. Published in: Strategic Change, Wiley & Sons (February 2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): La nécessité d'une adoption (et l'adaptation) mondiale des IFRS (des normes internationales d'information financière): conséquences post-Enron et la restauration de la confiance aux marchés financiers à la suite des crises de 2008 financières et boursières.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Sovereign debt crises and financial bailouts: the anatomy and components of an everlasting relationship (I).

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Why the transfer of bank supervisory powers back to the Bank of England is a step in the right direction: Revisiting the role of external auditors in bank and financial services supervision.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): A global perspective on the changing perceptions of the role of the external auditor and the significance of audit developments.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): The need for global adoption and adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): post Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises.

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Simplice A, Asongu (2012): African Development: Beyond Income Convergence.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Democracy and Stock Market Performance in African Countries.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Determinants of Health Professionals’ Migration in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Fighting consumer price inflation in Africa. What do dynamics in money, credit, efficiency and size tell us? Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Fighting corruption with cultural dynamics: when legal-origins, religious-influences and existing corruption-control levels matter.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Fighting software piracy in Africa: how do legal origins and IPRs protection channels matter? Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Financial sector competition and knowledge economy: evidence from SSA and MENA countries. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Globalization and Africa: implications for human development.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Globalization and health worker crisis: what do wealth-effects tell us?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Globalization, (fighting) corruption and development: how are these phenomena linearly and nonlinearly related in wealth effects?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Government quality determinants of stock market performance in African countries. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): How has Mobile Phone Penetration Stimulated Financial Development in Africa? Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Institutional benchmarking of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): New indicators for the mobile banking nexus.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): On the effect of foreign aid on corruption.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): A Short-run Schumpeterian Trip to Embryonic African Monetary Zones. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Software piracy, inequality and the poor: evidence from Africa. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): The impact of health worker migration on development dynamics: evidence of wealth-effects from Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): African Financial Development Dynamics: Big Time Convergence.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): African Stock Market Performance Dynamics: A Multidimensional Convergence Assessment. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Are Proposed African Monetary Unions Optimal Currency Areas? Real and Monetary Policy Convergence Analysis.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Are Proposed African Monetary Unions Optimal Currency Areas? Real, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Convergence Analysis. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Are financial benefits of financial globalization questionable until greater domestic financial development has taken place?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Development thresholds of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Fighting corruption in Africa: do existing corruption-control levels matter? Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Fighting corruption when existing corruption-control levels count : what do wealth effects tell us?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Fighting corruption when existing corruption-control levels count : what do wealth-effects tell us in Africa? Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Financial determinants of consumer price inflation. What do dynamics in money, credit, efficiency and size tell us?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Financial development dynamic thresholds of financial globalization: evidence from Africa. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Harmonizing IPRs on Software Piracy: Empirics of Trajectories in Africa. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): How has mobile banking stimulated financial development in Africa?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Linkages between investment flows and financial development: causality evidence from selected African countries.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Politics and Consumer Prices in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Real and Monetary Policy Convergence: EMU Crisis to the CFA Zone.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Reversed Economics and Inhumanity of Development Assistance in Africa.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): The political economy of development assistance: peril to government quality dynamics in Africa.

Simwaka, Kisu (2012): Maximum likelihood estimation of a stochastic frontier model with residual covariance.

Simwaka, Kisu (2012): Testing for time-varying fractional cointegration using the bootstrap approach.

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Singh, K M and Singh, Pushpa and Shahi, Brajesh and Shekhar, Dibyanshu (2012): Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in Agricultural Extension: An Overview.

Singh, K.M. and Kumar, Abhay and Singh, R.K.P. and Meena, M.S. and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Dynamics of income in Bihar: evidence from village studies.

Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Abhay and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Rural Poverty in Jharkhand, India : An Empirical Study based on Panel Data.

Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Jha, A.K. and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Understanding the Fodder Markets for Sustainable Development of Livestock Sector in Bihar-A Rapid Appraisal Approach.

Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Abhay and Meena, M.S. and Jha, A.K. and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Dimensions of Rural Poverty in Bihar: A Village Level Study.

Singh, K.M. and Swanson, Burton E. and Jha, A.K. and Meena, M.S. (2012): Extension Reforms and Innovations in Technology Dissemination- ATMA Model in India.

Sinha, Pankaj and Arya, Deepshikha and Singh, Shuchi (2012): Evolution of Financing Needs in Indian Infrastructure.

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Sinha, Pankaj and Jayaraman, Prabha (2012): Empirical analysis of the forecast error impact of classical and bayesian beta adjustment techniques.

Sinha, Pankaj and Mathur, Kritika (2012): Evolution of security transaction tax in India.

Sinha, Pankaj and Mathur, Kritika (2012): Securities transaction tax and the stock market– an Indian experience.

Sinha, Pankaj and Sathiyanarayanan, Nataraj (2012): Valuation of 2G spectrum in India- A real option approach.

Sinha, Pankaj and Sharma, Aastha and Singh, Harsh Vardhan (2012): Prediction for the 2012 United States Presidential Election using Multiple Regression Model.

Sinha, Pankaj and Singhal, Anushree (2012): A note on Corporate Governance in Public Sector Undertakings in India.

Sinha, Pankaj and Singhal, Anushree and Sondhi, Kriti (2012): Economic scenario of United States of America before and after 2012 U.S. Presidential Election.

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Situngkir, Hokky (2012): Indonesian Stock Market Crisis Observation with Spectral and Composite Index. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-1-2012 (14 January 2012)

Situngkir, Hokky and Prasetyo, Yanu Endar (2012): On social and economic spheres: an observation of the “gantangan” Indonesian tradition. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-5-2012 (22 June 2012)

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Stefanescu, Razvan and Dumitriu, Ramona and Nistor, Costel (2012): Policies to encourage the employment of people with disabilities: case of Romania. Published in: The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference AFASES - “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force” 2012 (14 May 2012): pp. 499-504.

Stefanescu, Razvan and Dumitriu, Ramona and Nistor, Costel (2012): Prolonged holiday effects on Romanian capital market before and after the adhesion to EU. Published in: Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management No. 1(6)/2013 (2013): pp. 125-134.

Stefanescu, Razvan and Dumitriu, Ramona and Nistor, Costel (2012): Short term momentum and contrarian profits on the Bucharest Stock Exchange before and during the global crisis. Published in: • Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Administration and Economics ”People. Ideas. Experience”, October 25-26, 2012, Reşiţa (22 October 2012): pp. 367-377.


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Zhang, Zhibai (2012): A simple model and Its application in the valuation of eleven main real exchange rates. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 97 (September 2012): pp. 55-59.

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Zhibai, Zhang (2012): RMB Undervaluation and Appreciation.

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Zhou, Song and Wang, Dong (2012): The macroeconomic and financial effects of oil price shocks.

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Zubović, Jovan and Simeunović, Ivana (2012): On the New Methodology of Cost‐Benefit Analysis of ALMP – The Case of Serbia. Published in: New Challenges in Changing Labour Markets (15 March 2012): pp. 95-111.

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Zuniga Gonzalez, Carlos Alberto (2012): Total factor productivity and Bio Economy effects. Published in: Journal of Agricultural Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (18 December 2012): pp. 1-29.

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katsufumi, fukuda (2012): Gains and Losses from International Trade in a Knowledge-driven Semi-endogenous Growth Model with Heterogeneous Firms.

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mercado, p. ruben and porta, fernando (2012): Development planning in the xxi century? a note on old and new methods and tools.

mhamdi, ghrissi (2012): Determinants of Inflation in Tunisia Using Structural Modeling. Published in: Journal of Business Studies Quarterly , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013)

mollaesmaeili dehshiri, hassan and sameti, Morteza and sameti, Majid (2012): Impact of Human Development Index and Rule of Law to Attract Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Developing Countries.

necula, sabina-cristiana (2012): Testing Semantic-Web based Querying by Using Ontologies in Resource Description Format. Published in: Proceedings of the International Business Information Management Conference (18th IBIMA) (2012): pp. 2160-2165.

necula, sabina-cristiana (2012): Testing the Quality of a Semantic Web Database. Published in: Proceedings of the 19th IBIMA conference on Innovation Vision 2020: Sustainable growth, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate and Economic Development (November 2012): pp. 1175-1179.

necula, sabina-cristiana and popescul, daniela (2012): Determining the Discovery and Delivery Skills for the Romanian Employees – an Useful Method for Organizational Decision-Making. Published in: Proceedings of the 19th IBIMA conference on Innovation Vision 2020: Sustainable growth, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate and Economic Development (November 2012): pp. 1271-1278.

patel, saurin and sarkissian, sergei (2012): To Group or Not to Group? Evidence from Mutual Funds.

sivakumar, marimuthu (2012): 2008 Global Economic Crisis and Its Impact on India's Exports and Imports.

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soliman, Ibrahim (2012): Food demand for quality in Egypt. Published in: The Sustainmed Project: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Rural Development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries wp5_food_safety_egypt_20130121[1] (December 2012): pp. 1-12.

van den Berg, Vincent A.C. (2012): Auctions for private congestible infrastructures.

van geystelen, judit and poi rot, etienne pascal (2012): Equity in social policy, a human rights and results based approach A welfare state comparison: the case of disability. Forthcoming in: conference paper ASMDA 2013

von der Lippe, Peter (2012): Covariances and relationships between price indices: Notes on a theorem of Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz on linear index functions.

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zvingilaite, Erika and Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik (2012): Heat savings and heat generation technologies: Modelling of residential investment behaviour with local externalities.

Ács, Attila (2012): Liquidity and asset prices: a VECM approach. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 13-26.

Öztürk, Mustafa and Aras, Osman Nuri and Kadı, Filiz (2012): Determinants of Debt Crisis in EU and the Recovery Efforts. Published in: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012): pp. 343-354.

Şensoy, Ahmet (2012): Analysis on Runs of Daily Returns in Istanbul Stock Exchange.

Šramelová, Silvia and Šupáková, Andrea (2012): Development of the Judicial Review of the Decisions of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. Published in: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies , Vol. 5(7), No. 2012 (2012): pp. 105-123.

Ščasný, Milan and Rečka, Lukáš and Balajka, Jiří (2012): What Is Effect of Climate Change Mitigating Policies on Energy Sector in Slovakia?

Аникина, Надежда and Стукач, Виктор (2012): Неформальные институты трансакционного сектора региона: агроэкономический аспект. Published in: , Vol. 216, (February 2016)

Бурмистрова, Наталия (2012): Роль математического моделирования в обеспечении компетентностного уровня математической подготовки будущих бакалавров. Published in: Математическое моделировние в экономике, управлении, образовании: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (10 October 2012): pp. 225-236.

Краснопёров, Олег (2012): Почему бедные страны развиваются быстрее: оценка процесса бета-конвергенции в Европейском Союзе. Published in: Актуальные вопросы современной экономической науки. Сборник докладов No. 9 (26 May 2012): pp. 7-12.

Краснопёров, Олег (2012): Оценка производственной функции в условиях неопределённости динамики физического капитала. Published in: Актуальные вопросы современной экономической науки. Сборник докладов No. 9 (26 May 2012): pp. 146-151.

Стайков, Ивайло (2012): Обща характеристика на съдебното производство за установяване на трудов и/или осигурителен стаж. Published in: Норма. ISSN 1314-5126, No. 5 (2012): pp. 5-18.

Стайков, Ивайло (2012): Защита от дискриминация при реализация на дисциплинарната отговорност. Published in: Сборник трудове от Юбилейната научна конференция по повод 10 години от създаването на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски”, 14-15 юни 2012 г. Том 5 – Научно направление „Социални, стопански и правни науки”. Велико Търново: Издат. комплекс на НВУ (2012): pp. 163-170.

Стайков, Ивайло (2012): Правото на вероизповедание през призмата на забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения. Published in: Юбилеен сборник от Международната научна конференция „Право, управление и медии през ХХІ век” по случай 20-годишнината на Правно-историческия факултет при ЮЗУ „Неофит Рилски”, 16-17.05.2012 г. Том І. Благоевград: УИ „Н. Рилски". ISBN 978-954-680-838-7. (2012): pp. 196-206.

Стайков, Ивайло (2012): Правна уредба на работата от разстояние. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет – 2012. Том 51, серия 7 – Правни науки. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция РУ & СУ ’12. Русе: Издателство на РУ „Ангел Кънчев”. ISSN 1311-3321. (2012): pp. 225-230.

Стайков, Ивайло (2012): Отново по въпроса за правната уредба на маловажното нарушение на трудовото законодателство. Published in: Юридическо списание на НБУ (Law Journal of NBU), издание на Департамент „Право” на НБУ. [електронен ресурс]. ISSN (online) 1314-5797, No. 2 (2012): pp. 39-66.

Стукач, Виктор (2012): Профилактика бедности в фермерском секторе и охрана почвенного плодородия в системе государственного обеспечения социальным питанием нуждающегося населения.

Филиппова, Ірина and Сумцов, Віктор (2012): КОНЦЕПЦІЯ ОЦІНКИ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ БІЗНЕСУ. Published in: ВІСНИК СХІДНОУКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ імені Володимира Даля No. 2 (173) (2012): pp. 155-163.

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