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Berliant, Marcus and Watanabe, Hiroki (2011): A scale-free transportation network explains the city-size distribution.
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Bernatt, Maciej (2011): Powers of inspection of the polish competition authority. question of proportionality. Published in: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies , Vol. Vol. 2, (2011): pp. 47-66.
Bertoldi, Paolo and Rezessy, Silvia and Anable, Jillian and Jochem, Patrick and Oikonomou, Vlasis (2011): Energy Saving Obligations and White Certificates: Ideas and Considerations for the Transport Sector. Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation , Vol. 5, No. 6 (2011): pp. 345-374.
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Bespalova, Olga (2011): State Policies Can Cut Energy Dependence. Published in: Economic Bulletin of the American Institute for Economic Research , Vol. LI, (December 2011): pp. 2-4.
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Bhattacharya, Kaushik (2011): Role of Rules of Thumb in Forecasting Foreign Tourist Arrival: A Case Study of India.
Bhattacharya, Kaushik (2011): Strategic Entry and the Relationship between Number of Independent and Non-Independent Candidates: A Study of Parliamentary Elections in India.
Bhattacharyya, Ranajoy and Saha, Bibhas (2011): Wage bargaining and quality competition.
Bhattacharyya, Sambit (2011): Five Centuries of Economic Growth in India: The Institutions Perspective. Published in: The Routledge Handbook of South Asian Economics (9 February 2011): pp. 32-43.
Bhirombhakdi, Kornpob (2011): Performance of a reciprocity model in predicting a positive reciprocity decision. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Sciences (ICMESS'2011)) : pp. 504-508.
Bhowmik, Anuj and Cao, Jiling (2011): Infinite dimensional mixed economies with asymmetric information.
Bhowmik, Anuj and Cao, Jiling (2011): On the core and Walrasian expectations equilibrium in infinite dimensional commodity spaces.
Bicaba, Zorobabel (2011): Growth and financial reforms trajectory: an optimal matching sequence analysis approach.
Bick, Alexander (2011): The quantitative role of child care for female labor force participation and fertility.
Bick, Alexander and Choi, Sekyu (2011): Life-Cycle Consumption: Can Single Agent Models Get it Right?
Bick, Alexander and Choi, Sekyu (2011): Life-cycle consumption: can single agent models get it right?
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Bielsa, Jorge and Cazcarro, Ignacio and Sancho, Yolanda (2011): Integration of hydrological and economic approaches to water and land management in Mediterranean climates: an initial case study in agriculture. Published in: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research , Vol. 4, No. 9 (2011): pp. 1076-1088.
Bienabe, Estelle and Bramley, Cerkia and Kirsten, Johann and Troskie, Dirk (2011): Linking farmers to markets through valorisation of local resources:the case for intellectual property rights of indigenous resources.
Biffis, Enrico and Blake, David and Pitotti, Lorenzo and Sun, Ariel (2011): The cost of counterparty risk and collateralization in longevity swaps.
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Bikash Ranjan Mishra, Dr. (2011): Spill-over effects of foreign direct investment: an econometric study of Indian firms.
Bilgili, Faik (2011): City price convergence in Turkey with structural breaks.
Biloa Essimi, Jean Aristide and Chameni Nembua, Celestin (2011): L’Inégalité de Pauvreté Au Cameroun : Une Analyse Empirique à L’aide de la décomposition en sous-groupes de Dagum.
Biran, Omer (2011): Core stable bidding rings in independent private value auctions with externalities.
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Bista, Raghu (2011): FDI and Corporate Social Responsibility in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility , Vol. 1, No. 1 (12 February 2011): pp. 11-20.
Bista, Raghu (2011): Foreign Direct Investment and BIPPA In Nepalese Economy: A Policy Issue Paper. Published in: Artha Journal , Vol. 31, No. 1 (9 June 2011): pp. 1-5.
Black, Bernard and Kim, Woochan (2011): The effect of board structure on firm value: a multiple identification strategies approach using Korean data. Published in: Journal of Financial Economics , Vol. 104, (April 2012): pp. 203-226.
Blake, David and Brockett, Patrick and Cox, Samuel and MacMinn, Richard (2011): Longevity risk and capital markets: The 2009-2010 update.
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Blake, David and Wright, Douglas and Zhang, Yumeng (2011): Age dependent investing: Optimal funding and investment strategies in defined contribution pension plans when members are rational life cycle financial planners.
Blake, David and Wright, Douglas and Zhang, Yumeng (2011): Target-driven investing: Optimal investment strategies in defined contribution pension plans under loss aversion.
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Blind, Georg (2011): Investigating entrepreneurial spirit with the rule approach: why self-employment is on the decline in Japan. Published in: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2012): pp. 183-198.
Block, Joern and Kohn, Karsten (2011): Sozialpolitische Ziele der Gründungsförderung am Beispiel von Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. Published in: N. Irsch und P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, herausgegeben von KfW Bankengruppe und Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V., Frankfurt am Main : pp. 131-144.
Block, Joern and Spiegel, Frank (2011): Family Firms and Regional Innovation Activity: Evidence from the German Mittelstand.
Boehm, Michael J. and Watzinger, Martin (2011): The Allocation of Talent: Evidence from the Market of Economists.
Boehm, Michael J. and Watzinger, Martin (2011): The Allocation of Talent: Evidence from the Market of Economists.
Boettke, Peter (2011): Anarchism and Austrian economics. Forthcoming in: New Perspectives on Political Economy
Boettke, Peter (2011): An Anarchist's reflection on the political economy of everyday life.
Boettke, Peter (2011): Institutional transition and the problem of credible commitment.
Boettke, Peter (2011): An anarchist’s reflection on the political economy of everyday life. Forthcoming in: Review of Austrian Economics
Boettke, Peter (2011): A behavioral approach to the political and economic inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.
Boettke, Peter and Coyne, Christopher (2011): The debt-inflation cycle and the global financial crisis.
Boettke, Peter and Coyne, Christopher and Leeson, Peter (2011): Quasimarket failure. Forthcoming in: Public Choice
Boettke, Peter and Fink, Alexander (2011): Institutions first.
Boettke, Peter and Smith, Daniel (2011): Robust political economy and the Federal Reserve.
Boettke, Peter and Smith, Daniel and Snow, Nicholas (2011): Been there done that: the political economy of Déjà Vu.
Boggio, Margherita (2011): From Reluctant Privatization to Municipal Capitalism: an Overview on Ownership, Political Connections and Decentralization.
Boggio, Margherita (2011): Municipal capitalism, regulatory federalism and politics.
Boicu, Ruxandra (2011): Discursive norms in blogging. Published in: Revista Româna de Jurnalism si Comunicare , Vol. Nr. 1/, No. Nr. 1/2011 (2011): pp. 55-62.
Bojanic, Antonio N. (2011): Final Years of the Silver Standard in Mexico: Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity with The United States. Published in: História Econômica & História de Empresas , Vol. 1, No. XIV (1 November 2011): pp. 5-34.
Bojeşteanu, Elena and Manu, Ana Simona (2011): Analiza empirică a sincronizării ciclului de afaceri şi a similarităţii şocurilor între România şi zona euro.
Bolecki, Antoni (2011): Polish antitrust experience with hub-and-spoke conspiracies. Published in: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies , Vol. Vol. 2, (2011): pp. 25-46.
Bond, Derek and Ramsey, Elaine and Boddy, Clive R. (2011): Projective techniques: Are they a victim of clashing paradigms?
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Bond, Timothy N. (2011): Internal Labor Markets in Equilibrium.
Bondarev, Anton A. (2011): Endogenous specialization of heterogeneous innovative activities of firms under technological spillovers.
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Borda, Patrie and Gaumont, Damien and Manioc, Olivier (2011): Unions’ Coordination and the Central Banker’s behavior in a Monetary Union.
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Borooah, Vani (2011): Corruption in India: A Quantitative Analysis. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 4, No. 28 (2012): pp. 23-24.
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Bos, Frits (2011): National accounts: barometer, telescope and compass for the national economy.
Bos, Frits (2011): Three centuries of macro-economic statistics.
Bos, Frits (2011): A national accounts satellite for human capital and education.
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Bosi, Gianni and Zuanon, Magalì (2011): Weak continuity of preferences with nontransitive indifference.
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Bouadam, Kamel and Chiad, Faycal (2011): Data Envelopment Analysis To Measure Technical Efficiency In The Algerian Companies. Published in: Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics , Vol. 54, No. 2 (2011): pp. 139-157.
Boudekhdekh, Karim and Boudekhdekh, Messaoud (2011): رؤية نظرية حول استراتيجية تطوير القطاع الخاص في النشاط الإقتصادي.
Boumans, Marcel and Dupont-Kieffer, Ariane (2011): A history of the histories of econometrics. Published in: History of Political Economy , Vol. 43, No. Annual supplement : pp. 5-31.
Bourdin, Sebastien and Elissalde, Bernard and Langlois, Patrice and Goya, Dominique (2011): Une approche prospective de la configuration des disparités économiques régionales au sein de l'Union européenne par la modélisation et la simulation. Published in: Cybergeo, European Review of Geography , Vol. 564, No. Geography (15 November 2011): pp. 1-22.
Bourjade, Sylvain and Germain, Laurent (2011): Collusion in board of directors.
Bourjade, Sylvain and Jullien, Bruno (2011): The roles of reputation and transparency on the behavior of biased experts. Published in: The Rand Journal of Economics
Bourjade, Sylvain and Schindele, Ibolya (2011): Group lending with endogenous group size.
Bourjade, Sylvain and Schindele, Ibolya (2011): The role of agency costs in financial conglomeration.
Bouzon, Arlette and Devillard, Joëlle (2011): The Management of Uncertainty in Tourism: Strategic Paradoxes and Communication. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 6, No. 1 (15 April 2011): pp. 53-68.
Bradu, Cosmina Paula (2011): Responsabilitatea Socială Corporativă (CSR) - un concept în continuă evoluție.
Bradu, Cosmina Paula (2011): Se așteaptă consumatorii ca organizațiile să fie responsabile din punct de vedere social?
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Bram, Avraham and Seyhan, Eda (2011): Match of the Day: The search for a suitable spouse.
Brams, Steven J. and Camilo, Gustavo and Franz, Alexandra D. (2011): Coalition formation in the U.S. Supreme Court: 1969-2009.
Brams, Steven J. and Jones, Michael A. and Klamler, Christian (2011): N-Person cake-cutting: there may be no perfect division.
Brams, Steven J. and Kaplan, Todd R and Kilgour, D. Marc (2011): A Simple Bargaining Mechanism That Elicits Truthful Reservation Prices.
Brams, Steven J. and Kilgour, D. Marc (2011): Narrowing the field in elections: the next-two rule.
Brams, Steven J. and Kilgour, D. Marc (2011): When does approval voting make the "right choices"?
Brauer, Jurgen and Caruso, Raul (2011): Peace economists and peace economics.
Breitmoser, Yves (2011): Binomial menu auctions in government formation.
Breitmoser, Yves and Tan, Jonathan H.W. (2011): Ultimata bargaining: generosity without social motives.
Breuer, Claus C. and von der Lippe, Peter (2011): Problems of operationalizing the concept of a cost-of-living index.
Briciu, Sorin and Căpuşneanu, Sorinel/I (2011): The results account of the ABC method. The main source of underlining the performances of an entity. Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd World Multiconference on Applied Economics, Business and Development (AEBD ‘11 , Vol. Recent, (1 July 2011): pp. 91-97.
Brida, Juan Gabriel and Osti, Linda and Santifaller, Esther (2011): Second Homes and the Need for Policy Planning. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 6, No. 1 (15 April 2011): pp. 141-163.
Brida, Juan Gabriel and Pereyra, Juan Sebastián and Such, María Jesús and Pulina, Manuela (2011): Causalidad entre turismo y crecimiento económico de largo plazo: una revisión crítica de la literatura econométrica.
Brie, Mircea (2011): Căsătorie, mentalităţi colective şi reglementări cutumiare în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea). Published in: Crisia , Vol. suplim, No. Interferenţe intercultural. Studia in honorem Aurel Chiriac Sexagenarii (2012): pp. 173-186.
Brie, Mircea (2011): Ethnic Identity and the Issue of Otherness through Marriage in Northwest Transylvania (Second Half of the XIX - Early XX Century). Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Sorin Şipoş, Ioan Horga, Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area: Historical Perspectives, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea (2011): pp. 89-104.
Brie, Mircea (2011): Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Sorin Şipoş, Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Universităţii din Debrecen, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea/Debrecen (2011): pp. 11-18.
Brie, Mircea and Dolghi, Dorin and Pantea, Dana (2011): The New European and/or EU Studies Curriculum. Published in: The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies / No. vol.1, nr, 1/201 Current Problems in the Development of the European and/or EU Studies Curriculum (2012): pp. 97-106.
Brie, Mircea and Gal, Diana (2011): CoR’s White Paper on Multilevel Guvernance – Advantages and Desadvantages. Published in: Ioan Horga, Iordan Bărbulescu, Adrian Ivan, Mykolia Palinchak, Istvan Suli-Zakar (coord.), Regional and Cohesion Polity. Insights into the role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design (2011): pp. 284-289.
Brie, Mircea and Horga, Ioan and Şipoş, Sorin (2011): Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, (2011): pp. 1-502.
Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan (2011): Dual Citizenship Granted to Hungarian Ethnics. Context and Arguments in the Romanian and Hungarian Mass Media. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Sorin Şipoş, Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Universităţii din Debrecen, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea/Debrecen (2011): pp. 151-162.
Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan (2011): Dual citizenship granted to hungarian ethnics. Context and arguments. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene , Vol. III, (2011): pp. 214-220.
Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan (2011): Infantile mortality and life expectancy: vulnerability indicators in north-western Transylvanian communities (second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). Published in: Romanian Journal of Population Studies , Vol. VI, No. no. 1 (2012): pp. 103-122.
Brie, Mircea and Şipoş, Sorin and Horga, Ioan (2011): Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area: Historical Perspectives (XVIII-XX centuries). Published in: This present collective volume, coordinated by Mircea Brie, Sorin Şipoş and Ioan Horga, contains the papers of the international conference held in Oradea between 2nd-5th of June 2011 (2011): pp. 1-319.
Brissimis, Sophocles and Hondroyiannis, George and Papazoglou, Christos and Tsaveas, Nicholas and Vasardani, Melina (2011): The determinants of current account imbalances in the Euro Area: a panel estimation approach.
Brissimis, Sophocles and Migiakis, Petros (2011): Inflation persistence and the rationality of inflation expectations.
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Bruder, Benjamin and Hereil, Pierre and Roncalli, Thierry (2011): Managing sovereign credit risk in bond portfolios.
Brunnschweiler, Christa N. and Valente, Simone (2011): International partnerships, foreign control and income levels: theory and evidence.
Bruno, Bruna (2011): Rewarding my Self. Self Esteem, Self Determination and Motivations.
Bucher, Raphael and Guelden Sterzl, Jasmin (2011): From Coping with Natural Disasters in the Past to a Model of Future Optimal Adaptation.
Buda, Mariana (2011): Programmes d’études européennes dans l’enseignement universitaire en Europe. Published in: Identités, citoyennetés et démocratie, 20 ans après (2011)
Buda, Mariana (2011): The introduction of European Studies in the Universities from Romania. Published in: Anals of University of Oradea No. 3 (2011): pp. 69-80.
Buda, Rodolphe (2011): Estimation de l'emploi sectoriel par zone d'emploi du 31.12.1989 au 31.12.2010 – Compléments à la série 1998–2007 de l'INSEE.
Buda, Rodolphe (2011): Séries longues d'emploi salarié régional sectoriel français 1967–2006.
Buddin, Richard (2011): Measuring teacher and school effectiveness at improving student achievement in Los Angeles elementary schools.
Bukhari, Syed Kalim Hyder and Abdul, Jalil and Rao, Nasir Hamid (2011): Detection and Forecasting of Islamic Calendar Effects in Time Series Data: Revisited. Published in: State Bank of Pakistan Working Paper Sereis , Vol. Workin, No. May 2011 (15 May 2011): pp. 1-27.
Bukvić, Rajko (2011): Трансформационный кризис и экономическое развитие Сербии. Published in: Проблемы теории и практики управления No. 7 (2011): pp. 103-114.
Bukvić, Rajko (2011): Transformaciona kriza i perspektive privrede Srbije u epohi globalizacije i finansijske krize. Published in: Svetska finansijska kriza - izazovi i strategija, Beograd, 2011 (2011): pp. 139-174.
Buncic, Daniel and Martin, Melecky (2011): Macroprudential stress testing of credit risk: A practical approach for policy makers.
Bundaleska, Elena and Dimitrova, Makedonka (2011): The business case for corporate social responsibility in education.
Bundaleska, Elena and Dimitrova, Makedonka and Nikolovska, Zdenka (2011): Corporate governance and small & medium businesses. Published in: Зборник на трудови од 4та меѓународна конференција “Business Development 2011" (November 2011)
Buonanno, Paolo and Durante, Ruben and Prarolo, Giovanni and Vanin, Paolo (2011): On the historical and geographic origins of the Sicilian mafia.
Burgoa, Rodrigo (2011): Consecuencias económicas del enclaustramiento marítimo sobre las exportaciones bolivianas. Forthcoming in:
Buscemi, Antonino and Yallwe, Alem Hagos (2011): It is time to re-think on environment, energy and economics (E3). Published in: Rivista elettronica di diritto, economia e management , Vol. nr. 2, No. ISSN 2039-4926 (August 2011): pp. 85-104.
Buscemi, Antonino and Yallwe, Alem Hagos (2011): Money laundry and financial development.
Buscemi, Antonino and Yallwe, Alem Hagos (2011): Money laundry and financial development. Published in: Antiriciclaggio & 231 del 2001 , Vol. nr. 0, No. ISSN 2239-0308 (July 2011): pp. 233-264.
Buss, Ginters (2011): Asymmetric Baxter-King filter.
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Bárcena-Martín, Elena and Budría, Santiago and Moro-Egido, Ana I. (2011): Skill mismatches and wages among European university graduates. Forthcoming in: Applied Economics Letters
Béal, Sylvain and Lardon, Aymeric and Rémila, Eric and Solal, Philippe (2011): The Average Tree Solution for Multi-choice Forest Games.
Béal, Sylvain and Rémila, Eric and Solal, Philippe (2011): On the number of blocks required to access the coalition structure core.
Béassoum, Christian N. (2011): Pauvreté régionale au Tchad en 2003: une situation de référence revisitée.
Béjaoui Rouissi, Raoudha (2011): Cost and profit efficiency of french commercial banks.
Böckerman, Petri and Bryson, Alex and Ilmakunnas, Pekka (2011): Does high involvement management improve worker wellbeing?
Böckerman, Petri and Bryson, Alex and Ilmakunnas, Pekka (2011): Does high involvement management lead to higher pay?
Böckerman, Petri and Haapanen, Mika (2011): The effect of polytechnic reform on migration.
Bøg, Martin and Kranendonk, Erik (2011): Labor market discrimination of minorities? yes, but not in job offers.
CALISKAN, Ozgur (2011): Eski ve Yeni Bölgeselleşme Olguları: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz.
CALISKAN, Ozgur (2011): Lizbon Antlaşması Sonrası Avrupa Birliği'nin Yeni Kurumsal Yapısı.
CHAGAS LOPES, MARGARIDA (2011): Education, development and knowledge: new forms of unequal change under globalization. The case of SSA countries.
CHAGAS LOPES, MARGARIDA and LEAO FERNANDES, GRAÇA (2011): Interruptions and failure in higher education: evidence from ISEG-UTL. Published in: European Education Research Journal , Vol. 10, No. 3 (17 October 2011): pp. 445-460.
CHIKHI, Mohamed (2011): Analyse du choc informationnel et de l’hétéroscédasticité conditionnelle dans les flux de trésorerie. Published in: Recherches Economiques et Managériales , Vol. 9, (June 2011): pp. 1-15.
CHOE, Chung and BALDWIN, Marjorie (2011): Estimates of Wage Discrimination Against Workers with Sensory Disabilities, with Controls for Job Demands.
CRAIGWELL, ROLAND and Lorde, Troy and Moore, Winston (2011): Fiscal policy and the duration of financial crises. Published in: Applied Economics No. 45 : pp. 793-801.
CRAIGWELL, ROLAND and MAURIN, ALAIN (2011): Are Caribbean countries diverging or converging? evidence from spatial econometrics. Published in: Journal of Business, Finance and Economics in Emerging Economies , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2011): pp. 161-206.
Cace, Sorin and Arpinte, Daniel and Cace, Corina and Cojocaru, Stefan (2011): The social economy. An integrating approach. Published in: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences , Vol. 33E, (2011): pp. 49-66.
Cai, Wenbiao (2011): Agricultural productivity, skill investment, farm size distribution, income differences.
Cai, Wenbiao (2011): Skill Investment, Farm Size Distribution and Agricultural Productivity.
Cai, Wenbiao (2011): Skill Investment, Farm Size Distribution and Agricultural Productivity.
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Cairns, Andrew and Dowd, Kevin and Blake, David and Coughlan, Guy (2011): Longevity hedge effectiveness: a decomposition.
Calabria, Alejandro A. (2011): Análisis del mercado de órganos para trasplante: evaluación de la introducción de incentivos en la Argentina.
Calabria, Alejandro A. and Calero, Analía Verónica (2011): Políticas de inclusión social para los grupos etarios más vulnerables: Plan de Inclusión Previsional y Asignación Universal por Hijos para Protección Social.
Calabria, Alejandro A. and Rottenschweiler, Sergio (2011): Características demográficas y socioeconómicas de los adultos mayores en la Argentina: elaboración de un índice de bienestar.
Caldeirinha, V. M. (2011): Size and specialization as determinant of iberian port performance: new methodology to group different ports.
Caldeirinha, Vitor R. and Felicio, J. Augusto (2011): A influência dos factores de caracterização dos portos no desempenho, medido por indicadores operacionais, financeiros e de eficiência.
Caleiro, António (2011): Acerca da importância da sincronização do ciclo económico português no contexto europeu.
Caleiro, António (2011): Desemprego e felicidade em Portugal.
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Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2011): Changes in the dynamic relation between the prices and the trading volume from the Bucharest stock exchange. Published in: Proceedings of the 18th International Economic Conference – IECS 2011 “Crises after the crisis. Inquiries from a national, European and global perspective” Sibiu, Romania, May 19-20, 2011 , Vol. IV, (17 May 2011): pp. 218-227.
Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2011): Holiday effect on the Romanian stock market. Published in: Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management 2011 , Vol. 1(4)/2, (19 November 2011): pp. 35-40.
Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2011): Monthly seasonality in the Bucharest stock exchange. Published in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Scientific Papers AFASES Brasov 26th - 28th May, 2011 (3 May 2011): pp. 47-52.
Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan and Nistor, Costel (2011): The US macroeconomic news announcements and the within-month effects on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Published in: Proceedings of the International Conference „EDUCATION AND CREATIVITY FOR A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY”- 5 edition November 2011, Bucharest No. Economic Sciences (5 November 2011): pp. 178-183.
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Duran-Vazquez, Rocio and Lorenzo-Valdes, Arturo and Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2011): Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data. Forthcoming in: Espinosa-Ramirez, R. (coord.), "Topics on International Economic Relations", Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Duran-Vazquez, Rocio and Lorenzo-Valdes, Arturo and Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2011): Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data. Forthcoming in: Espinosa-Ramirez, R. (coord.), "Topics on International Economic Relations", Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Durmaz, Nazif (2011): Housing Prices and Fundamentals: The Role of a Supply Shifter.
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Elasrag, Hussein (2011): المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات :التحديات والأفاق من أجل التنمية فى الدول العربية.
Elasrag, Hussein (2011): تفعيل دور التمويل الإسلامي في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.
Elasrag, Hussein (2011): تفعيل دور المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات فى التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية فى الدول العربية.
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Erdogdu, Erkan (2011): Determinants of successful electricity market reform.
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Erdogdu, Erkan (2011): The impact of power market reforms on electricity price-cost margins and cross-subsidy levels: a cross country panel data analysis. Forthcoming in: Energy Policy (2011)
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Eromenko, Igor (2011): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Published in: Lambert Academic Publishing No. ISBN 978-3-8433-9100-9 (2011)
Escañuela Romana, Ignacio (2011): Empirical Evidence on the Predictability of Stock Market Cycles: the Behaviour of the Dow Jones Index Industrial Average in the Stock Market Crises of 1929, 1987 and 2007.
Escobari, Diego (2011): Dynamic Pricing, Advance Sales, and Aggregate Demand Learning in Airlines. Forthcoming in: Journal of Industrial Economics
Escobari, Diego (2011): Imperfect Detection of Tax Evasion in a Corrupt Tax Administration. Forthcoming in: Public Organization Review
Escobari, Diego (2011): Testing for Stochastic and Beta-convergence in Latin American Countries. Published in: Applied Econometrics and International Development , Vol. 11, No. 2 (2011): pp. 123-138.
Escobari, Diego (2011): A theoretical model of collusion and regulation in an electricity spot market.
Eshchanov, Bahtiyor and Grinwis, Mona and Salaev, Sanatbek (2011): Price and Income Elasticity of Residential Electricity Consumption in Khorezm. Published in: (2011): pp. 155-167.
Esiyok, Bulent (2011): Determinants of foreign direct investment in Turkey: a panel study approach.
Esiyok, Bulent and Ugur, Mehmet (2011): Foreign direct investment in provinces: A spatial regression approach to FDI in Vietnam.
Espinosa, Miguel and Forero, German and Villaneda, Felipe (2011): The practice of the auction theory: The Colombian case.
Esposito, Francesco Paolo (2011): Credit risk tools, (numerical methods for finance, university of Limerick 2011).
Esposito, Piero and Paradiso, Antonio and Rao, B. Bhaskara (2011): The dynamics of French public debt: Paths for fiscal consolidations.
Esposito, Piero and Paradiso, Antonio and Rao, B. Bhaskara (2011): The dynamics of Spanish public debt and sustainable paths for fiscal consolidation.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): Benoit Mandelbrot (1924 - 2010): A Greek among Romans. Forthcoming in: Journal History of Economic Ideas , Vol. XIX, (February 2011): pp. 1-6.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): Benoit Mandelbrot (1924 - 2011 ) : A Greek among Romans. Published in: History of Economic Ideas / Fabrizio Serra Editore / Pisa - Roma , Vol. XIX, No. 1 (17 April 2011): pp. 1-13.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): The Carnapian Aufbau model: epistemology of the sense-data.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): Financial crises, asymmetric information and argumentation.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): Heuristic Schelling: economy of organized crime.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): Reconstruction of concept of Paradigm in Thomas S. Kuhn.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): Theory of financial risk.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): The logic of the violence in the civil war: the armed conflict in Colombia.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): The paths of coffee: A brief economic history of coffee in Colombia. Published in: Credencial Historia, Banco de la Republica , Vol. 261, No. IV (September 2011): pp. 1-16.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): The power to tax. Published in: Journal Economic Research Guardian , Vol. I, No. 1 (6 September 2011): pp. 1-14.
Estrada, Fernando (2011): The visual model of the Aufbau.
Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2011): Costos de transacción en biotecnología.
Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2011): The transaction costs in biotechnology.
Etem Hakan, Ergeç and Bengül Gülümser, Arslan (2011): Impact of Interest Rates on Islamic and Conventional Banks: The Case of Turkey.
Etkes, Haggay (2011): The impact of employment in Israel on the Palestinian labor force (2005–08). Published in:
Evans, Martin and Giang, Long and Nguyen, Cuong and Tran, Tam and Vu, Linh (2011): Social Assistance Policy in Vietnam: Issues In Design And Implementation, and Vision For Reforms.
Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): Knowledge cluster formation as a science policy: lessons learned.
Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): Penang as a knowledge hub. Published in: Penang Economic Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 11 (1 June 2011): pp. 36-38.
Evers, Hans-Dieter and Karim, Azhari (2011): The Maritime Potential of ASEAN Economies. Published in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs , Vol. 30, No. 1 (15 April 2011): pp. 117-124.
Evers, Hans-Dieter and Karim, Azhari (2011): The maritime potential of ASEAN economies. Published in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs , Vol. 30, No. 1 (15 April 2011): pp. 117-124.
Ewa, Lechman (2011): Catching-up and club convergence from cross-national perspective. A statistical study for the period 1980-2010. Forthcoming in:
Ewa, Lechman (2011): Economic growth dynamics across countries. Published in: Series and Monographs. Macro and Microeconomic Problems in Theory and Practice (December 2011)
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Faggini, Marisa and Parziale, Anna (2011): Fitness landscape and tax planning: NK model for fiscal federalism.
Fahim, Muhammad Amir (2011): Impact of water scarcity on food security at macro level in Pakistan.
Fahim, Muhammad Amir (2011): Impact of water scarcity on food security at meso level in Pakistan.
Fahim, Muhammad Amir (2011): Impact of water scarcity on food security at micro level in Pakistan.
Faisal Sultan Qadri, Faisal and Dr. Abdul Waheed, Waheed (2011): Human Capital and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan. Published in: Pakistan Business Review , Vol. 1, No. Jan 2011 (2011): pp. 815-833.
Faisol, Nasruddin and Jaafar, Harlina Suzana (2011): The development of long term relationships between consultants and project managers in construction supply chain in Malaysia. Published in: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL), Berlin, Germany (July 2011): pp. 547-554.
Fakhri, Hasanov and Khudayar, Hasanli (2011): Why had the Money Market Approach been irrelevant in explaining inflation in Azerbaijan during the rapid economic growth period? Published in: Middle Eastern Finance and Economics No. Issue 10 : pp. 136-145.
Falch, Torberg and Fischer, Justina AV (2011): Welfare state generosity and student performance: Evidence from international student tests.
Falk, Martin and Peng, Fei (2011): The increasing service intensity of European manufacturing.
Fallahi, Firouz (2011): Convergence of Total Health Expenditure as a Share of GDP: Evidence from Selected OECD Countries.
Fan, Jianqing and Liao, Yuan and Mincheva, Martina (2011): Large covariance estimation by thresholding principal orthogonal complements.
Fantazzini, Dean and Geraskin, Petr (2011): Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Log Periodic Power Laws for Bubble Modelling but Were Afraid to Ask. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Finance
Fantazzini, Dean and Hook, Mikael and Angelantoni, André (2011): Global oil risks in the early 21st century. Forthcoming in: Energy Policy
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): Cross-ownership and stability in a Cournot duopoly.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): Efficient bargaining versus right to manage: a stability analysis with heterogeneous players in a duopoly with quantity competition and trade unions.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): An OLG model of growth with longevity: when grandparents take care of grandchildren.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): Stability analysis in a Bertrand duopoly with different product quality and heterogeneous expectations.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): Stability analysis in a Cournot duopoly with managerial sales delegation and bounded rationality.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): Stability in a Cournot duopoly under asymmetric unionism.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): The codetermined firm in a Cournot duopoly: a stability analysis.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): The dynamics of a Bertrand duopoly with differentiated products and bounded rational firms revisited.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2011): The dynamics of a differentiated duopoly with quantity competition.
Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca and Tramontana, Fabio (2011): Endogenous lifetime, accidental bequests and economic growth.
Faria, Weslem Rodrigues and Haddad, Eduardo A. (2011): Estimação das Elasticidades de Substituição do Comércio Regional do Brasil.
Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza (2011): Military spending and economic growth: the case of Iran.
Fatica, Serena (2011): Preferences for redistribution, the size of government and the tax system.
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Faundez, Sebastian and Mulder, Nanno and Carpentier, Nicole (2011): Productivity growth in Latin American manufacturing: what role for international trade intensities? Published in:
Fazio, Giorgio and Maltese, Enza and Piacentino, Davide (2011): Estimating Verdoorn law for Italian firms and regions.
Faíña, Andres / A. and Lopez-Rodriguez, Jesus / J. and Varela, Laura / L. (2011): Nontaxable income and necessary consumption: the Rousseau’s paradox of fiscal egalitarianism.
Feeney, Katie and Brass, Daniel and Kua, Dominic and Yamamoto, Atsushi and Tourneboeuf, Elisabeth and Adams, David (2011): IMPACT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND NATURAL GAS VEHICLES ON THE ENERGY MARKETS. Published in:
Feige, Edgar L. (2011): New estimates of U.S. currency abroad, the domestic money supply and the unreported Economy. Forthcoming in: Crime Law and Social Change No. April, 2012 (April 2012)
Feige, Edgar L. and Cebula, Richard (2011): America’s Underground Economy: Measuring the Size, Growth and Determinants of Income Tax Evasion in the U.S.
Feige, Edgar L. and Cebula, Richard (2011): America’s unreported economy: measuring the size, growth and determinants of income tax evasion in the U.S. Forthcoming in: Crime, Law and Social Change No. April, 2012 (April 2012)
Fenske, James (2011): Does land abundance explain African institutions?
Fenske, James (2011): "Rubber will not keep in this country": Failed development in Benin, 1897-1921.
Fenske, James (2011): "Rubber will not keep in this country": Failed development in Benin, 1897-1921.
Fenske, James and Bharadwaj, Prashant (2011): Partition, migration, and jute cultivation in India.
Ferlito, Carmelo (2011): Garrison's Capital-Based Macroeconomics: The Role of Deficit, Credit Control and Taxation. Published in: Public Finance: Lessons from the Past and Effects on the Future (2012): pp. 105-122.
Ferlito, Carmelo (2011): Sylos Labini's Unpublished Notes on Schumpeter's Business Cycles. Published in: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , Vol. 14, No. 1 (April 2011): pp. 88-129.
Fernandes, Cristina and Ferreira, João and Marques, Carla (2011): KIBS Innovation Management Capability in Rural Portuguese Regions: Empirical Evidence. Forthcoming in: Service Business
Fernandes, Cristina and Ferreira, João and Marques, Carla (2011): Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Intensive Business Services: An Empirical Study.
Fernández-Avilés, G and Montero, JM and Mateu, J (2011): Mathematical Genesis of the Spatio-Temporal Covariance Functions. Published in: Journal of Mathematics and Statistics , Vol. 1, No. 7 (2011): pp. 37-44.
Ferrara, Ida and Missios, Paul (2011): A Cross-Country Study of Household Waste Prevention and Recycling: Assessing the Effective of Policy Instruments. Published in: Land Economics , Vol. 88, No. 4 (2012): pp. 710-744.
Ferrari, Filippo (2011): Chronically dissatisfied: work characteristics, personal expectations and job satisfaction: empirical evidence in young italian workers.
Ferrari, Filippo (2011): Lo sviluppo delle competenze nei contesti precari.
Ferrari, Tatiana and Biage, Milton and Da Silva, Sergio (2011): Impacts of China’s growth on the Brazilian trade. Published in: Applied Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 20 (2011): pp. 965-972.
Filip, Alina (2011): New product development in business to business marketing - a relational perspective. Published in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management, Cluj-Napoca, 17th-19th of March 2011, ISBN 978-973-662-614-2. , Vol. -, No. - (17 March 2011): pp. 421-424.
Filippou, Miltiades and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis (2011): Developing a hybrid comparative optimization model for short-term forecasting: an ‘idle time interval’ roadmap for operational units’ strategic planning.
Filippou, Miltiades and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis (2011): Developing a short-term comparative optimization forecasting model for operational units’ strategic planning.
Filippova, Irina (2011): Институциональная матрица: отказ от экономического детерминизма. Published in: Вісник СНУ ім. В. Даля No. 8 (162) (2011): pp. 255-266.
Filippova, Irina and Sumcov, Victor (2011): ІНФЛЯЦІЯ І ПЕРЕРОЗПОДІЛ ДОХОДУ В УКРАЇНІ. Published in: Часопис економічних реформ No. 3 (2011): pp. 10-17.
Filis, George and Degiannakis, Stavros and Floros, Christos (2011): Dynamic correlation between stock market and oil prices: The case of oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. Published in: International Review of Financial Analysis , Vol. 3, No. 20 (2011): pp. 152-164.
Filiztekin, Alpay (2011): Education-occupation mismatch in Turkish labor market.
Filiztekin, Alpay (2011): Social returns to education in a developing country.
Finke, Michael and Pfau, Wade Donald and Williams, Duncan (2011): Spending flexibility and safe withdrawal rates.
Fiodendji, Komlan (2011): Should Canadian Monetary Policy Respond to Asset Prices? Evidence from a Structural Model.
Fioramanti, Marco (2011): Knock-on effect of non-manufacturing regulation on manufacturing sectors efficiency and productivity.
Fiorillo, Damiano (2011): Household waste recycling: national survey evidence from Italy.
Fiorillo, Damiano and Nappo, Nunzia (2011): Job satisfaction in Italy: individual characteristics and social relations.
Fiorillo, Damiano and Sabatini, Fabio (2011): Structural social capital and health in Italy.
Fiorillo, Damiano and Sabatini, Fabio (2011): Structural social capital and health in Italy.
Firl, Daniel J. (2011): Modeling healthcare quality: life expectancy SURS in the G7 countries and Korea.
Fischer, Justina (2011): Living under the ‘right’ government: does political ideology matter to trust in political institutions? An analysis for OECD countries.
Fischer, Justina A.V. and Torgler, Benno (2011): Do Positional Concerns Destroy Social Capital: Evidence from 26 Countries.
Flaschel, Peter and Fröhlich, Nils and Veneziani, Roberto (2011): The sources of profitability.
Fleischer, Tamás (2011): Sustainable mobility at the EU level – and the new transport White Paper. Published in: Proceedings of the SoNorA University Think Tank Conferences; Mathias Gather (ed.); Attila Lüttmerding (ed.) ISSN 1868-8411 No. 7 (2011): pp. 17-28.
Fleten, Stein-Erik and Haugstvedt, Daniel and Steinsbø, Jens Arne and Belsnes, Michael and Fleischmann, Franziska (2011): Bidding hydropower generation: Integrating short- and long-term scheduling. Published in: 17th Power System Computation Conference (August 2011)
Flores, Manuel and Vaillant, Marcel (2011): Dinámica de la especialización en América Latina: fragmentación de la producción y sofisticación de las exportaciones. Published in: Estudios Económicos , Vol. XXVIII, No. 56 (June 2011): pp. 57-85.
Flynn, Sean Masaki and Greenberg, Adam Eric (2011): Does weather actually affect tipping? an empirical analysis of time series data. Forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Foremny, Dirk (2011): Vertical aspects of sub-national deficits: the impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy in European countries.
Fornalczyk, Anna (2011): Competition protection and Philip Kotler’s strategic recommendations. Published in: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies , Vol. Vol. 2, (2011): pp. 11-23.
Fosgerau, Mogens (2011): How a fast lane may replace a congestion toll. Published in: Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 45, (January 2011): pp. 845-851.
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Hammouda, Nacer-Eddine and Souag, ali (2011): Y-a-t-il une discrimination salariale à l'encontre des migrants d'origine Africaine en France ? Published in: Les migrations Africaines : Droits et politiques (2011): pp. 99-119.
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Haque, Nadeem and Ahmed, Vaqar and Shahid, Sana (2011): Reforms for competitive markets in Pakistan.
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Harashima, Taiji (2011): A Mechanism of Inflation Differentials and Current Account Imbalances in the Euro Area.
Harashima, Taiji (2011): A Model of Total Factor Productivity Built on Hayek’s View of Knowledge: What Really Went Wrong with Socialist Planned Economies?
Harashima, Taiji (2011): A mechanism of cyclical volatility in the vacancy-unemployment ratio: what is the source of rigidity?
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Hardt, Lukasz and de Jong, Maarten (2011): Improving the quality of governance in Poland through performance based budgeting. Published in:
Harin, Alexander (2011): Интервальный анализ распределений и разрывы.
Harin, Alexander (2011): Theorem of existence of ruptures for mean values on finite numerical segments. Discrete case.
Harin, Alexander (2011): The theorem of existence of the ruptures in probability scale and the basic question of insurance.
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Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Can co-workers motivational efforts pave the way for morale and job commitment for employees? Published in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences No. 43 (2011): pp. 168-171.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Effects of Business Embedded & Traditional Training Models on Motivation. Published in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011): pp. 236-244.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Effects of Deceptive Advertising on Consumer Loyalty in Telecommunication Industry of Pakistan. Forthcoming in: Information Management and Business Review
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): The Effects of Supervisor-Subordinate Genders on Subordinates’ Involvement Across Managerial Functions. Published in: Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2011): pp. 314-324.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Empirical Conclusion from the Managerial Perception for the Various Multi-Brands Strategies and their Implementations. Published in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences No. 39 (2011): pp. 66-70.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Managerial Handling of Employee Resignation on Work Environment. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 61, No. 4 (2011): pp. 482-486.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Managerial Social Wisdom: A major facet for Employee Turnover Intentions, Work Commitments and Manager-Subordinate Relationships. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Relationship between Various Employee Performance Recognition Techniques and Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from the Restaurant Industry of Pakistan. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Social Science
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Which Matters the Most for the Trading Index? (Law and Order or Weather Conditions). Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 72 (2011): pp. 46-51.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Distance matters (evidence from the game of cicket). Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Marketing is all about taking money from customers (an application of Tobit model). Forthcoming in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): New Article of Clothing translates the Mood of an Individual. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Business and Social Science
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Not all employees are Real Professionals. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Plastic Money/Credit Cards Charisma for Now and Then (A Thin Line between Easy Money and Risky Money). Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 62, No. 1 (2011): pp. 123-127.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Research Methodologies for Management Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research in Contemporary World. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Scientific Research
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Various stages of faith in human psychology. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Social Science
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Waste Management in the Various Municipalities of Various Socio-Economic Conditions (An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan). Published in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences No. 39 (2011): pp. 152-156.
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): An investigation of granger causality between tax revenues and government expenditures. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Scientific Research
Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Raheem, Saquib (2011): Measuring Customer Delight: A Model for Banking Industry. Published in: European Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 22, No. 4 (2011): pp. 510-518.
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Diminishing balance model for Islamic home finance: Final version. Published in: Journal of Islamic Finance & Banking, Karachi , Vol. 30, No. 3, July-September 2011 (October 2011)
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Islamic house financing: Current models and a proposal from social perspective. Published in: Journal of Islamic Finance & Banking, Karachi , Vol. 30, No. 3, July-August 2011 (September 2011)
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Islamic house financing:current models and a proposal from social perspective.
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Money creation and control from Islamic perspective.
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Money creation and control from Islamic perspective. Published in: Review of Islamic economics , Vol. 15, No. 1 : pp. 93-111.
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Riba in La-riba contracts: where to turn in Islamic home financing?
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Riba in La-riba contracts:where to turn in Islamic home financing?
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Scarcity, self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle. Published in: No. IRTI: IDB Laureate Lecture Series 2014 : pp. 1-25.
Hasan, Zubair (2011): Scarcity, self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle.
Hasanat Shah, Syed and He, Bin and Li, Junjiang (2011): The Causality and Economic Impact of FDI inflows from Trade Partners in Pakistan.
Hasanov, Fakhri (2011): Relationship between inflation and economic growth in Azerbaijani economy: is there any threshold effect? Published in: Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences , Vol. 1, No. No1 (June 2011): pp. 1-11.
Hasegan Mares, Gabriela Adina (2011): Obtaining, developing and preserving human resources.
Hashem, Nawar and Ugur, Mehmet (2011): Product-market competition, corporate governance and innovation: evidence on US-listed firms.
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Hatemi-J, Abdulnasser (2011): Asymmetric generalized impulse responses and variance decompositions with an application.
Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2011): Health for Development: A District Level Study in West Bengal. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Applied Economics & Econometrics
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Hattori, Keisuke (2011): Optimal Environmental Policy under Monopolistic Provision of Clean Technologies.
Hattori, Keisuke and Kitamura, Takahiro (2011): Endogenous Timing in Strategic Environmental Policymaking.
Hatzinikolaou, Dimitris and Simos, Theodore (2011): A new test for deficit sustainability and its application to US data. Forthcoming in: Empirical Economics
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Haupert, Michael and Murray, James (2011): Regime switching and wages in major league baseball under the reserve clause.
Havas, Attila (2011): ERAWATCH country reports 2010: Hungary.
Havas, Attila (2011): Governing policy processes and foresight. Published in: G. Banse, A. Grunwald, I. Hronszky & G. Nelson (eds) [2011]: On Prospective Technology Studies, Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing (31 October 2011): pp. 1-18.
Havas, Attila (2011): Multiple futures for higher education in a multi-level structure. Published in: Curaj, A., Scott, P., Vlasceanu, L., Wilson, L. (eds) [2012]: European Higher Education at the Crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and National Reforms, Heidelberg: Springer (May 2012): pp. 965-993.
Hazans, Mihails (2011): Labor market integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia. Published in: Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.), Ethnic diversity in European labor markets: Challenges and solutions, Cheltenham – Northampton: Edward Elgar (2011): pp. 163-197.
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He, Qichun (2011): Does Growth Cause Financial Deregulation in China? An Instrumental Variables Approach.
He, Qichun (2011): Home-bias Politics, Financial Deregulation and Economic Growth: A Causal Relationship.
He, Qichun (2011): Weather, fertility, and land: land curse in economic development in a unified growth theory.
He, Qichun (2011): The impact of the distribution of property rights on inventions on growth: a two-representative-agent model with asymmetric information.
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Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2011): Municipal mergers and special provisions of local council members in Japan. Published in: The Japanese Political Economy , Vol. 40, No. 3-4 (2 October 2014): pp. 96-116.
Hirota, Keiko and Shibuya, Satoshi and Sakamoto, Shogo and Kashima, Shigeru (2011): A methodology of estimation on air pollution and its health effects in large Japanese cities. Published in: Air Quality Monitoring and Modeling - In Tech , Vol. Chapte, No. ISBN 978-953-51-0161-1 (2012): pp. 145-166.
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Horga, Ioan (2011): Communication and Information Studies Curricula – Instrument for the Internal and External Cross-Border Communication of the EU. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. 12, No. Communication and European Frontiers : pp. 21-31.
Horga, Ioan (2011): Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Education in the Curricula of European Studies. Published in: Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union Eastern Border No. Supplement of Eurolimes (2011): pp. 19-28.
Horga, Ioan (2011): European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition. Published in: European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition No. Supplement of Eurolimes (2011): pp. 5-13.
Horga, Ioan (2011): Multilevel Governance (MLG) and Subsidiary Principle in White Paper of MLG of the Committee of the Regions (COR). Published in: Regional and Cohesion Policy Insights into the role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design (2011): pp. 158-165.
Horga, Ioan and Ivan, Adrian and Bărbulescu, Iordan Gheorghe (2011): Regional and Cohesion Policy - Insights into the Role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design. Published in: Regional and Cohesion Policy - Insights into the Role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design (2011): pp. 5-11.
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Hosseini, Seyed Mehdi and Ahmad, Zamri and Lai, Yew Wah (2011): The Role of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Index in China and India. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance
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Hsiao, Chih-Ru (2011): A Review on Liao’s Dissertation Entitled “The Solutions on Multi-choice Games” and Related Publications.
Hsieh, Chee-Ruey and Liu, Ya-Ming and Chang, Chia-Lin (2011): Endogenous technological change in medicine and its impact on healthcare costs: evidence from the pharmaceutical market in Taiwan.
Hsu, Minchung (2011): Health insurance and precautionary saving: a structural analysis.
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Huang, Zongye (2011): Structural Transformation under Trade Imbalances: the Case of Postwar U.S.
Huck, Steffen and Zhou, Jidong (2011): Consumer behavioural biases in competition: A survey.
Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Ahmad, H. Mushtaq and Rehman, Kashif-Ur- and Safwan, Nadeem (2011): Factors influencing intention to create new venture among young graduates. Published in: Africa Journal of Business Management , Vol. 5, No. 1 (4 January 2011): pp. 121-127.
Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Azam, Rauf i and Humayoun, Asad Afzal (2011): Cause related marketing and its impact on sales: mediating by brand loyalty and customer purchase intention. Published in: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIICS , Vol. 131, No. 5 (2012): pp. 468-476.
Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Batool, Iram and Niazi, Ghulam Shabbir Khan and Rehman, Ijaz ur (2011): Investment appraisal techniques and constraints on capital investment. Published in: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIICS , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012): pp. 27-33.
Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Niazi, Ghulam Shabbir Khan and Akbar, Syed Waqar and Rehman, Kashif-Ur- (2011): Application of finance techniques: an empirical analysis of pakistani corporate sector. Published in: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIICS No. 9 (2011): pp. 394-404.
Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Niazi, Ghulam Shabbir Khan and Khan, Hashim (2011): Relationship between decision making styles and consumer behavior. Published in: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIICS , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2012): pp. 21-26.
Hunte, C.K (2011): The Equation of Exchange: A Derivation. Published in: The American Economist , Vol. LVII, No. Number 2 (2012): pp. 210-215.
Husain, Anwar Hussain and Khattak, Naeem Ur Rehman Kjhattak (2011): Economic Analysis of Sugarcane Crop in District Charsadda. Published in: Journal of Agriculture Research , Vol. 49, No. 1 (2011): pp. 153-163.
Husain, Zakir and Dutta, Mousumi and Ghosh, Sriparna (2011): Contraceptive use among illiterate women in India: does proximate illiteracy matter?
Husain, Zakir and Dutta, Mousumi and Saha, Manashi (2011): Gender disparities in primary education across siblings: is intra household disparity higher in regions with low child sex ratios?
Hussain, Adnan and Mubin, Muhammad and Lal, Irfan (2011): Exchange rate Volatility and Interest rate Risk: In the case of Pakistan. Published in: Kashmir Economic Review , Vol. 19, No. 2
Hussain, Anwar Hussain and Farid, Asif Farid and Hussain, Shah Hussain and Iqbal, Sajid Iqbal (2011): The Future of Budgetary Allocation to Sports Sector in Pakistan: Evidences from Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Published in: Journal of Managerial Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011): pp. 111-124.
Hussain, Babar (2011): Testing the law of one price in gram markets of Pakistan.
Hussain, Babar and Fahim, Muhammad Amir and Sajid, Muhammad (2011): Testing the law of one price in gram markets of Pakistan.
Hussain, Babar and Fahim, Muhammad Amir and Sajid, Muhammad (2011): Testing the law of one price in gram, mash and masoor markets of Pakistan.
Hutchison, Michael and Sengupta, Rajeswari and Singh, Nirvikar (2011): Dove or Hawk? characterizing monetary regime switches during financial liberalization in India. Published in: Emerging Markets Review , Vol. 16, (1 September 2013): pp. 183-202.
Huynh Truong, Huy (2011): The economic transition and migration of Vietnam and the Mekong Delta region. Published in: CAS Discussion Paper No. 78 (December 2011): pp. 1-22.
Hwang, Sunwoo and Kim, Woochan (2011): Managerial entrenchment of anti-takeover devices: quasi-experimental evidence from Korea. Published in: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal No. 22 (2013): pp. 14-36.
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Hyytinen, Ari and Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Toivanen, Otto (2011): The return-to-entrepreneurship puzzle.
Hyytiäinen, Kari and Huhtala, Anni (2011): Combating eutrophication in coastal areas at risk for oil spills. Forthcoming in: Annals of Operations Research No. DOI 10.1007/s10479-011-0879-2
Häseler, Sönke (2011): Collective action clauses in sovereign bonds. Published in: Sovereign Debt: From Safety to Default
Häseler, Sönke (2011): Individual enforcement rights in international sovereign bonds.
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Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2011): Oeconomicus vs. Academicus din perspectiva diacronică a relaţiei între ciclurile Kondratieff şi reformele structurale ale învăţământului superior.
Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2011): Provocări și tendințe ale învățămantului superior în contextul globalizării (literature review).
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Ioannidis, Yiorgos (2011): Ρυθμίζοντας την απορρύθμιση: μια κριτική δεύτερη ματιά στην ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική απασχόληση.
Ioannidis, Yiorgos (2011): Employment in the Keynesian and neoliberal universe: theoretical transformations and political correlations.
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Iqbal, Javed and Rehman, Muhammad and Ur-Rehman, Hafeez (2011): Nonlinearity In Inflation, A Case of Pakistan. Published in: Pakistan Economic and Social Review , Vol. 49, No. 1 (21 July 2011): 01-12.
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Isaac, Sánchez Juárez (2011): Una interpretación sobre el bajo crecimiento económico en México. Published in: Estudios Regionales en Economía, Población y Desarrollo. Cuadernos de trabajo de la UACJ , Vol. 1, No. 1 (3 January 2011): pp. 1-32.
Islahi, Abdul Azim (2011): Economic and Financial Crises in Fifteenth-Century Egypt: Lessons From the History. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 21, No. 2 (November 2013): pp. 71-92.
Islam, Asif (2011): Police and Crime Against Firms in Developing Economies.
Islam, Faridul and Adnan Hye, Qazi Muhammad and Shahbaz, Muhammad (2011): Imports-economic growth nexus: ARDL approach to cointegration.
Islam, Faridul and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Alam, Mahmudul (2011): Financial development and energy consumption nexus in Malaysia: A multivariate time series analysis.
Islam, Faridul and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Shabbir, Muhammad (2011): Phillips curve in a small open economy: A time series exploration of North Cyprus.
Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Datta, Rajib (2011): Organizational models in university-industry collaboration: international perspective. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Research , Vol. 3, No. 5 (18 September 2012): pp. 1-12.
Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Datta, Rajib (2011): A study on job satisfaction and morale of commercial banks in Bangladesh. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Research , Vol. 3, No. 4 (31 August 2012): pp. 152-172.
Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Moolio, Pahlaj (2011): Borda voting is non-manipulable but cloning manipulation is possible. Published in: International Journal of Development Research and Quantitative Techniques , Vol. 2, No. 1 (30 June 2012): pp. 28-37.
Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Moolio, Pahlaj (2011): Output Maximization Subject to a Nonlinear Constraint. Published in: KASBIT Business Journal , Vol. 4, No. 2 (31 December 2011): pp. 116-128.
Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Paul, Joly (2011): Taxes on Cars and Gasoline to Control of Air Pollution: Suggested Models for Bangladesh. Published in: Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 2 (30 June 2011): pp. 60-73.
Islam, Shahidul and Manaloor, Varghese (2011): Teaching introductory economics to students of different majors: Challenges and opportunities. Published in: Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice , Vol. 12, No. 1 (2012): pp. 56-65.
Islas-Camargo, Alejandro and Cortez, Willy W. (2011): How relevant is monetary policy to explain Mexican unemployment fluctuations?
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Muhammad, Javid and Qayyum, Abdul (2011): Foreign Aid-Growth Nexus in Pakistan: Role of Macroeconomic Policies.
Muhammad, Nasir and Muhammad, Shahbaz (2011): War on Terror: Do Military Measures Matter? Empirical Analysis of Post 9/11 Period in Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz (2011): Electricity Consumption, Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus: A Revisit Study of Their Causality in Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Faridul, Islam and Muhammad Sabihuddin, Butt (2011): Devaluation and income inequality: Evidence from Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Faridul, Islam and Muhammad Sabihuddin, Butt (2011): Financial Development, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions: Evidence from ARDL Approach for Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Faridul, Islam and Naveed, Aamir (2011): Is devaluation contractionary? empirical evidence for Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Lean, Hooi Hooi (2011): Does Financial Development Increase Energy Consumption? Role of Industrialization and Urbanization in Tunisia.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Lean, Hooi Hooi (2011): The Dynamics of Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth:A Revisit Study of Their Causality in Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Lean, Hooi Hooi and Muhammad, Shahbaz Shabbir (2011): Environmental Kuznets Curve and the role of energy consumption in Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Mihai, Mutascu and Parvez, Azim (2011): Environmental Kuznets Curve in Romania and the Role of Energy Consumption.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Muhammad, Nasir Malik and Muhammad, Shahbaz Shabbir (2011): Does economic growth cause terrorism in Pakistan?
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Muhammad, Shahbaz and Qazi, Muhammad Adnan Hye and Muhammad, Shahbaz Shabbir (2011): Does Corruption Increase Financial Development? A Time Series Analysis in Pakistan.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Samia, Nasreen and Talat, Afza (2011): Environmental consequences of economic growth and foreign direct investment: evidence from panel data analysis.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and Tiwari, Aviral and Muhammad, Nasir (2011): The effects of financial development, economic growth, coal consumption and trade openness on environment performance in South Africa.
Muhammad, Shahbaz and V G R, Chandran and Pervaiz, Azeem (2011): Natural gas consumption and economic growth: cointegration, causality and forecast error variance decomposition tests for Pakistan.
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Muhammad, Shahbaz Shabbir and Muhammad, Zeshan and Muhammad, Shahbaz (2011): Renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions nexus: a structural VAR approach in Pakistan.
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Mukhopadhyay, Ujjaini and Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2011): Economic liberalization, gender wage inequality and welfare – a theoretical analysis.
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Mussa, Richard (2011): Household expenditure components and the poverty and inequality relationship in Malawi. Published in: African Development Review , Vol. 26, No. 1 (March 2014): pp. 138-147.
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Musso, Fabio (2011): Small retailing, town centres and inland territories: An “Extended Town Centre Management” perspective. Published in: Public Administration & Regional Studies , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2011): pp. 37-58.
Musso, Fabio and Francioni, Barbara (2011): Foreign Markets Entry Mode Decision for Italian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Published in: International Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 7, No. 2 (16 January 2012): pp. 3-16.
Mutascu, Mihai (2011): Compulsory voting and tax revenues.
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Mutascu, Mihai and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Tiwari, Aviral Kumar (2011): Revisiting the relationship between electricity consumption, capital and economic growth: Cointegration and causality analysis in Romania.
Mutascu, Mihai and Tiwari, Aviral and Estrada, Fernando (2011): Taxation and political stability. Forthcoming in:
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Muñoz, Mª Pilar and Márquez, María Dolores and Sánchez, Josep A. (2011): Contagion between United States and european markets during the recent crises. Published in: Aestimatio. The IEB International Journal of Finance No. 2 (July 2011): pp. 1-24.
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Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Административнонаказателна отговорност за маловажно нарушение на трудовото законодателство. Published in: Юридически сборник на Бургаски свободен университет – Център по юридически науки. Том ХVІІІ. Бургас: Бургаски свободен университет. ISSN 1311-3771 (2011): pp. 189-194.
Стайков, Ивайло (2011): За някои от промените в Кодекса за социално осигуряване от края на 2009 година. Published in: Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция с международно участие на Национален военен университет „В. Левски”, 23-24 юни 2011 г. Том ІV – Социални, стопански и правни науки. В. Търново: ИК на НВУ „В. Левски”. ISSN 1314-1937 (2011): pp. 67-75.
Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Зачитане на осигурителен стаж със заплащане на осигурителни вноски от лицата (анализ на чл. 9а от Кодекса за социално осигуряване). Published in: Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция с международно участие на Национален военен университет „В. Левски”, 23-24 юни 2011 г. Том ІV – „Социални, стопански и правни науки”. В. Търново: ИК на НВУ „В. Левски”. ISSN 1314-1937 (2011): pp. 67-75.
Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Относно заемането на академичната длъжност „асистент“ по действащото законодателство. Published in: Световната криза и България – правни аспекти. Сборник с доклади от Национална научна конференция, гр. София, 6 декември 2010 г. С.: УИ „Стопанство”. ISBN 978-954-644-239-0 (2011): pp. 70-80.
Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Трудовоправни аспекти на Закона за развитието на академичния състав в Република България. Published in: Съвременното право – проблеми и тенденции. Сборник с доклади от Националната научно-практическа конференция по случай 20-годишнината на сп. „Съвременно право”, гр. София, 19 октомври 2010 г. София: Сиби. ISBN 978-954-730-662-2 (2011): pp. 347-367.
Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Правна характеристика и предмет на правна уредба на Закона за установяване на трудов и осигурителен стаж по съдебен ред. Published in: Юбилеен сборник на департамент „Право” посветен на 20 години на Нов български университет. София: Издателство на НБУ и Издателство "Фенея". ISBN 978-954-9499-83-4 (2011): pp. 211-227.
Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Историческо развитие на правната уредба на установяването на трудов и осигурителен стаж по съдебен ред. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет – 2011. Том 50, серия 7 – Правни науки. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция РУ & СУ ’11. Русе: Издателство на РУ „Ангел Кънчев”. ISSN 1311-3321, (2011): pp. 29-33.
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